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ChaseOuyy last won the day on December 22 2021

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  1. I kind of had a stroke reason and as this is true, this is was the staff app is for. It's for people to give feedback on the player for his qualities and if it matches the qualities of a needed staff. Just my opinion though...
  2. About the "friends" thing, I'm sure it's good to be open to all sides to listen to anyone and especially during a sit. Regardless about higher ups and guidance, Silence is one of the only mature people I know that genuinely contribute and love the server. He's rarely mean and has good enough knowledge of the rules to be T-mod. I think he would be good part of the mods so this is a +1
  3. +1 - Seen you a couple times in game and nothing big happened - Good answers - Good playtime - Chill
  4. +1 Every time I see Ozy in game, I have only had good interactions. He knows a lot of the rules well enough and seems invested into what the server offers!
  5. +1 Regardless of the playtime, you know to thoroughly read through rules and seem mature. Though I haven't seen you ingame, I can tell you would be a good mod.
  6. +/- (leaning + heavily) The rules seem to be good for the most part. I haven't seen you in game much but I'm nor really in game much. The times I've seen you it's been good interactions.
  7. +1 Cool person, never had a toxic interaction and has a lot of playtime. He did get some rules wrong but come on that it the easiest part of a mod to help.
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