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Posts posted by wiggy

  1. 1 minute ago, Aidan said:

    He'll be warned for RDM but other than that you're most likely not getting unbanned.

    Why -1 both things? That counterdicts the situation?

    From how it seems (from you): Carterr can be toxic and "harras" me but Wiggy cant be toxic and "Harras" people

    Theres 0 harrassment in both cases. for the record just I was banned for harrassment and thats the reason I put it in the reason.

  2. Just now, mobbing said:

    dude you need to accept your ban


    Carterr, You got mad over a situation that was deal with by staff lmfao. I'm now reporting you for the exact thing you reported me. If I took that evidence to loz you would be banned and ban app would be granted.

    Thats "Probably" whats gonna happen to me.

    Its double standards and saying this makes it dumb af.

  3. 1 hour ago, Aidan said:

    Also I'm gonna actually change my response, You have previous warns for this same sort of thing, I don't think you should be unbanned. -1


    Now, What carter said he should be warned for that but discord dms are outside of the server, but what he said on the aether discord should be punishable by a warn for toxicity but I still think you should stay banned.


    I had a previous report for harassments because it was a staff member of my that was a friend.

  4. 1 hour ago, Aidan said:

    -1 You said shit to him he said shit to you, I think maybe an unban would settle this and make it fair for both players.

    ??? Did you read the report at all?

    *Edit: Sorry wrong post. Your right this post is shit, but the reason i posted it is double standards for my unban app.

  5. In-Game Name: wiggy

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:99332559

    Who Banned You: Loz

    Proof Of Ban: https://images.tkms.us/j7a9v9km.png

    Why Should You Be Unbanned: Did nothing, He created a sit on me about me switching jobs **after** he raided me and then I typed that


    (PM) wiggy: your hella mad
    (PM) wiggy: stay mad hoe
    [Advert] Dr Coomer: :cancel:ILLEGALS DETECTED - POLICE RAID INC!:cancel:
    Dr Coomer ordered a search warrant for Demise™. Reason: Illegal contraband detected.
    You have bought SMG Ammo (x120) for $20.
    You have bought SMG Ammo (x120) for $20.
    !CF - Judgge have made a coinflip worth $228,730
    [Aether Trivia] The first person to type 'dejavu' receives $25,000 and +500xp!
    (PM) wiggy: online raid me puss

    and if this is harrassment and toxic then this



    must be fine 🤷‍♂️


    and not to mention he rdmed me in a sit whilst i was afk 


    . My toxicity is litteraly just trying to get him to raid me because he raided me whilst I was raiding a different dude and got mad because I gave my friend my bitcoin farmer. One of the dumbest bans every. I know loz is new to staffing ( i think ) but honestly. This is dumb asf

    5 minutes past before i was banned: https://streamable.com/86jdln



  6. 10 hours ago, Jouaram said:

    I feel like this won't change the process at all, people already give either + support or - support and they're all looked at by myself and can sway the final decision. 

    If you're meaning the poll is the final decider then I go against that as it can very easily be abused by people with lots of friends and could've gotten many, many cancer people into the staff team.


    From what it seems like hes just wants polls on staff applications as a easier way for the community to show thier opinion.

  7. Describe your suggestion:  Make the warning system how it used to. After 1 Week or 1 Month your warnings "expire" as in they don't count for your next punishment. You can make mistakes and its just annoying to get a jail for rdm when you crossfire somebody. 

    Link To Relevant Addons (If Any):

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: This will help keep and maintain players

    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, dezzperezz69 said:

    When once was I aiming at the floor? And I can assure you if I was hacking im smart enough to at least turn body shot on lol...

    The only time you used the python and hit heads were in raids, where it was blatantly ob that you were cheating.

  9. 1 minute ago, dezzperezz69 said:


    Second clip watch your grey line, It will always be smooth for players, It blatantly snapped. the first time and the second time (abit)

  10. Just now, dezzperezz69 said:

    Do you have as screengrab... Or a clip of me snapping to somebody? Hell one of your staff already had a sit with me and concluded I wasn't cheating lmao... @Jouaram

    Not mistaken but I have heard over many players that you have "admitted" to that its screengrab proof (impossible to screengrab). Wouldn't doubt it either.
    He can also ban anybody that he wants, You got recording of your game play? (Full desktop view)

  11. 10 hours ago, StrikersGamingTV said:

    In-Game Name:[2H-36] T. Fleming


    Evidence: If it is needed I will cut my vod down, Beth literally witnissed half of it. 

    Reported Player Name:Satan

    Reason For Complaint:Mass disrespect.

    I don't think disrespect is really a complaint reason, If you have told him to stop after him going purposefully after you, then that can be consider harassments. But that's about it tbh.

  12. Describe your suggestion

    Please add back custom jobs, They did no harm and were epic. (Same system please)

    Character Models need to be restricted tho Only 1 model and it can't be short or tall must be a normal gmod model height.

    Please remove /job command.

    Link To Relevant Addons (If Any): Retriubtionrp.org

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: EZ Money for jouaram

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