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  1. THE AETHER CIPHER The aether cipher is a complex puzzle revolving around using hints and codes to find your way to the next stage. Certain areas will pertain codes, hidden messages, riddles, code cracking ciphers and overall analytical puzzles to solve. What you can win: - 25,000x AB - 1x Bruhvolver - 1x Omni Blade (With Shield) - 1x Mega Vape INSTRUCTIONS YOU CAN ENTER CODES BY TYPING THIS IN YOUR URL BOX: MINDOFVII.COM/*CODE* (Lets say for example you found out that the code for the puzzle was "Banana". You would put "https://www.mindofvii.com/banana" in your url.) Attached below you can find an audio file to introduce you to the course, as well as your first cipher to start on. The image may be too low quality from the forum downsizing quality. You can find the image here: https://mindofvii.com/image Special Credits: - Thank you to Tapu for recording the first cryptic audio log without knowing you were doing that 😉 - Thank you to Jman for allowing me to do my cipher aswell as help in it 😉 - Thank you to the voice actors I hired to create some amazing dialogue at certain points <33 - Good Luck. This will not end until someone has completed it. AetherCipherIntro.mp3
  2. AetherNetwork Staff Application In-Game Name (List ALL variations, if accepted your Forum/Discord name will be changed to your most used one): Bames Age: 21 Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:203529496 Discord Tag: Vii#4210 Total Playtime: 5d 15h 29m Timezone: Arizona/MST Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/AnexGraphics/ Times you're most active (If you have a unpredictable schedule let us know): Most of the time I'm working 5-10pm at work, so I'm usually on before work and after, which means I can play during late nights, right in the middle and the days where i'm off or scheduled to get off early, I can do nights pretty well. General Questions How can you contribute to Aether?: I can contribute to Aether by being an active participant in handling sits well, creating a fun and enjoyable environment where everyone feels equal and fair. I am a previous staff member as many of my Ret Friends will recall, and i'm very approachable as both a leader and a friend. I have a strong patience and understanding of how to expand my knowledge and get to the bottom of understanding a scenario. I'm also someone who doesn't believe in one side being right or one side being wrong, I like to get a fair trial for both parties, while also supplying a fair punishment without dropping them like crazy. In the past, I use my skills of mediation to try and get both parties to come to an agreeing so that neither side, the accused nor the accusee is punished as punishment usually tends for people to hold grudges. Getting players to actively participate in communication allows them to flow smoother without causing drama between groups. Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?: I have read the rules fully, understand, and feel comfortable enough enforcing them, and as I know they are in the ability to change at any given moment would absolutely like to question specific rules by the community and learn to understand them in a fuller light by seeking help as needed. Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to?: I am willing to listen to any staff member guide me as staff, as I have said above. Some people know the rules of Aether more than I do from pure staff experience, and I'm sure we will come to terms where there is discussions about rules actively and fully understanding methods of handling. Are you certain you will be able to staff for several hours a week?: Yes I am certain, I do get a bit busy, but I do enjoy Aether and staff sits are something I can handle pretty regularly. DarkRP Rule Questions Raids can last how long?: Raids are 10 minutes long once you have begun the process of raiding or trying to gain entry such as any raidable tool, or by killing/shooting at players in the base. You may not camp in the base. If a player in your party dies whilst raiding, how long do they have to wait to come back and raid the same base again?: All players including the same party members may not raid the same base until 20 minutes is over, unless you are raiding the PD then which is shortened down to 10 minutes. What initiates a raid?: Technically this is a double-stated rule in the guidelines, because the rules would state in one section that any kill or raiding object such as blowtorches, lockpicks and keypad crackers would initiate the rules since that 10 minute timer starts there however there is technically a rule stating aswell that the first attempt at lockpicking/keypad cracking the base is the initiation of the raid. If no raiding tool is being used can the player steal the item from a base without an advert?: Yes, as long as the job is permitted to steal which is listen in the description of the job in the F4 menu. For example, One time I found two afk players hiding in the hidden waterfall base. No tool was used to enter the base as nothing was built, nor was either player killed, I entered and grabbed the money, and ran without destroying said property, killing or using any raid tools. Give an example of a valid raid advert (type it as you'd type it in-game): An example of a valid raid advert would be /advert raid any other advert would not be straight to the point, in which case would confuse players and be rule breaking. If the owner of the base is standing outside on their base entrances sidewalk as you're about to raid but haven't announced a raid yet, can you kill them?: No, unless they directly try to interfere with your raid. For example, if you run into their base after adverting raid, and they follow after you into the base then you can consider that interfering or defending and slay them. If you get arrested mid-raid can you return after your arrest?: No, arrested is similar to being killed, and you treat it as a death. Raiding is illegal therefore they have proper discretion to arrest you, and you must wait the full 20 minutes to return to the base If you get RDM'd are you allowed to kill the RDMer back without repercussions?: No, you are not allowed to kill the rdmer back, as you should be taking this to admin or checking your console/chat to ensure the player isn't a hitman/assassin. This is considered Revenge RDM and is just as punishable as RDM is. However if the RDMer shoots you but does not kill you, you may kill them as they have damaged you and it is considered self-defense. A player punches somebody unprovoked and runs away, the player who got punched calls a sit - what punishment would you give the instigator?: The instigator would first be questioned as to why they attempted to cause an issue with the player such as punching, if the situation was purely a joke by the given player or to mess with the punched person. I'd then hand it off to the punched player to make a call if they wish to push it with a verbal warning or let it go. However if the player was uncooperative or mishandled the sit, I would then give them a vw for their first offense or push it to a 5 minute jail with a warning depending on escalated things became. List all default Laws of The Land: 1. Raiding is illegal. 2. Money printers, drugs and explosive are illegal. 3. Bitcoin Racks are illegal (small versions not included). 4. Harming other players is illegal unless you are defending your base. 5. Life Threats are illegal. 6. Having a gun license automatically makes all weapons on the user legal whilst holstered. 7. Kidnapping, theft and harming another player are illegal. 8. Shooting dangerous weapons in public is illegal. 9. Laws must be enforced with AOS instead of KOS unless the Police Officers life is in danger or the player is wanted. 10. Non-default Laws must be things that players have to go out of their way to do. 11. Laws that are seen as baiting kills or arrests are disallowed. 12. The Mayor can choose to make dangerous weapons legal or illegal when owned/held but no other weapon-based laws. (These laws are 24/7 with or without a mayor) How many bases can you own per party?: A party may only own one base. This also includes mega complex areas that have been turned into "shopping centers" or "communities", if you are in a party you are permitted to 1 building, not entire streets even if you are friendly with your neighbors. A player is refusing to co-operate with you in a staff sit, how do you handle the non-cooperative player?: Most non-cooperative players are either trolling/minges or having a bad day and need to be handled in different context's. If someone is just trolling/mining it's going to be very obvious in which case you may want to gag/mute them to prevent issues in the sit that prevent the person who called it from not being heard. If a player is having a bad day or a rough sit you may want to offer them to talk about what's the issue, or trying to come to a resolution. If they are holding a grudge against you as a staff member for reasons that may be unknown, you may also want to comfort them and give them the ability to be handled by another staff member if they wish. Can you punish a player for intentionally ruining others time, even if they say it's out of fun?: Garry's mod is a fun and crazy environment where you can basically stretch the limits on who you can and can't be. With that being said however, some people can take it too far, and be absolute trolls/minges, and it's at the staff member's discretion to choose the appropriate actions. In my case, I'd try to handle the situation and persuade the person trolling to maybe not bug the person who called the sit as they clearly did not enjoy the problem, and depending on how complex the situation was or how it escalated I would handle it in a manner that prevents the person from ruining the fun of others. Give an example of a Staff abusing their powers and how you would handle it: An example of a staff member abusing their powers would be using unfair advantages that staff members gain to use in their everyday rp scenarios, this could expand from using god mode in raids, giving their friends less punishments, putting printers in places they shouldn't be, and trying to gain an unfair advantage. I'd handle it by getting the proper evidence and sending it to Jouaram as he's the ultimate higher-up and has the real power to handle it. Prior in ret we used to send it to higher up staff but as this has changed on aether, I would just send it to Jouaram and explain the scenario so that's it fully handled. Spreading said clip or trying to punish the player yourself would only end up in drama and issues within the community. A player is excessively RDMing, how would you intervene/stop them from continuing and what punishment would you give?: If a player was excessively rdming, I would intervene/stop them by either freezing them or jailing them temporarily so that we could discuss things in a timely manner. Instead of just banning the player I would try to communicate with them as some people may have a bad day and are just trying to relieve stress that they shouldn't do like this. If they were cooperative, i'd try to be a little more lenient but depending on the scenario, i'd follow the guidelines as best as possible. Further things arise such as leaving the sit or just doing it to do it without actually trying to play the game, I would extend said ban. A Mayor enabled a lockdown without reason and is refusing to turn it off, how do you resolve this?: I'd resolve this issue by just approaching them and trying to come to an understanding. Maybe the mayor had a reason but didn't list it or maybe he did it on accident and is unsure how to fix it. If he did it just to minge or be toxic, then I'd follow the guidelines or try to reason with him depending on his attitude. Not everyone is a bad person, but some people do bad things. It's all about handling the medians. Worse case scenario i'd demote him and if things escalated further i'd warn him or punish him harder such as jails but nothing further unless it breaks specific rules in addition to the charge. Notes: I might not know all of you as some of you may play at certain off times compared to me, but I'd like to get to know all of you <333
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