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Everything posted by Lofi

  1. i hit 1b 2 times so over all prolly around 4b all together, i usually have 500m+ on my at all times tho
  2. Some of your answer are a little off, You are missing a couple Laws of the land. the way you would handle sits is ok but that comes better with some practice and staff knowledge! ive had many interactions with you around the Aether map and not one time have i ever had a bad interaction with you. You seem like a great person and a great fit for staff! +1
  3. AetherNetwork Staff Application In-Game Name (List ALL variations, if accepted your Forum/Discord name will be changed to your most used one): [MostDopeLofi -- Lofi] Age: [20, 21 in july] Steam ID: 76561198285552372 Discord Tag: [Lofi] Total Playtime: [2 weeks] Timezone: [CDT] Steam Profile: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/86Yooduhh/] Times you're most active (If you have a unpredictable schedule let us know): [My work schedule is random i can be on anytime between 10Am to 12PM] General Questions How can you contribute to Aether?: Im very well known around the server, and I can put all my time and effort into making sure Aether is a more positive and friendly environment for new players Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?: I have read all the rules and yes I feel comfortable enforcing them correctly as possible Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to?: Im willing to take part and listen very carefully for the know hows and don’t about the server Are you certain you will be able to staff for several hours a week?: Yes DarkRP Rule Questions Raids can last how long?: 10 minutes If a player in your party dies whilst raiding, how long do they have to wait to come back and raid the same base again?: 20 minutes What initiates a raid?: If there are raidables on the inside you would /advert raid then continue If no raiding tool is being used can the player steal the item from a base without an advert?: no Give an example of a valid raid advert (type it as you'd type it in-game): /advert Raid Im Coming For You’re Raidable 😊 If the owner of the base is standing outside on their base entrances sidewalk as you're about to raid but haven't announced a raid yet, can you kill them?: no ofc not If you get arrested mid-raid can you return after your arrest?: no you must wait the 20 mins If you get RDM'd are you allowed to kill the RDMer back without repercussions?: No, that’s revenge RDM A player punches somebody unprovoked and runs away, the player who got punched calls a sit - what punishment would you give the instigator?: Verbale warning if it happens again ill have to warn you threw the system List all default Laws of The Land: Make sure to read ALL of the rules of the land in !rules – Laws are enforced AOS/KOS without warning – cops can only KOS is life is in danger – Harming other players other then in base defense in illegal – Do not raid or steal from other players -Money Printers/Drugs are illegal - Raiding is illegal - How many bases can you own per party?: 1 A player is refusing to co-operate with you in a staff sit, how do you handle the non-cooperative player?: id gag him and freeze and then explain what is going to happen (depending on what he/she did) Can you punish a player for intentionally ruining others time, even if they say it's out of fun?: if it becomes a on going non stop problem id say yes Give an example of a Staff abusing their powers and how you would handle it: kicking players for no reason at all, striping them and not giving there permas back A player is excessively RDMing, how would you intervene/stop them from continuing and what punishment would you give?: id freeze them, then proceed to take them to admin land and ask why they are RDMing, if they are being non co-operative then id gag them and ban for 3 days A Mayor enabled a lockdown without reason and is refusing to turn it off, how do you resolve this?: Ask him to turn it off politely, if he refuses again id jail him and take away mayor Extra Comments:
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