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Posts posted by antronzii

  1. Today I got raided and it was a fairly long raid; however I did not know how long the raid was lasting. It's not like we set timers exactly when we get raided and I think it would be a good improvement on raids.  I think it would be a good idea to publicly put timestamps on all adverts, and it could potentially make sits faster with these kinds of situations.  :classic_cool:

  2.  AetherNetwork.gg Staff Application

    • In-Game Name (List ALL variations): Antronzii
    • Age: 23
    • Steam ID (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:0:26280531
    • Discord Tag: antronzii#5414
    • Total Playtime (Type !time in-game): 2w 4d 18h 26m
    • Timezone: EST
    • Steam Profile (a link)https://steamcommunity.com/id/Antronzii_Cryzt/
    • Times you're most active (The rough times you are able to be most active): 5:00 PM - 3:00 AM all throughout the week.

    DarkRP General Questions

    • How can you contribute to Aether?: I am on very often and I have read the rules several times; therefore I will be able to fairly give out warnings / bans for players. I 
      also will encourage that new players read the rules during sits and tell them exactly how to pull up the server rules and answer any questions regarding the rules. I have made
      many friends on the server during my playtime and I think the players will appreciate my presence as a staff. 
    • Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible? (Yes/No): Yes
    • Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to? (Yes/No):  Yes
    • Are you certain you will be able to staff for several hours a week? (Yes/No): Yes

    DarkRP Rule Questions

    • Raids can last how long?: 10 minutes at max. The raid can be finished earlier if possible.
    • What initiates a raid?: Typing in chat using the /advert command with a message. Ex: /advert PD raid. Pd raids must be specifically stated and must be
      in the beginning of the message. All members in a raid party must use an advert as well.
    • If the owner of the base is standing outside as you're about to raid, can you kill them?If they are within a close proximity of the base, yes. Especially
      if they are attempting to come in or have weapons out and you're within the 10 minute raid time. 
    • List 3 default Laws of The Land: Drugs are illegal. Murder is illegal. Shooting guns in public is illegal.
    • How many bases can you own per party?: 1. Any more is considered mega basing. 
    • A player is refusing to co-operate with you in a staff sit, how do you handle the non-cooperative player?: I would start by freezing the player in place, seeing if the player is willing to verbally communicate with microphone or by typing. At this point, proceed to explain why they were pulled to the sit, the reasons why their decisions impact the players / server and then tell them to read the rules via the !motd command. If this cannot happen due to mic spamming or insulting / profanity I would simply mute them and proceed to explain the same stuff stated previously. Depending on the actions of the player at the given moment and previous warnings / bans would determine the overall penalty. 
    • You see another staff member abusing their power (Give an example of a staff abusing and how you would handle it/who you would contact):  I would very likely record the event as much as possible and show the video to any and all staff (owner, higher-up, admin, veteran, mods and t-mods) I would also make attempts to communicate with the abusing staff member and tell them to stop. A scenario of a staff abusing power would be: said staff member attempts to raid a building and gets killed, afterwards they turn on god mode / no clip into the base and proceed to break nlr and kill the owner(s) of the building. Another example would be a staff member letting their friends out of jail and stealing items for them. 
    • A player is excessively RDMing/RDAing and breaking NLR (What is RDM/RDA and NLR? How do you determine if a player is breaking any of these?): RDM is random deathmatch. It is when a player kills another player for no justifiable reason, such as: they wanted money from another player, they wanted inside of another players base etc. RDA is random arrest, which is when no illegal activities have been committed and the player has still been arrested. NLR is "new life rule" which means that after a player is killed during a raid in wherever the raid is, they cannot return to the area after 3 minutes.
      Someone breaking this rule might run into a base and kill the raiders, or take the products that are being stolen during the raid.  

    Extra Comments:classic_cool:

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  3. Reptile dysfunction and I were discussing a cult leader / dictator that could take over PD by killing the mayor and run the city differently. I think it would be fun and I bet a lot of people would love the idea. From what I've noticed the players can very easily be convinced to be hive minded and I think it could have potential. Otherwise I think some sort of restaurant owner would be cool, and I've seen several groups of people already set custom jobs as restaurant managers. A cocaine / cartel job would be good too, because there already is a selection to sell coke and it would be cool to see that in use. Also a movie theater operator would be dope. 

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  4. I watched the entire situation go down. Essentially you were clearly warned about the props that you were spawning. You were told to remove the blocking path because it was against the rules. Victus told you that you can build tolls but they have to be not obstructing the pathway, and that it has to be approved by the mayor, and that people were players were complaining about the toll / block. You proceeded to complain saying "the mayor doesn't care" and that "people are jumping over it and don't care about it." Even if that is true it still is not allowed in the server, hence Victus explaining to you why you needed to remove it. You then started acting extremely toxic towards Victus and telling him "if you're an admin than just remove the props!" Which he did. Your friends proceeded to start respawning the same prop over and over in the same spot that he just removed them from. You and your friends then went on a toxic frenzy and started insulting Victus in several ways which in my opinion warranted the gagging on all of you. Eventually you guys were still continuing the nasty behavior and then got banned. In my opinion, the whole situation was handled very properly by Victus. You and your whole crew were just minging and obviously didn't bother reading the rules, and you don't seem to understand why there are rules placed. If you were a server admin you should really see why this behavior should not be allowed on a server. 

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