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Posts posted by DogeJPG

  1. DogeMoney

    SteamID: 76561199013577845

    Wet Willy


    This guy had called me a retard and told me to kill myself essentially. This happened after an antlion even had spawned and i ran over with my grapple hook of which i kinda suck at controlling, unfortunately i had flew into this guy using an explosive projectile weapon and he had killed himself, but he was still able to get back in time for the rewards. Afterwards another antlion had spawned but this time on the pvp island, the dude who had killed himself ran up to me and started bombarding me with questions and wouldnt let me answer for myself so i told him to calm down and killed him (wasnt RDM because we are on PVP Island) he comes back and just starts spam killing me, and i wasnt able to get the rewards, I then proceeded to call him out and ask him why he did it, and then" your fucking pissed cause i accidentally ran into your god damn projectiles, and you came back AND STILL got the reward" he then proceeds to pm me "youre the crack baby who wants to rdm me in the first place since you cant explain your brain dead actions, go drown in a puddle you fucking retard." 20230430234951_1.jpg.7877fb68d6c8b600d91ced5e3c6c7291.jpg IF you cant see the image, its really low quality for no reason, im always active on discord. DogeJPG#8011

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