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    • Solid application and I can only think of one nitpicky thing to point out: RDM on Aether covers both damaging a player and also killing a player. The difference is that if someone damages for no valid reason you are allowed to retaliate and kill them with no repercussion, and you'd still be allowed to report them for RDM. You are correct that if they kill you and you come back to kill them then you've also RDM'd, and as you point out in either instance it's best to just make a sit. So far my interactions with you have been positive and you don't have any active warns. You also seem to get along with others from what I've seen. My only concern is it looks like you only recently came back to Aether less than a week ago and I'd like to see if your activity stays steady or not and also to see some further interactions. For now I'm going to say +/- and so long as you stay with a clean record and continue to be active I'd be willing to change it to +1. Good luck!
    • AetherNetwork Staff Application In-Game Name (List ALL variations, if accepted your Forum/Discord name will be changed to your most used one): Heroin Abuser, Ban Age: 22 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:101533348 Discord Tag: bannabl3 (798829514430873610) Total Playtime (24 hours/1 day REQUIRED): 1 Week 5 Days 19 Hours 16 Minutes Timezone: EST Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/bannable666 Times you're most active (If you have a unpredictable schedule let us know): 3PM-4AM (I tend to have a crappy sleeping schedule) General Questions How can you contribute to Aether?: I feel like I can contribute by Putting a lot of my time into the server, I've been staff members in other communites (FiveM, Garry's Mod, Discord Servers) with that I have a good amount of experiences being a staff member in different kind of area's. I'm pretty active in all kinds of hours that the current staff team isn't as much active. I try to be a welcoming player to new people who've recently joined the server and trying to help out any way I can to new players, or even existing ones that I'm able to. I always ask questions before making informed decisions/responses to make sure what I'm saying it correct. Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?: Yes. Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to?: Absolutely. Are you certain you will be able to staff consistently every week whilst holding this position?: Yes. DarkRP Rule Questions Give an example of RDM: If Jerry decides to walk to Jimmy and shoot him without any kind of previous interaction with Jimmy, Or an any kind of RP Scenerio. Give an example of NLR:   Say if Jerry is raiding Jimmy, when Jerry kills Jimmy in the mist of the raid and he decides to come back instantly without a 3 minute timer, He has broken NLR (However if Jimmy adverts Over, he may return back to his base before the 3 minute timer) How many entrances does your base need?: One working entrance that still goes in line with all other basing rules What sign would a player place on their base to avoid being raided whilst having no raidables?: They would require a Building/RP Only sign If you get RDM'd are you allowed to kill the RDMer back without repercussions?: No, it would be considered Revenge killing, you're best course of action is making a staff ticket using @ in chat and letting staff know what's going on If your party member gets damaged are you allowed to kill the attacker?: Yes, Per rule, if any type of scenario happens your party members can defend you at any time Give an example of a Staff abusing their powers: If a Staff member decides to noclip into Jimmy's base for no reason other then to provoke someone, Using places that's inaccessible for regular players to place raidables. Extra Comments: When viewing my steam profile, I do have vac bans, I know some people might see that and be off put by it and its understandable, I have nothing respect if you see that and see me unfit for having a past of cheating, If i could go back in the past and never did that i would, Tainting my profile sucks, but i must own up to my mistakes in the past. Also i used to be active back in 2020/2023 and recently coming back 🙂, I was gonna wait until Wednesday to put this out honestly, But with the lack of staff members online/active during the night, I decided to put this out now, I have plans on being active everyday and still contribute. Thank you for reading my friends and family at Aether Network 🥰
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