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Posts posted by KapKat

  1. 4 minutes ago, Canadian Maple said:

    Describe your suggestion: Make it so that people can control the Radio on their side, so they don't have to listen to the Spanish Stations and complain about it to staff WHO CAN DO NOTHING ABOUT IT.

    Link To Relevant Addons (If Any): N/A

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: Less Staff Calls for people being annoying,  and allows people to set their volume to WHAT THEY WANT IT TO BE.


    +1 I agree whole heartedly. I've gotten radio minged so many times.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Nos said:

    I kill 1 person and get perma banned because of a cry baby admin and its innocent until proven guilty idiot.

    Well, when one is toxic in the forums it leaves nothing to the imagination. And if you've already been banned, it is guilty till proven innocent. Kinda shooting yourself in the foot here my guy.

  3. -1

    - I heard Beth talking about this and it sounds like you were in the wrong.

    - You do realize the burden of proof is on *you* to provide proof you didn't do it and not Beth that has to prove you did, right?

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