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Posts posted by Xrel

  1. ★彡 AetherNetwork.gg 彡★

    • In-Game Name: Xrel
    • Age: 17 going on 18
    • Steam IDSTEAM_0:1:188094373
    • TimezoneCST
    • Are you applying for Staff on DarkRP or CustomRP?: DarkRP


    DarkRP Questions

    If you are applying for DarkRP, delete the CustomRP questions.

    • How can you contribute to Aether Network?There are a plethora of ways that I can improve the staff team on Aether Networks, this includes a mature and chill person who has a good work ethic and can dedicate plenty of time answering questions from the community or taking care of reports. I can also provide a long history of staff experience on vast amounts of servers and different games that I can use in my favor to deal with almost any situation thrown at me. I am very adept with my knowledge of moderation and management and I can deal with almost every type of personality I come across, I'm very adaptive to new environments and I can learn very quickly.
    • What is RDM?RDM stands for Random Death Match which occurs when someone kills you without proper RP reason.
    • Raids can last how long?10 minutes.
    • What initiates a raid?After all player(s) from a party or solo have adverted raid and either killed the owner or initiated to lockpick/keypad-crack or bomb a door open.
    • If the owner of the base is standing outside as you're about to raid, can you kill them?If the person is in range to interfere with the raid you may kill them.
    • List 3 default Laws of The Land: Do not break into other's homes | Do not kill in public | Money printers/drugs are illegal
    • How many bases can you own per party?: Only one base per party.
    • A player is refusing to co-operate with you in a staff sit, how do you handle the non-cooperative player?Depending on the severity of how the player is acting I would first try to calm down the individual and give them a chance to give their side while respecting the other player, if they're mic spamming I would proceed to verbally warn them first and if they continue I would gag them. If the player is leaving the sit I would jail them and proceed until the sit is finished. And lastly, if a player has any problems with the punishment I've given them I would inform them on how to make a report and return them to prevent unneeded drama.


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