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Posts posted by InernetGaems.qcow2

  1. In Game Name: inernetGaems.qcow2

    SteamID: https://steamcommunity.com/id/BluEyedDevil1/

    Who Banned You: Snowman Mrblondee

    Ban length: 3 Days

    I was wrongfully banned for MRDM, NITRP 

    for the NITRP an hour gameplay beforehand with friends building a printer base says otherwise, and the MRDM happened when me and my friends entered a building that had at least a dozen people inside with a KOS sign out front, but I entered with friends and tried to keep it cool and not enter gun blazing. but within our little exploration we discovered a BitCoin Miner inside, but we still were trying to keep it cool. at some point someone said they were going to shoot people in the building and my friend called it out saying you heard him say he was going to kill us you heard that right in voice chat. in my mind, "Within RP" Fearing for my life I pulled my weapon and shot everyone in the room including my friend because I did not know who or what had a weapon and who or what was going to kill me for all I know everyone in the room was just going to start shooting. I was fighting for my life man. Also not to mention the several people that same night who kept RDM'ing over and over and were only getting slaps on the wrist if not no warning or talking to whatsoever.

    If you need more proof, I do have video evidence that I can upload to YouTube and send someone's way.


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