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Posts posted by iguro

  1. 2 hours ago, Xrel said:

    I'm going to go out on a limb and give you a +1 for a couple reasons
    1. You seem very mature for your age and you seem very easy going to criticism (which is a big deal in being staff)
    2. You have stepped up your presence in-game and in-discord 
    3. I think you can adapt to the issues thrown at you as a staff

    thank you so much it really means alot to me

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  2. 1 hour ago, GoldFishie said:

    -1 You have a very nice app... Very good for never being staff before and having such low playtime on the server....

    But as others have said I don't believe that I've ever interacted with you before. Gamer tracker says you we're on the server for 20h which is where a large chunk of your game time came from and I'm just gonna assume that was from going afk.

    So yeah get out there interact with people, even if you're not on the server you can always join the discord and chat it up with people in there. That would also help people get to know who you are.

    Next time around if you don't loose interest and work on some of that stuff I'd have no problem with plus one.

    i really do appreciate your response thank you for the tips

  3. 2 hours ago, JigSawPuzzleZ said:

    -1 haven't seen you that much in game and the few times i did you were acting like a minge.

    im not going to lie i do understand that we have had few interactions but when i do i try to be funny with you because i really respect your opinion but i will stop putting you on a different level if that's what you want

  4. !!!!!!!!Sorry, the application looks normal when I edit it, But when I submit it, it goes all spaced out like that, please don't deny this for he format, I have no clue how to fix this, I was hoping you guys could just take it as this and read it, I know it's a bit confusing but it would be nice because I can't really control this problem.!!!!!!!!!!!

    •  In-Game Name (List ALL variations):Iguro/Ky
    • Age:15 ( 03/31/06)
    • Steam ID (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:1:460069953
    • Discord Tag:Ky#1247
    • Total Playtime (Type !time in-game): 2d 4h 55min
    • Timezone:EST
    • Steam Profile (a link)http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198880405635
    • Times you're most active (The rough times you are able to be most active): 1pm- 2am on weekdays and on weekends 11am- 1/2am

    DarkRP General Questions


    • How can you contribute to Aether?: I can contribute to Aether networks by being a loyal and kind staff member and being on at weird times in the night and day when there are not very many staff members on, I do very well under pressure and I want to be a staff member as I have never been staff before and I would love to be it on my favorite server 


    • Have you read the rules fully, understand, and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible? (Yes/No Yes 
    • Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to? (Yes/No): Yes I would like to be molded into an amazing staff member 
    • Are you certain you will be able to staff for several hours a week? (Yes/No): Yes 

    DarkRP Rule Questions


    • Raids can last how long?:10 minutes 
    • What initiates a raid?: What initiates a raid is adverting that you are raiding. 


    • If the owner of the base is standing outside as you're about to raid, can you kill them?: Yes you can if they are within the ability to interact with the raid.
    • list 3 default Laws of The Land: Money printers / Drugs are illegal, Do not attack other citizens except in self-defense, Do not steal or break into other people's homes..
    • How many bases can you own per party?: One party can have one base at a time (six players to a party.


    • A player is refusing to co-operate with you in a staff sit, how do you handle the non-cooperative player?: in that situation, if the player was running I would freeze them explain to them that I can't deal with the situation fairly if they don't comply with me I would talk to the other party and the none co-operative person and figure out who should be punished and punish them properly. If I was in a situation where the player is mic spamming I would gag them explain to them why I gagging them figure out the situation and punish properly.
    • You see another staff member abusing their power (Give an example of a staff abusing and how you would handle it/who you would contact): I would talk to the player and try to tell them that there not supposed to do that with their power if they don't stop I would send my recording to someone who outranks them may it be admin and I would make a report against the staff member.
    • A player is excessively RDMing/RDAing and breaking NLR (What is RDM/RDA and NLR? How do you determine if a player is breaking any of these?): A player RDMing(Random Death Match)killing a player with no reasoning, how I would deal with the situation I would look at damage logs to see if any of these RDMs were justified and I would ask for video proof if there was any if they are in fact RDM I would punish appropriately. If a player is RDAing/(Random Arrest)arresting people without reasoning, I would ask why and I would ask for video proof if there was any and then punish appropriately. if a player is breaking NLR I would check their last death location then I would check how longs it's been since they died and I would ask for video proof if there was any, I would tell them exactly what is wrong with breaking NLR, and then punish appropriately.
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