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Posts posted by Nivenn

  1. 7 minutes ago, lilmilkman said:

    -1 i feel like if no admins were taking sits at the time it would make a lot of sense for him to do this, and saying that i see admins afk a lot its likely that thicc was afk and not taking sits. Im going to be completely unbiased here, and you can think otherwise but when korb is mayor he is annoying, and can act rather mingy/annoying. 

    This and

    -/+, there's no telling, unless further evidence is shown that this demote was unjust. At most, the only punishment that would be correct would be to talk with the player and fill him in on demote rules.

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  2. 50 minutes ago, lilmilkman said:

    but i was simply mad at korby because i was trying to mine on pvp and he killed me even though i walked past him and didnt try to kill him, he killed me so at the time i was just mad and im not going to say im sorry for saying retard, its not that deep and it depends on how you take it.

    Current times consider the R word to be a slur. It is a more newly accepted thing, I will give you that, but there's never any reason to act that way towards someone as I'm sure you know after your anger died down.

    I wanted to comment on this little bit quoted here. The player who reported you has consistently been a problem starter. I feel that players are too lenient with him because he is a child but I have witnessed prop abuse, rdm, and harassment so this seems in character. He's been given warnings but no actual punishment since mid 2022 and those ranged from 5-11 hours from what I am able to see. If you are going to be given a 1 week ban for this, I do think it's about time the other party is looked at with less leniency especially when he expects punishment for others. I can see admins have been spectating him recently so I hope that's changing. Maybe time to have a chat with him about his behavior one on one if no one has already.

    Overall, -1, as the server rules are being followed with this ban and I commend the admins for sticking to the book to maintain the integrity of the rule. Though I do wish you the best and understand where your anger came from.

    • Hm? 1
  3. 9 hours ago, Jouaram said:

    I would like to clarify I don't openly disagree with the timeout based on your previous posts but I did allow this to be made to get a Community discussion on the matter.

    This may not be the right place to bring it up but for the sake of community discussion I will. 

    I noticed a huge push to prevent NSFW content from being on the server but, to my current knowledge, the Escort job still exists which can come off as mildly hypocritical and as an adult it makes me highly uncomfortable to have 13-17 year olds trying to escort me in a game. I understand that this person probably did something in addition to the name but I think the server should be held to that standard as well but I do appreciate you all going out of your way to prevent minors from being put into uncomfortable positions on a social level.
    As for this appeal, -1, judging by the way the appeal was typed, your name choice, and what others have said. I can see that you probably did more than just change your name.

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  4. Suggestion: When you get elected multiple times in a row, the addon resets your taxes, money and advancements, etc. This doesn't make much sense but I'd understand if it is a limitation with the addon itself. If there's a setting or some simple lines you can add to the code to keep these things after re-election, that'd be great though.

    Link To Relevant Addons: https://www.gmodstore.com/market/view/slawer-mayor-an-advanced-mayor-system (Pretty sure it's this one)

    Media/Screenshots/Videos: N/A

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: It'd make the mayor job a lot more convenient and much less frustrating post re-election. If you don't know this happens you could miss out on some of the tax money or some people might not have the motivation to re input taxes/re-upgrade police making it a less desirable job. It's a small fix that adds to the overall playability of the server.

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