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Posts posted by Ozymandias

  1. Suggestion: I am suggesting a small change where XP that is used such as an XP orb which can give up to 20k to 40k or stocked printers/bitcoin carry over from level to level. As it stands if you are level 58 and use and XP orb you will waster over 30k XP and most people dont realize this and if you collect printer that has like 1 mil in it or more/less you can get upwards of 10k or 20k while you are at like 11k/13k needed for a level up and the excess XP is wasted.

    Link To Relevant Addons: [LINK]

    Media/Screenshots/Videos: [SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS]

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: I feel like this will improve the quality of the XP system and help new players who dont understand this XP quirk/kink level up since most people I've explained this to had no idea this was a thing and should be adjusted so that the Quality of Life of the XP system is overall improved. I see no reason that the XP system shouldn't be changed this way other than making it harder for naive players who expect 10k XP to go to their XP goal and not 2k to get to 13k and the other 8k to be wasted.

  2. -1 for ban appeal

    3 minutes ago, RevoltPlays said:

    The staff that banned you was @Roger not me.

    This layout is questionable but it's close enough at this point for your third try.

    However I went ahead and checked logs since I directed you here from your support ticket in discord.

    You killed 7 players in the time of 1-2 minutes and then were killed and disconnected from the server.

    You were banned for MRDM | NITRP | LTAP. This appears to fit and looks like a justified ban.

    Are there any reasons you should be unbanned?


  3. 3 hours ago, bakedpotato said:

    AetherNetwork Ban Appeal


    In-Game Name: Bakedpotato

    SteamID: [https://steamid.io/STEAM_0:1:23391925

    Who Banned You: Dreadnaught @Dreadnaught @DreadnaughtV2

    Proof Of Ban: [SCREENSHOT OF BAN] uploaded below

    Why Should You Be Unbanned: I think I should have the warn removed from me warns because I did have a kos sign on a table, It was not directly on a sidewalk. Thats besides the point. I cannot place it any lower or better because the prop that is used for the text screens to sit on is bigger then the sign itself. I was also not brought to a sit about it, I was basing today and me and another player were talking about our warns when I noticed it. 

    Everytime I go around the map theres plink boards and other gambling games theres always kos signs. KOS if placing props, Kos if ontop of, Kos if shooting at, And it has never been a problem. I was outside the bank and outside of another players base and had permission the be there from the bankers and the player at the base. The kos sign was there because a group of thief kept coming up shooting my table and mugging me so i placed a sign that said kos if ontop of table/shooting table. it wasnt kos if on sidewalk by table or anything just the table and i wasnt blocking anything. 

    Even to mention Jouaram came up to me as a dj saw my table with my computers and all on it and it had a kos sign and he said "nice build shit music"

    I have never been told that having a kos sign on a table saying on top of was invalid considering "rp only" bases and builds mentions that they dont have to follow normal basing rules. and as mentions kos rules are under basing rules. Its kinda a gray area.


    I would be fine with the warn if was brought to a sit. I was never made aware and never told to fix it. I would of fixed it if I knew it was wrong I wasn't using it as a "kos trap" it was just people being a minge that wanted to jump on and off and shoot the table.

    Edited August 25 by Jouaram


    kos sign.JPG

    -1 KOS signs cannot be placed on sidewalks.  rule 3 and if this build was on the sidewalk it would violate this rule under general building.

  4. You owned up to it in sit and seemed truly remorseful so I am ok with your ban being lowered. Make sure next time before you do what the mayor says, make sure  it complies with the Aether guidelines.

    Your apology is very much appreciated and maybe it shouldn't even be as harsh as two days.


  5. Suggestion: Have someone who is good at building make a custom map on a separate map/backup server and have players stand on podiums and spawn weapons in the middle and weapons around the map and have players kill each other around said map until one person is left, you can precision borders in and people who are caught in the border will be out/killed.

    Link To Relevant Addons: [LINK]

    Media/Screenshots/Videos: [SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS]

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: I think that this event is unique and if done well can be fun for all involved being that not knowing where other players are and people can be around any corner or rooftop/place and making the map by itself gives a lot of creativity freedom to staff. Overall I think that this could be something to get the players interested in the event and battle it out in a death BR sort of speak! I think players would like this as finding and killing people with the weapons you found has been fun for years ever since MC Hunger games and other popular BR's.


  6. On 12/23/2021 at 5:53 AM, XxSillyWabbitxX said:

    On the forums, I usually abstain from posting my opinion, as I fear my opinion may be incorrect or my affect another user's opinion.

    I like most of your application, your time is ok, your answers are pretty good.


    Two issues I have is your activity on the forums and how this is your only post due to your fear of your opinion being incorrect as this shows me that you are hessitant to speak your mind on subjects. I also haven't seen you on in-game and I usually am on all the time. Get your forum activity up and I'll change to a +1

  7. 2 hours ago, Dope Mongerer said:

    What do you mean "Camera tool?" people don't wanna afk and watch a shitty camera. And how is it lazy to not want be doing nothing. If you have multiple players in your base and a lot of shit to lose, then your going to be sitting in your base either way, I don't see an issue with giving the people who are inside the base the option to be tabbed out. And Ozy did you just not acknowledge the buff to the thief's HP???

    I did and implementing the buff to thieves hp specifically is too difficult because not only would he have to work on it with the present launcher which im more than certain would take forever to setup to have it heal differently depending on class but would also have to do that for the syringe, Giant Syringe, medicinal vape, medigun, holy water, bathwater, and anything else in the future or past that heals. Plus that is what tactical juice is for. Overall I still think that the alarm doesnt make sense when you can use a camera and or just sit in your base and watch Netflix on your phone or second monitor.

    one more thing is that these alarms if there are multiple raids depending on how loud they are can become extremely annoying to nearby basers and people standing around alike .

  8. 1 hour ago, Dope Mongerer said:

    Add an alarm (1 per person) in entities that everyone can use. I would imagine you can add the alarm to a door/fading door and when the door is getting picked or if it is emp'ed then you hear a loud beeping noise at the alarm and then the person who's alarm is triggered also hears a noise, alerting them of the raid. To make this fair for the raiders I think that thief's base HP should be buffed to 150 (so if they used the present larger heal gun their HP would be capped at 275) and master thief 175 (300). What this achieves is it allows the person who owns the base to tab and watch YT/Netflix or whatever while there meth or bitcoins are being produced instead of just walking around in their base doing nothing waiting to be raided. The HP boost also makes it more fun to raid and gives the raiding classes as a whole more insentive.

    already one sided for defenders just kinda sounds like lazziness and more inscentive to just afk in a base

    • Silly 1
  9. 41 minutes ago, TangoDown said:

    I'm a bit perplexed by this one. On the one hand cops should Always try and arrest first and kill as a last measure, and If your raiding someone/something (Bank/PD) you should always have your head on a swivel. But then I guess its unrealistic for some one to instantly arrest some one.


    Only think I could think of is if the cop is taking damage there's a timer that resets each time they are shot that disallows them to use the arrest stick. They shouldn't be able to run right at a player while being shot to arrest some one.

    +1 to this

  10. Suggestion: Whilst being used any form of healing resets your hp back to 225 and I was hoping that his could be fixed as its very annoying to have it sit and recharge back up especially due to the present launcher doing this from 10 nautical miles away

    Link To Relevant Addons: [LINK]

    Media/Screenshots/Videos: [SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS]

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: When you are anywhere near the new infamous present launcher you are then reduced by 75 hp this kinda sucks for the point of the infection swep so people who do have it wont have to deal with this bug/feature

  11. 4 hours ago, RevoltPlays said:


    if there's a staff member that wants to host this event then I'm sure they can do this for you

    but last time we had a talent show it was bad from what I heard


    3 hours ago, yousetoffmytrap said:

    I think we have had this twice and the "talents" suckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkked 

    Ahh I wasn't aware of this I apologize I thought it could be a good idea

  12. 2 hours ago, Novva said:

    Suggestion: Secret items in crates

    Link To Relevant Addons: N/A

    Media/Screenshots/Videos: N/A

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: Inside of each crate should be a hidden or blank item with the tag "secret" it should have a super low drop rate. This would add a little extra punch to crates and would keep the hype around the crate longer trying to get that unknown item.

    Pretty sure @FlameZ made a suggestion like this before

    Read old suggestion and I would like to +1 but also add a solution to the confusion add a tag or description to items in future crates and on the low rate mystery one have something along the lines of beyond legendary drop from X Y Z crate maybe even secret "mythical items" to help confusion

  13. Suggestion: A talent based poll voting event where whoever gets the highest percentage wins.  IE : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and highest addition of votes for each score be the winner 

    Link To Relevant Addons: None

    Media/Screenshots/Videos: None

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: I feel like this will allow the community to get to know more about each other while still allowing players to participate in a fun and interactive system.

    td;lr . Bring whatever talent you have from comedy to singing to impressions to building 👷‍♂️ so that other people may get to know you more while getting prizes jn the process.

  14. 15 minutes ago, The Oogla said:

    You are repeating your answer here in this section.

    This section is wrong.


    From reading your application I will have to give you a neutral vote -/for the reasons above, if you go back and fix this I will be inclined to change my opinion on your staff application. Also provide as much detail as possible in each answer, feel free to go all out and give it your best, just be sure to proof read your application so that way you don't have redundant answers.

    my apologies I did end up rushing because I was doing this in between my passing periods, I will change it now

    • Haha 1
  15. AetherNetwork Staff Application

    • In-Game Name (List ALL variations, if accepted your Forum/Discord name will be changed to your most used one): [Ozy/Ozymandias]
    • Age: [17]
    • Steam ID: [76561198148816510]
    • Discord Tag: [Ozy<3AR#0805]
    • Total Playtime: [1w 4d]
    • Timezone: [EST]
    • Steam Profilehttps://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198148816510/
    • Times you're most active (If you have a unpredictable schedule let us know): 3pm-1am

    General Questions

    • How can you contribute to Aether?: I can help the community more than an average staff member because usually staff isn't on during late at night / early morning when certain early bird players experiences are ruined by Minges, and note I will also be on moderating other than late at night. I am usually active on the forums and try to join vc's when I see people in them. I am very unbiased in sits due to the nature of the players experience being one of the most important things to the server as it will keep them on and contributing to the server (this is what keeps me unbiased). I can accept advice from higher staff and even staff on the same or below me if that were the case as all staff's input is always important. I know that people can get upset with me if I enforce the rules and I accept that fully and will never use my staff powers to abuse the system Jouaram has set to make sure that people who break the rules are punished appropriately.
    • Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?: yes I have after my incident and learned from my mistakes and feel comfortable in enforcing the rules as correctly as possible while staffing.
    • Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to?: yes absolutely as they have more experience on server moderating than I do and think that their opinions on situations takes prescient over mine as they are my seniors.
    • Are you certain you will be able to staff for several hours a week?: I can definitely staff for 7 hours a week

    DarkRP Rule Questions

    • Raids can last how long?: 10 minutes in a single raid unless you destroy all raidables then you cannot camp the base in question
    • What initiates a raid?: adverting, lockpicking, keypad keypad cracking, emping, any other form of breaching and entering such as blowtorching and etc.
    • If the owner of the base is standing outside on their base entrances sidewalk as you're about to raid but haven't announced a raid yet, can you kill them?: If you haven't announced the raid yet then no you cannot kill them, but if they are near the base as you do actually advert raid then yes you may shoot the owner
    • List all default Laws of The Land:
    • Raiding is illegal, Money Printers Drugs and explosives are illegal
    • Bitcoin Racks are illegal unless they are the small ones
    • Harming others is illegal unless its self defense
    • Kidnapping, theft and harming are illegal
    • Shooting guns in public is illegal
    • AOS/KOS is a 10 second countdown before enforcing.
    • Laws must be enforced with AOS not KOS unless imminent death is about to occur
    • How many bases can you own per party?: 1 base per party.
    • A player is refusing to co-operate with you in a staff sit, how do you handle the non-cooperative player?: Depends on what they are doing, if kill binding I will freeze them and try to explain to them to stop kill binding and if they continue then after checking if they did the offense, will be banned for NITRP Minging And other offenses, if they were being loud and disruptive, I would mute them and explain to them I am trying to conduct a sit and for that to produce results I will need them to compose themselves, if they continue then I will keep them muted until I am ready for their response and if the continue then I will keep them gagged until the sit is over.
    • Can you punish a player for intentionally ruining others time, even if they say it's out of fun?: yes absolutely because one players "fun" ruining another's by rdm, harassment, and minging isn't justifiable nor "for fun" constitutes such behavior.
    • Give an example of a Staff abusing their powers and how you would handle it: Staff NoClipping into a bade for Raids and physgunning players or being very biased in a sit, I would record this using a plethera of things from geforce to overwolf and post it into staff reports on the forum or send it to jouaram for him to deal with it.
    • A player is excessively RDMing, how would you intervene/stop them from continuing and what punishment would you give?:I would teleport them if it was mrdm and first figure out why they mrdmd and explain to them why it is very wrong to do then ban them, and then if it was separate cases and they weren't banned at that point try to understand their lack of knowledge or respect for the rules and then proceed to take the steps to enforce the rules after explaining the rules to them and try to sway the players opinion of rdming on the server in the process so we may have a well committed player to the community later on
    • A Mayor enabled a lockdown without reason and is refusing to turn it off, how do you resolve this?: I would ask them to turn it off politely, if they refuse I would tell them if they don't then they will be demoted for Nitrp.


    Extra Comments: I have learned from my errors of my last staff app and my offense I have gotten, I hope that moving forward I can be a good example of what a model Aether player would look like. I hope my latest resolve of being more active in the server even after my incident has shown that I really do care about the server and what happens to the community. I would also like to address that I can be truly unbiased as I care about all of your experiences equally from close friend to random all that matters is the players experience.  Anyways, Happy Holidays everyone 💗 🎁


    On 12/12/2021 at 10:18 PM, Roger said:

    I think you guys would have fun on rust. Shit talking little 7 year olds, sounds like fun on rust.

    I do play rust 🗿

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