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Posts posted by Yami

  1.   ★彡 AetherNetwork.gg 彡★



    In-Game Name: Yami

    SteamID:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198804912360/ (Couldn't find Steam ID)


    Reported Player Name: ANVictus

    Reason For Complaint: So Originally, Someone named Lvxcifer said something along the lines of ,"Who wants to strip Victus?". A decent amount of people said yes. Lvxcifer did go to say hat he was a discord moderator and was to be kept away from young children as a joke. No one would say that straight up. And he took this in a way where he would go on to mute him for a day. Ok, a bit cutting the lines there and that was a bit of a harsh punishment but it's fine right? Then, he banned the same person for a week because he put a sign saying ,"Admins are buttheads". Ok, this is wayyyyy too far. If he truly gets offended by this to the point of him feeling provoked to using his admin abilities, then isn't fit for mod. After this, you see the screenshots. And you may say ,"Well they were toxic". But if he bans someone for a week after a warn of ,"OOC toxicity". For someone putting a sign saying "Butthead", just get him out of here. While people failing rp, mrdming, and other rule breaks get banned for 3 days. A 1 day mute shouldn't be a warn to a 1 Week ban

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