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Just Monika

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Posts posted by Just Monika

  1. I am all in favor of reducing the ban. So +1 to that. I know you were having fun with Baji and a few others and someone just happened to walk out at a bad time.
    The warn should stay, just obviously changed to reflect that it's a reduced ban of course. If you are going to have a friendly Deathmatch, please do it away from high traffic areas. 

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  2. 10 hours ago, Novva said:

    If you get RDM'd are you allowed to kill the RDMer back without repercussions?No, this is what staff are for.

    Wish more people had this mindset.


    Anyways, minus the issue that Zenie pointed out, I haven't interacted with you too much in game. But your app looks good. No real issues I have seen, plus having active staff in the late nights when most of us are AFK/asleep for work/busy with real life is always needed, so why not? +1


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  3. 1 hour ago, Flowers said:

    Hm, cherry blossoms maybe, sun flowers, roses, I don't know many flowers by name 

    +1 off of roses alone. A very important flower in my family. I wanna get a Rose tattoo one of these days so amazing choice

  4. Massive +1
    Honestly the server wouldn't be the same without you. You are not just known as "the guy who hosts events". You are an amazing staff, amazing mentor, and a great friend for the times we have interacted on and off the server. Having you gone just, would lose some of the heart of the community. We all make mistakes and fucked up judgement calls, and I speak for everyone when I say we want you back.

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  5. 1 minute ago, AV Madi Raven said:

    Suprised it wasnt a week ago


    I could be wrong, but James or Ballsack said "I need x weapon so it gets nerfed faster". At least I think one of them said that lol (not in reference to this weapon). Just really bad timing for the suggestion to be made sadly.

  6. AetherNetwork Bug Report

    The Bug You're Experiencing: Dikaiosune doesn't have a crosshair?

    Can you reproduce the bug, if so, how?: Just have the weapon in your hand

    Examples of the bug (images, videos): (Shown while holding the suit zoom button to do the blocking animation; since it's such a large weapon it actually doesn't show up in first person)

    Extra Comments: I actually have no idea if this is intentional or not (was gonna make a suggestion, but most other melee have some kind of a crosshair at least), but the lack of even a simple dot on your screen makes it really hard to aim if you aren't doing the ground pound attack. The sword is already kinda meh, super expensive, and is a meh mobility tool. A crosshair if possible would be nice.


  7. Hello. I'm the guy who extended your ban.

    So, the reason you were banned was for MRDM. LittleMisterMr18 pulled you to a sit, and saw in logs that you killed three players in rather quick succession (shown below). Three or more kills usually constitutes as MRDM, and we had several tickets pop up about you.

    The reason it stated it as a 1d ban at first is that TMODs are unable to ban players for longer than a day at a time. Higher staff have to extend it for the player.

    I'm glad that you are sorry now, but personally I cannot justify you coming back before you ban is up.



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  8. 1 hour ago, Ballsack said:

    I believe he’s talking about the defender being kidnapped through the base not the attacker, but i’ve never heard of a time this has happened

    Funny you say that. This is the exact reason why this post was made in the first place lmao. All three Bankers/Guards were kidnapped through a gap in the wall, someone came in an just robbed the bank scot free. I was there to witness it, and the rules stated this is allowed as the Kidnapper didn't have to raid to get them.

  9. So this might not be true for other staff, but I swear 70% of the sits I tend to get are due to the kidnapping job. Just my personal experience.
    To me, I just wish the job was removed entirely. Too many opportunities to minge, but I know some people actually like playing this job so removing the job probably isn't in the question.
    I think the biggest thing is the time between kidnapping new victims. Having one at a time can ruin ideas I have seen people have with forced fight clubs or "human zoos" to name a few. Maybe a cooldown like the Mug Swep has could work, where you could kidnap only one person before you cannot use the cuffs for a bit. 
    I'm not sure on how to go about changing the job because I know a lot of people like it, but it needs a rework. Especially with the fact that today all the bankers got kidnapped by someone (sorta their own fault though because they left a huge ass gap in the wall but I digress) and couldn't do anything as another guy came in and raided it.
    +1 for me personally.

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