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Posts posted by GoldFishie

  1. 30 minutes ago, Dreadnaught said:

    Oh my God, nothing about this is true LOL

    Okay so it appears that the whole situation is a misunderstanding and Franke seems to be happy with the explanation given by Fortesquu.


    31 minutes ago, Dreadnaught said:

    Oh my God, nothing about this is true LOL

    This should NOT be your first response to a report, valid or not. You need to say your side of the story the best you can first to clear up any confusion. As a T-Mod giving this type of response to a staff complaint post I see nothing promising in you with that attitude as staff.

    • Like 1
  2. Not quite sure why you made a complaint when clearly Janet is in the middle of dealing with the player in the video you provided as proof. Unless you're requesting a longer ban for the player?

    Just not quite sure what you made the post for / what you're hoping to get out of this post

    • Like 1
  3. Satan is a player that I've come to know quite well with in the short amount of time he's been playing. He's either love him or hate him a lot. I wish that he hadn't made this appeal on how he was banned. But he finds it unjust which is fair. The staff need to keep up on their extensions and they should be done before their temp ban is lifted from the player. This means contacting a higher up if needed.  But he got banned for two, four hour lengths due to this ending in 1w and 8hours of being banned. <-- That's not good.

    Like I said Satan is a love him or hate him player which is understandable seeing his attitude towards some players.  I personally love him and wish he'd stop being stupid and RDM'ing people for no reason it kills my brain cells with how much he does it. I hope that since it looks like he will have to serve his full ban this makes him open up his eyes and fix his behavior.

    • Like 3
  4. I gotta be honest. I like you Beth I truly do. But there is a hatred building inside of me against you. You literally refuse to take sits and I have no idea why you even want to be staff because of it. I feel you use your staff powers just to handle your own stuff. Whenever asked to take a sit you straight up refuse this has happened on different occasions. Doesn't matter how many tickets are up for the grabbin I can rest soundly knowing you wont be touching any of them but you'll still be advertising your stuff for sale.

    15 hours ago, Beth said:

    im always busy with irl stuff

    But not to busy to drop what your doing and do a trade if somebody wants?

    • Like 1
  5.  @Asuna Yuuki

    Take a breather there's no reason to act so incredibly immature on this post.

    This seems like a honest mistake that should've been clarified. Judge in ooc was pretty apologetic about the situation.

    To add to this I feel Judge should be unbanned for for the sheer amount of immaturity shown on this post by asuna.

  6. Simply put it's a massive +1 from me.

    To explain a little bit you have a very very level head.

    You're super easy to get along with and everyone likes you.

    You have shown a good amount of knowledge of the rules in the few days that you've been around.

    You're super active which is good.

    You also have a very good amount of common knowledge which is hard to find nowadays.

    Even with all this you're lucky that your Scottish and not just straight up British because then it'd have to be a -1 from me.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Jouaram said:

    Is there anyone who was involved that has video context of this situation for better transparency? 

    I wish I had video. Especially with the accusations that have been thrown at me.

    Anybody that knows me knows that I'm not easily tempered. I have a very level head so to say that I raised my voice at you over a simple sit in the "attempt to set me off balance. "   is just humorous to me and more then likely anybody that has ever been in a sit with me.

    19 minutes ago, God Emperor Of Man said:

    That clearly was not the end of the sit, you rather abruptly teleported them back and took me off to jail when I pointed out your behavior

    While I don't have video you communicated through chat exclusively which provides us with at least what you said.



    You "Pointing out my behavior" Is just you being upset that I decided it was RDM and you deserved the punishment for it.

    You had said your point in the matter that "The first stunstick didn't launch them so I had no reason to think the second one would" and I stated that you have a good amount of time on the server and you should know how the stun stick works and at which angle you would have to hit them in order for them to be sent into the air.

    I'm sorry if the sit didn't drag on long enough for your liking but my "abrupt ending" was just the end of the sit. At which point you received punishment.

    With a little bit of checking the stunstick doesn't give a dwarf enough air time to hit the and die from enough height. You have to be below them crouching in order to make them hit the ground hard enough to die.

    In the end if you had said in the sit something along the lines that you were sorry and it was a complete accident instead of saying "It's their fault for not having enough health" You might not have gotten the full punishment. But you clearly were not sorry nor remorseful at what you had done.



  8. 7 hours ago, God Emperor Of Man said:

    trying to talk over me while I was defending myself,

    You typed the whole time? How I talked over your typing is a mystery to me.


    7 hours ago, God Emperor Of Man said:

    I called you out on said behavior you teleported soula away and put me in jail instead of finishing the sit.

    That was clearly the end of the sit as I had decided punishment.

    Again I'll say I am led to believe that you had negative intentions when hitting them with the stun stick. You have plenty of time on the server to understand how it works. You have to be at a pretty good angle under somebody to make them go into the air. Whether you you meant to kill them or not you still did.

  9. I don't hate the idea of this but I don't think it has anything to do with maintaining players. Id be down if it were around a month or two. Of course it'd still have to show past warns still and have a system down for habitual offenders. But if you're good for a while and accidentally mess up not get punished harshly.

  10. If anything it should be me being reported as soula only called a sit for what she thought was rdm. I decided the outcome of it. Seeing how you have a healthy amount of time on the server and you know how things work you should've known how the stun stick reacts when hitting somebody up. I find it very hard to believe that you accidently hit them into the air seeing how it has to be at a certain angle not just straight on. In the sit you stated it was their fault for only having 25 health and not getting more health. For jokes or not that doesn't help you out. You also say that they were being annoying but for somebody to be hit into the air they have to be stood on top of things proving that they weren't just following you around being annoying but you stayed in the area. I feel this warn should stay and punishment guild lines be followed on your next rdm warn. 

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