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Jouaram last won the day on January 11

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Jouaram's Achievements

  1. Winners rolled! - @Rebel @BTJ @Eggzy You will be DMed shortly, congratulations and merry christmas to all!
  2. ACCEPTED I believe you have a good chance at being a solid staff member if you put in the effort, thanks for waiting patiently; good luck! Your assigned Mentor is: @ThiccYe YOU ARE REQUIRED TO FINISH A TRAINING SESSION WITH YOUR MENTOR BEFORE TAKING SITS, IF YOUR MENTOR DOES NOT REACH OUT TO YOU OFFERING THIS SESSION REPORT IT TO ME IMMEDIATELY SO I CAN GET IT SET UP. Keep an eye out for a ping in #rookie-barracks on Discord for further information. Staff Handbook Link T-Mod Initiation Sheet (MUST READ)
  3. Moved this to garrys mod discussion because it does not deserve to be in the dumpster
  4. AetherNetwork.gg Christmas Giveaway! To enter, join our Steam Group and reply to this thread stating why you should win! For a BONUS entry post a Festive screenshot you've taken on the server, if it has no UI showing and is a good quality it may be featured on the loading screen forever! 3 Winners will be chosen 24th December 2024! Three Winners Receive: -A Custom Discord Rank. -$500,000,000 in-game cash. -Premium OR 250,000 Aether Bucks. If you are selected as the winner but are not in the Steam Group your win will be re-rolled. Any posts that are not an entry will be removed.
  5. ACCEPTED You are a pretty chill player and from what I've seen you have the potential to be a good Staff member, and your timezone will help us out on the odd hours as well; I hope you do well & good luck! Your assigned Mentor is: @dr. snortthisperc YOU ARE REQUIRED TO FINISH A TRAINING SESSION WITH YOUR MENTOR BEFORE TAKING SITS, IF YOUR MENTOR DOES NOT REACH OUT TO YOU OFFERING THIS SESSION REPORT IT TO ME IMMEDIATELY SO I CAN GET IT SET UP. Keep an eye out for a ping in #rookie-barracks on Discord for further information. Staff Handbook Link T-Mod Initiation Sheet (MUST READ)
  6. ACCEPTED I'm happy you are once again interested in Staffing as it'll be great to have you back - you have spotty playtime but I trust that you knew you'd be able to be reasonably active before applying. Welcome back!
  7. ACCEPTED We haven't interacted too much but I hear good things about you, that & you staying interested in the server with the long period between a response makes me believe you deserve a shot. Good luck! Your assigned Mentor is: @ThiccYe YOU ARE REQUIRED TO FINISH A TRAINING SESSION WITH YOUR MENTOR BEFORE TAKING SITS, IF YOUR MENTOR DOES NOT REACH OUT TO YOU OFFERING THIS SESSION REPORT IT TO ME IMMEDIATELY SO I CAN GET IT SET UP. Keep an eye out for a ping in #rookie-barracks on Discord for further information. Staff Handbook Link T-Mod Initiation Sheet (MUST READ)
  8. ACCEPTED You have waited patiently for a response to this application and have stayed consistently active during this time, I believe you have a good mindset towards being Staff on Aether - as long as you understand when not to mess around it should go well. Good luck! Your assigned Mentor is: @dr. snortthisperc YOU ARE REQUIRED TO FINISH A TRAINING SESSION WITH YOUR MENTOR BEFORE TAKING SITS, IF YOUR MENTOR DOES NOT REACH OUT TO YOU OFFERING THIS SESSION REPORT IT TO ME IMMEDIATELY SO I CAN GET IT SET UP. Keep an eye out for a ping in #rookie-barracks on Discord for further information. Staff Handbook Link T-Mod Initiation Sheet (MUST READ)
  9. Updated Kidnapping Rules: Kidnappers must offer a valid ransom to kidnapped players if they are left alone for any amount of time, if the Kidnapper does not offer a ransom whilst leaving the player alone the kidnapped player can suicide and end the gameplay interaction. (This rule has been clarified to allow kidnapped players to suicide if they are not given a ransom whilst not being interacted with by the kidnapper.) Updated Basing Rules: You must have your shoulders and above visible and damageable when shooting at raiders and raiders must have their shoulders and above visible and damageable when shooting at basers. (This rule's wording has been changed to 'shooting' instead of 'damaging' so players who are shooting RPGs/Grenades etc can shoot them then unpeak whilst it explodes/damages.)
  10. ACCEPTED I believe you've shown that you are actually willing to help out the server and have a good mindset towards this, I have minor concerns about messing around too much but I also believe you'll understand what's acceptable and what's not acceptable. I hope you do well, good luck! Your assigned Mentor is: @dr. snortthisperc YOU ARE REQUIRED TO FINISH A TRAINING SESSION WITH YOUR MENTOR BEFORE TAKING SITS, IF YOUR MENTOR DOES NOT REACH OUT TO YOU OFFERING THIS SESSION REPORT IT TO ME IMMEDIATELY SO I CAN GET IT SET UP. Keep an eye out for a ping in #rookie-barracks on Discord for further information. Staff Handbook Link T-Mod Initiation Sheet (MUST READ)
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