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Gabe Itch

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Posts posted by Gabe Itch

  1. -1 for this. I bank A LOT and it is literally the only task they have to do other than trying to get people to put printers in the bank. I like that there’s responsibility of it as well, if you don’t maintain them you lose money. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, TangoDown said:

    Words can't even be said as to how I feel about this behavior by you Haze_of_dream. It is clear you think you know better then Every one here and Frankly I would have told you "Its commonly known" and Perhaps your right that there should be more specificity in regards to the rule that the mayor is allowed to demote who ever he wish too. If you don't like something about the rules You can post on the forums in the suggestion section of the forums. You clearly have the aptitude for critical thinking but using Your intelligence to try and bull dog your way to what ever you want Is not going to be Something you will find works in your favor.



    TangoDown hits the nail on the head here.

    -1 pooshi is good at what he does.

  3. 1 hour ago, DreadnaughtV2 said:

     it would just absolutely destroy the economy to trade up a bunch of cheap items to get really cheap legendaries

    I feel like if it was made with somewhat correct values it could be made so it’s not game breaking, like 100 rares gets you an epic, 50/75 epics get you a legendary, IMO that’s not cheap. It may be cheap NOW with the market being flooded but once this would be in place people would realize that they can sell their things for a bit higher value, which would clean up the market and give some worth to those items that stagnate in the market and players inventory’s because they’re either not worth the time to try and sell or everyone has so there’s no market.  


    50 minutes ago, TangoDown said:

    I belie some where I posted the Idea of being able to "Sell Back" items for a % based on the rarity. So stuff that is over flooded in the market place can be "sold back to the server" for a little bit of money would help increase the value. That needs to be added IMO

    If the trade up contract is not possible then I think this should be added. I think this would solve the same issues +1^

    going to add this into the body of the original post. 

  4. Suggestion: add a "trade up contract" feature  if possible

    Link To Relevant Addons: N/A

    Media/Screenshots/Videos: N/A

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: i think this would be super useful so people can trade up all of the crap items they have, i think this would also help out with the market being full of crap. since the new vape came out the market is flooded with vapes and they just wont really sell so the market will most likely just be full of them for a while if not ever. adding the trade up contract would be a good way for players to get rid of some of the junk in their inventory that would be otherwise basically worthless. this would also give some of the junk on the market a use, so the market shouldn't be constantly flooded as much.


    if this is unable to be added, another suggestion that tango added that would solve the same issue of the market/personal inventories being flooded would be an option to sell things back to the market for a % based off of their rarity. 

    I know that this really isn’t an issue other than with vapes but I feel like it would be a great addition to the server. 

  5. 4 hours ago, BullhussSwagtastic said:

    Well yeah fair enough but 123.321.0.12 isnt much of a ddos threat 

    -1 This is pretty toxic IMO. if I was someone that was younger and more naive and didn’t know what my IP was, or someone that didn’t know how an IP usually looks I’d think that this could be a legitimate threat, and nobody should have to worry about something like that. 

    after seeing his edit and also other good points from other people im changing to +1 for a ban reduction. especially if he has actually been banned for a few months already.

  6. Suggestion: if possible please add timestamps to this new chat

    Link To Relevant Addons:

    Media/Screenshots/Videos: image.png.0a06d68b33126d8e06d98e7abf00588e.png

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?:

    ive noticed that the new chat doesnt have timestamps this was nice because:

    - you can use that to track when your 10 minute raid timer is over

    - to tell raiders when their 10 minute timer is almost up.

    - use it to see if someone that is repeatedly raiding you is waiting the 20 minutes / 10 for pd

    - keep track of then your 20 minute raid cool down is up

    i could make this list longer but i don't want to over explain as i have a habit of doing sometimes.


  7. 2 hours ago, Pooshi said:

    +1 While I do agree that the ammo count could probably be increased, it shouldn't conflict with gun dealer ammo crates imo. If the increase is kept reasonable, I'm all for it.


  8. +/- for buying multiple from the shelf. It would be super convenient if I could stock my inventory off of the shelf, But I do also understand that it gets rid of the RP scenario of buying shipments.  

    but I will +1 for the part of it sending a message or something to you saying that you already own one and not letting you buy another rather than it just taking your money. 

  9. i want to +1 this really bad, but because the police chief is only a 1 person job, i can think of many ways that this can cause potential issues. yeah the mayor can just demote but that usually causes some conflict and its not really cool to just demote someone so your " friend" or whoever can get that job, which i feel something like this would lead to a lot of that.

    maybe instead, allow the mayor to remove props from the PD.

  10. +1 for this ^. i would also like to add in the fact that the banker is one of the fewer jobs that requires person to person RP situations to actually get the printers. banking for those 5 hours with ballin, attracting people down to the bank, getting the printers, and explaining to the people that didnt understand that bankers cant steal their money was seriously a good time, but its such of a grind to start making any "decent" money. i think that because it is a RP dependent job it should definitely make much more money.

    i also feel like when people know they have a safe place to put their printers so they can make money while engaging in some RP situations or do whatever and not have to worry about a base it makes things more fun for everyone and cuts down a little on the 8hr base campers.

    whether its a pay buff or a % of the money from the printers that are banked, without that i feel like it will remain a job that is "not worth it" to 99% of people.

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