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xSnowBallx last won the day on January 9 2021

xSnowBallx had the most liked content!

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  1. whats with the bird in the background lol not that its annoying i love birds
  2. if you wanna know dm me on discord @ xSnowBallx#8915
  3. the human cannon was a marvel of garry science, and the video documenting it has been sitting unlisted for about a year and four months, and i think its a decent time to publicize it. this showcases a funny glitch that highlights the fact that the physgun freeze can be unfrozen while you still hold someone. this is also very useful for rdming without a record btw my staff broskis 😉 have fun:
  4. lmao apparently discord login got me into my old account lmao
  5. -1 Im sorry i have to leave this, but today you were really tilted and being toxic in ooc because people kept placing hits on you. You say that you are mature, but i'm afraid that I have to disagree with that.
  6. -1 It may only be me but I have only had bad experiences with you ingame. You feel pretty mingey and I don't really see you as fit for staff.
  7. +1 Was a really good and chill staff back on ret. You didn't put in that many hours on ret but you still managed to be extremely well known and you were awesome to rp with. Put in a few more hours and you'll bee one of the best staff here.
  8. My birthday is 12/23, got nothing. Woke up today, still nothing. life is pain.
  9. Yeah I was just joking around. Thanks for the birthday wish. 😃
  10. Sorry if I annoyed you when you were staff, I feel I've gotten better now though. Thanks for the +1.
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