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Posts posted by EisenDrag

  1. I believe LTAR stands for 'Leaving to avoid roleplay'. Similar as to LTAP. This could be a more broad scope of scenarios such as being arrested by PD, or R2AR. Though with the existence of a specific rule like R2AR, I don't see the necessity of including LTAR. Usually that rule is in place on more serious RP servers such as StarwarsRP, or SCP-RP. I would like to see RP be more prominent in this server but since its a very casual DRP server there is no need for such a rule. As long as R2AR remains.



  2. + OG Member of the community
    + Has a good rapport with the older members of the community


    - Application has some mistakes


    Overall you seem like a decent guy, though I can't speak to your personality as I still haven't gotten the chance to meet you in-game. Other then the few mistakes in your application ill be giving a neutral vote.

  3. 19 minutes ago, Jouaram said:

    But what would the outcome be with another staff member taking the sit? Staff do not get the normal warnings, they get much more severe punishments for intentionally breaking rules such as strikes/demotions, I see where you're coming from but I do not see a solution considering the above. 

    So when I was staff on other servers, usually a higher-up would take the sit, they would then come to the conclusion in real time within the sit, and if the higher-up isn't management, they would take the evidence and consult a member of management on an appropriate punishment. i.e Strike/Demotion. This would often give the player gratification since they had their issue solved within a close time frame of the incident occurring.


    Lets bring up the recent report against goku by zig on duty. If someone else took on that report and dealt with the situation, zig on duty would still be punished but they would understand why, since the staff member will more likely not jump to the punishment so quickly as goku did. Which would make the whole report he made unnecessary as zig on duty would of learned that even if goku and him would rdm one another sometimes, there is a time and place for it.

  4. It's understandable that you can simply direct the player to the staff reports section on the forums. If this was strictly an RP based situation, it would make more sense to avoid that completely by simply allowing another staff member to take over the situation. To ensure a positive outcome. New players that aren't as attached to the server could see staff taking sits against them as a major turn off. Those new players are less likely to go through the effort of forming a staff report, and simply leave the server for good. 

  5. AetherNetwork Suggestion

    Follow this layout or your suggestion may be denied. 

    Only post 1 suggestion per post. 

    Suggestion: Adding a rule for staff;

    "Staff members are not allowed to moderate the sits created against them"

    Link To Relevant Addons: N/A

    Media/Screenshots/Videos: Rules and Incentives

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: From my own experience on various RP related servers, I have always noticed that some form of the rule I am suggesting is in place for the staff members. Why would such a rule be necessary? No matter how unbiased an individual may try to be, when placed in a situation where they are in the wrong, often will you find them not accepting the fault of their actions. Not only is that generally true, if the staff member would be in the right in said situation, the other affiliated party might feel there is bias coming from the staff member.


    This is why I am purposing the rule, say a moderator has a fail base. A player tries to raid the base but is unable to, due to a missing fading door. The player creates a report, and that moderator takes it and tries to diffuse the situation. Whether or not the moderator takes fault in the situation, it shows a lack of professionalism when taking on this case when they are affiliated in such a manner. Rather calling on another staff member to handle the sit to ensure a non-biased approach to the situation, would be a much better look for the Aether staff team.

    • Suspicious 1
  6. After reading what thiccye had to say, I feel the punishment is definitely justified. You also seem to not take this appeal very seriously, which removes any iota of sentiment you had while expressing your situation. We all have life obligations, it doesn't mean we have leeway to piss on other peoples days for no apparent reason. If you showed genuine remorse I feel this appeal could have gone very differently.

    -1 keep the ban as is.

    • Haha 2

    From the manner you described the sits to have transpired. It seems ample enough reason to drop the LTAP punishment. Assuming you have no previous offenses I think reducing the ban to 3 days in length is justified. Of course I will wait on Thiccye's response before sticking to a vote.

  8. Would be better to scale the amount you mug from the victim, maybe 5% of their money if below 100mil, and scales down the closer they get to 1bil. The cut off being 0.1% maybe at 1bil. This is to avoid destroying a new players experience, imagine you just made your first mil on the server and some guy mugged you and grappled away to mars.

  9. Having minimal encounters with you as an individual you seem pretty chill. As well a fair bit of people are in support of your application. Though on the other hand you have a few high ranked staff members worried about your behavioral issues.


    I think you should be given an opportunity to show your change, but also I have no legitimate experiences with you so I can't provide an accurate vote.

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, thegroundisintheair said:

    Jail time only lasts ~4 minutes anyways, having court cases for it would do nothing but extend the amount of time people have to wait before they are freed which is the opposite intended effect, I get that it is also for RP purposes but I honestly can't see it getting very much use at all because people just want to get on with their day not be stuck in court tac hell.

    To be fair, whenever a player gets jailed all they do is stare at a wall for those 4 minutes or buy their way out at an insanely over the top price, if a player gets to choose to spend his jailtime in court or in jail it would be a fun way to actually provoke a fun interaction. 1 hour while having fun is perceived as maybe even 10 minutes of absolute boredom. 

  11. Thats really sad to hear man, I hope shit gets better soon. I'm a firm believer in the fact that through any tough instance we may face, we will only become better people after we manage our way through it. Good luck my friend and hope to see you back on your feet soon!

    • Love 1
  12. AetherNetwork Suggestion



    A judicial court system that can be practiced in RP.

    Currently the lawyer job facilitates no legitimate RP value in the server, and is simply used as someone to bail out others from jail. In efforts to provide a sense of use for the job, and possibly the inclusion of an additional job (Judge), we may see more fun and interactive moments between the community in the courthouse inside of PD.


    How would the Judicial Court System work exactly? Following with the depth that DarkRP brings as a whole, we can take the significant portions of a typical Judicial Procedure in the USA, and burn it down to its most significant components.

    From :                                                                                   To:

    Initial Hearing / Arraignment
    Discovery                                                     Investigation
    Plea Bargaining                                            Charging
    Preliminary Hearing                     ==>           Trial
    Pre-Trial Motions                                         Sentencing
    Trial                                                               Appeal (Optional)
    Post-Trial Motions

    With streamlining the court procedures, each case should theoretically be complete in approximately 10-15 minutes worth of RP. While the inclusion of this system we can also include an option for lawyers to take up one of two categories, Private Council, or Public Defender. 

    The key differences between these two is Private Council will be able to charge any amount to represent their clients in court, while Public Defenders are completely free to everyone, as well as the inclusion of them in the Government category, allowing them clearance in private PD areas. Public Defenders will have more opportunities to participate in court, as they will be available for any court hearings and free for the public. There doesn't necessarily need to be two different jobs for lawyer to put these different niches into practice as they are essentially the same thing. 





    How will this improve the quality of Aether?

    Last night me and a handful of individuals practiced these sort of trials where individual players that have RP issues with one another would approach a lawyer, organize a trial, and proceed with the trial with the mayor being a stand in judge. Though throughout the night there are some restrictions in play that hindered the RP, and as highlighted by Donnie from a sit I had, the lawyer essentially was there to bail out individuals and collect payment later. 

    If we could incorporate the lawyer and a judicial system into the server, it will lend itself to create hilarious moments as I have experienced from the few hours I practiced law under the name of "Saul Eisen Goodman". 

    Not to forget to mention, this will also provide some RP value to not instantly Arrest Batoning someone, and rather put them in holding to await trial. As from my experience at least, some laws that mayors incorporate don't necessarily add value, but rather an easy excuse for police to whip out their arrest batons at any chance they can get.

    Thanks for reading, here's a cookie 🍪

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