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AetherNetwork Rule Updates


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Updated Police Department Rules: 

  1. The Mayor can approve of up to 2 tolls around the map. 
    • The tolls must have an accessible keypad that is not more than $500,000 in cost.
    • Tolls are able to be built on any land other than someone else's owned property. 
    • If a player intentionally skips the toll you can make them wanted and then take action.
    • If there is no Mayor there can be no tolls. 
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Updated Kidnapping Rules:

  1. Kidnappers must offer a valid ransom to kidnapped players if they are left alone for any amount of time, if the Kidnapper does not offer a ransom whilst leaving the player alone the kidnapped player can suicide and end the gameplay interaction.
    • (This rule has been clarified to allow kidnapped players to suicide if they are not given a ransom whilst not being interacted with by the kidnapper.)

Updated Basing Rules:

  1. You must have your shoulders and above visible and damageable when shooting at raiders and raiders must have their shoulders and above visible and damageable when shooting at basers. 
    • (This rule's wording has been changed to 'shooting' instead of 'damaging' so players who are shooting RPGs/Grenades etc can shoot them then unpeak whilst it explodes/damages.)
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