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Everything posted by Jouaram

  1. Updated Party Rules: Party Rules Party members cannot raid or steal from other party members. PD and Bank jobs are considered 'in a party' - if you switch off a PD job you must wait the timer below before raiding PD and if you switch off a Bank job you must wait the timer before raiding Bank. After leaving or being kicked from a party there is a 15 minute cooldown before being able to raid the party’s base. If you remove a player from your party you must give them their raidables.
  2. ACCEPTED We have had a talk about previous scenarios that were holding this app back and I am happy enough with the outcome to let you have a shot back on the team as a Trial Moderator and see if changes can be made. I hope you do well as you are a good member of the Community, good luck! Your assigned Mentor is: @Donnie YOU ARE REQUIRED TO FINISH A TRAINING SESSION WITH YOUR MENTOR BEFORE TAKING SITS, IF YOUR MENTOR DOES NOT REACH OUT TO YOU OFFERING THIS SESSION REPORT IT TO ME IMMEDIATELY SO I CAN GET IT SET UP. Keep an eye out for a ping in #rookie-barracks on Discord for further information. Staff Handbook Link T-Mod Initiation Sheet (MUST READ)
  3. ACCEPTED You are a solid member of the Community who I believe has good intentions; I am surprised that you tried out for staff but in a good way and I am curious to see how you do. Good luck! Your assigned Mentor is: @dr. snortthisperc YOU ARE REQUIRED TO FINISH A TRAINING SESSION WITH YOUR MENTOR BEFORE TAKING SITS, IF YOUR MENTOR DOES NOT REACH OUT TO YOU OFFERING THIS SESSION REPORT IT TO ME IMMEDIATELY SO I CAN GET IT SET UP. Keep an eye out for a ping in #rookie-barracks on Discord for further information. Staff Handbook Link T-Mod Initiation Sheet (MUST READ)
  4. ACCEPTED You have been a long-term and loyal player towards Aether, your Community responses reflect this with majority being positive; I am very curious to see how you do as Staff so show us what you have got! Good luck Your assigned Mentor is: @Donnie YOU ARE REQUIRED TO FINISH A TRAINING SESSION WITH YOUR MENTOR BEFORE TAKING SITS, IF YOUR MENTOR DOES NOT REACH OUT TO YOU OFFERING THIS SESSION REPORT IT TO ME IMMEDIATELY SO I CAN GET IT SET UP. Keep an eye out for a ping in #rookie-barracks on Discord for further information. Staff Handbook Link T-Mod Initiation Sheet (MUST READ)
  5. The firework machine disaster 😭
  6. ACCEPTED You have great activity along with great Community feedback, we've only interacted a couple of times but I believe that the Community is all for you getting a chance at showing us what you've got. Good luck! Your assigned Mentor is: @dr. snortthisperc YOU ARE REQUIRED TO FINISH A TRAINING SESSION WITH YOUR MENTOR BEFORE TAKING SITS, IF YOUR MENTOR DOES NOT REACH OUT TO YOU OFFERING THIS SESSION REPORT IT TO ME IMMEDIATELY SO I CAN GET IT SET UP. Keep an eye out for a ping in #rookie-barracks on Discord for further information. Staff Handbook Link T-Mod Initiation Sheet (MUST READ)
  7. ACCEPTED You haven't received much Community feedback but based on our interactions I believe you have the right mindset to become a good Staff on Aether as you seem like a chill and fun player. Good luck! Your assigned Mentor is: @Donnie YOU ARE REQUIRED TO FINISH A TRAINING SESSION WITH YOUR MENTOR BEFORE TAKING SITS, IF YOUR MENTOR DOES NOT REACH OUT TO YOU OFFERING THIS SESSION REPORT IT TO ME IMMEDIATELY SO I CAN GET IT SET UP. Keep an eye out for a ping in #rookie-barracks on Discord for further information. Staff Handbook Link T-Mod Initiation Sheet (MUST READ)
  8. AetherNetwork.gg Summer Giveaway! To enter, join our Steam Group and reply to this thread stating why you should win! For a bonus entry post a funny/entertaining clip from the server! (If your clip is 0 effort it will not count) - You can post a clip later on after your original entry. 3 Winners will be chosen 1st September 2024, Good Luck! Three Winners Receive: -A Custom Discord Rank. -$800,000,000 in-game cash. -Premium OR 100,000 Aether Bucks.. If you are selected as the winner but are not in the Steam Group your win will be re-rolled. Any posts that are not an entry will be removed. If you already have a Custom Discord Rank another player will be RANDOMLY selected to receive your role!
  9. Updated Kidnapping Rules: Kidnapping Rules The maximum ransom you can demand is $5,000,000. -> The maximum ransom you can demand is $12,500,000.
  10. This does not go for you @Enzodo not post what you have made.
  11. Very nice, it's cool you can see the dates these were created here
  12. ACCEPTED Due to the time it's been since you were last staff and the uncertainty's that come with it I have requested you start back at T-Mod, however you will have the possibility of your mentor pushing you up sooner if deemed more than capable of staffing. Good luck! Your assigned Mentor is: @Donnie YOU ARE REQUIRED TO FINISH A TRAINING SESSION WITH YOUR MENTOR BEFORE TAKING SITS, IF YOUR MENTOR DOES NOT REACH OUT TO YOU OFFERING THIS SESSION REPORT IT TO ME IMMEDIATELY SO I CAN GET IT SET UP. Keep an eye out for a ping in #rookie-barracks on Discord for further information. Staff Handbook Link T-Mod Initiation Sheet (MUST READ)
  13. You have been gone for a little while but just outside of the length that I'd require re-testing, although you should make sure you have 100% re-read all the documents, handbook and ask any questions you have! Welcome back, accepted!
  14. Re-rank accepted, make sure to catch up on all handbook/rule documents and ask any questions you have! Welcome back!
  15. Updated Basic Rules: Basic Rules NLR (New Life Rule) restricts you from interacting with the player(s) who caused your previous in-game death for 3 minutes from your death. After being killed by another player the gameplay situation between you ends. If you die defending a base you cannot defend that base or enter the base until NLR is over. Hits do not apply NLR and the victim can return immediately.
  16. Updated Building Rules: Building Rules All jobs (With the exception of mob jobs) can build 1 raidable base and 1 RP-Only base per party. For Police the PD counts as their raidable base, for Bankers the Bank counts as their raidable base. Bank and PD can utilize as many keypads as the tool lets them. RP-Only bases can be built anywhere other than sidewalks. If building in the street there must be a clear accessible way to get past the base, this also applies if building in any type of tunnel or map shortcut that is not a dead-end. Raidable bases can be made anywhere other than on or above the street, sidewalk, sewer walkways or fountain. The only exception to building on the sidewalk is to create rooftop access, decorative non-obstructive props or if utilizing mob-based jobs (see below). Mob-based jobs such as Russians and Italians can own up to 4 bases as long as they have at least 5 players actively basing and using the job, each base owned have their own separate keypad/door limit. These mob mega-bases can utilize building on sidewalks as long as they own the property of where they are building and it does not block off any part of the map or public entities.
  17. It got removed pretty quickly and unexpectedly
  18. This is under garrys mod discussion so I won't lock it, but hopefully staff resolved your issue since this post
  19. ACCEPTED Although starting back off at t-mod may feel like a blow I do feel this is the route to go due to previous circumstances, if you give it your all and prove you're capable of staffing again you'll be able to move back up the ranks. Good luck! Your assigned Mentor is: @Donnie YOU ARE REQUIRED TO FINISH A TRAINING SESSION WITH YOUR MENTOR BEFORE TAKING SITS, IF YOUR MENTOR DOES NOT REACH OUT TO YOU OFFERING THIS SESSION REPORT IT TO ME IMMEDIATELY SO I CAN GET IT SET UP. Keep an eye out for a ping in #rookie-barracks on Discord for further information. Staff Handbook Link T-Mod Initiation Sheet (MUST READ)
  20. ACCEPTED I am happy you've shown an interest in staffing again however due to the time since you last staffed I have discussed with you taking up a t-mod phase so we can make sure there are no issues that need to be addressed, good luck! Your assigned Mentor is: @dr. snortthisperc YOU ARE REQUIRED TO FINISH A TRAINING SESSION WITH YOUR MENTOR BEFORE TAKING SITS, IF YOUR MENTOR DOES NOT REACH OUT TO YOU OFFERING THIS SESSION REPORT IT TO ME IMMEDIATELY SO I CAN GET IT SET UP. Keep an eye out for a ping in #rookie-barracks on Discord for further information. Staff Handbook Link T-Mod Initiation Sheet (MUST READ)
  21. Updated Police Department Rules: Police Department Rules Illegal activity must be followed by an arrest unless the player is wanted or raiding, you can fast-wanted a player by right clicking with the nightstick whilst looking at them. If the player is wanted or raiding you can KOS them or arrest them.
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