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Posts posted by Chilled_Dev

  1. Hello Eggman, You were banned due to you having no valid reason to kill the mayor paired with multiple warns/bans for the same reason, Your story was that you "knew he was gonna shoot you", sadly thinking someone is going to shoot you isnt a real reason to kill them, If someone places a false warrant on you making a ticket is the correct thing to do, however just deciding to shoot them is not

  2. Hello Eggman, You were banned because you killed multiple cops after only one of the cops attacked you, none of the other cops killed were Attacking/Interacting with you in any way and Them being in a party with eachother doesnt mean you can go over to them and kill them simply because their party member did something and they are not, If you were to have just killed the attacking cop then that wouldve been fine, the problem started when you attacked the bystanders when they had done nothing to deserve it.

  3. AetherNetwork Staff Application
    In-Game Name:




    Steam ID:


    Discord Tag:


    Total Playtime:

    1week 11hours and 12minutes at the time of filling this out 



    Steam Profile:


    Times you're most active:

    I am most active around 4pm through 1am


    General Questions


     How can you contribute to Aether?:

    I can contribute by making sure sits are handled without bias and with clarity to all parties involved, but at the same time making sure players enjoy their time and have a good experience


     Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?:

    I have read the rules, understand them, and feel comfortable in my ability to enforce them correctly


     Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to?:

    Of course, any and all advice, criticism and correction i would not only listen to but try to improve on to better my ability to handle situations


     Are you certain you will be able to staff for several hours a week?:

    Absolutely, i find alot of fun in this server and spending hours to help it would be no problem at all


    DarkRP Rule Questions


    Raids can last how long?:

    A raid can last 10minutes, after 10 minutes the raid should be over and the raiders should be leaving/already out of the base


    What initiates a raid?:

    When a player adverts a raid while next to the base they are about to raid, that would initiate a raid


    If the owner of the base is standing outside on their base entrances sidewalk as you're about to raid, can you kill them?:

      Yes, if they are right outside their base entrance then they are within the interfering distance and can be killed


    List all default Laws of The Land:

    Raiding is illegal, Money printers drugs and any explosives are illegal, Bitcoin racks are illegal however the smaller bitcoin machines are legal, Causing harm to citizens is illegal (unless it is self defence), Threatening is illegal, Kidnapping/Stealing/causing harm is illegal, Shooting publicly is illegal, Laws must be AOS unless the police is in danger, Aos and Kos laws must have a 10second warning


    How many bases can you own per party?:

    Parties can only own a single base


    A player is refusing to co-operate with you in a staff sit, how do you handle the non-cooperative player?:

      Depending on how they are not co-operating, if they are purposely speaking over me/not listening i would mute/gag them until i can explain what i am trying to say, however if they are simply refusing to say their side of the story i would look at logs and see what i can figure out from there


    Can you punish a player for intentionally ruining others time, even if they say it's out of fun?:

    Yes, if they are purposely ruining another players time no matter the situation


    Give an example of a Staff abusing their powers and how you would handle it:

    An example of staff abuse would be randomly picking up players with their physgun, I would handle it by recording (getting evidence) of the abuse then reporting it to my higher ups


    A player is excessively RDMing, how would you intervene/stop them from continuing and what punishment would you give?:

    Excessively rdming if in a short amount of time would be massrdm and that would lead to a 3day ban (if first time), to stop them from continuing i would either bring and freeze them or pick them up and freeze them

    A Mayor enabled a lockdown without reason and is refusing to turn it off, how do you resolve this?:

    I would resolve this by using a command to force a lockdown to end (if that is available) then removing them from the Mayor job

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