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Posts posted by Brumskee

  1. ★彡 AetherNetwork.gg 彡★



    Describe your suggestion: The city worker job does not pay enough. It involves running/flying across the whole map at times , with running taking a whole 30+seconds. The task itself to fix something takes another 30 seconds roughly so in 1 minute you are looking at making about $4k. Compare this to meth where you can literally sit there with both meth vats, which will make $15k worth of meth on their own in 1 minute. Also, if the mayor activates a bonus, it is $30k a minute. This is also not considering printers that you will also be watching making about another $4k roughly with the base printers. Seems off that a job where you just sit there and have printers can make almost $35k a minute, while a job that you have to constantly run around and not even have guaranteed things to fix within 10 seconds pays only at most $5k a minute roughly. The increase in pay is up for opinion I suppose, but even with a grapple I don't see $8k a job, with 1.5 jobs a minute with a grapple considered, that bad. $12k a minute would certainly be balanced considering the risk you take with making meth compensating an extra $3k a minute, with you also protecting your printers. 

    Link To Relevant Addons (If Any): None

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: This will improve the quality of Aether by adding more diversity and role-playing aspects of the game. Otherwise, everyone will be inclined to just stick with the same meta money farming strat and not actually RP like what happened in Ret. Having multiple jobs, and in this case a unique job I have never seen before, would give players more incentive to try new things and will keep them having fun longer. I met a player doing this job for the first time yesterday and asked why he did it even though it pays crap. He essentially said because it is something new and different to do than the regular meth/weed/bitcoin and printers every server does. 

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