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Joe Nuts

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Everything posted by Joe Nuts

  1. It's been real but after recent events and the way victus went about using his position on the staff team. I no longer find purpose in staffing in the server while other higher ups do the same thing that got my friends in trouble. I've been active on the platform in at least some sort of way every day but apparently that wasn't enough to get me vet mod and got my application delayed. I've made friends along the way that I plan to keep in contact with and I love the community but I cannot pursue this position if this is how I am treated for free labor by someone who not so long ago got their power as admin+. I wish the best for this server and hope that some renovations happen to the staff list because as of now, it's pretty much a para-military organization for no reason whatsoever and I come on this server to have fun and keep the community playing just to be treated this way over something that I wasn't even involved in. Giving a -1 requires more than a "todays situation can explain that" for something I didn't even take part in and you're only involving me in it because I talk to the people who were involved in it, that is abusive and dreadful and a terrible example of a staff member. Just because you are a high up staff member doesn't mean you know everything and cant be open to any kind of new input about anything. Another poor impression of a higher up is holding something over someone over a misinterpretation of a situation that was explained to you several times. You want to be a robot and emotionless about it, then so be it. I'm sorry its come to this guys but I'll have to make my leave. Yousetoffmytrap ily, Goldfishie fuck you and ily, Janet ily, Dreadnaught ily, Xrel ily, Novva ily, Beth i kinda ly, Jigsaw ily, Iguro ily, Bryan ily, and Sauger ily https://imgur.com/U37vMIj
  2. last one I chose, I was told that I can't pick one that another person picked. I was driving when I picked it and thought i was early enough
  3. +1 pog You have been staff before so you should be pretty well-versed in the rules. They have changed a bit though I can appreciate a pretty bulky app like this You may be a bit quiet but you weren't a bad staff member before you left last time. Plays on mac though, he needs a perma ban for that cursed version of gmod. Best of luck in your future endeavors
  4. +1 You owned up to your mistakes in the past. You've been active ever since your recent ban and took it like a champ. You learn from your mistakes and I think you deserve a shot at being a Tmod
  5. +9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 Uwa Wat yuww pwobwem twap? Uwu isnt awwowed to be meanie : ( Dis wun iz vewy sewwius pwobwem an shud git him demowted OwO x3
  6. +1 +Really active +Really nice guy in-game +I only ever see you in sits that you call for +Has a good understanding of the rules +Enjoys vibing with the homies I hope you get it homie, best of luck on your future endeavors.
  7. +1 I’m gonna have to agree with this point victus made, I do recall you doing this a lot personally. I know you were a senior staff member and all, I get that. But you hardly ever took any sits or moved in-game whatsoever. If you do get the position however, It’s not an invitation to do the same exact thing once you get past the tmod stage because we are already working on weeding out the inactive staff. We will be holding you to a higher standard once you’re back on the team since you’ll have new higher ups than when you were up top. With all of that said, I do believe you should have another chance to redeem yourself and shows us that you care about this position.
  8. +1 +Easily because I see him on almost all the time +Way more than enough hours necessary +Mature +Has experience staffing +Really nice guy in-game +Only sits I really remember seeing are only ones he reports - My garbage can buddy that steals my garbage cans -I’ll be sure to clear you up on the things you don’t understand about staffing this server
  9. -1 Never seen you on. Not much time played. Necroposts and your first post since 2020 was a staff application. Little to no description in your answers for the questions.
  10. +1 The way you went about pinging the staff team the first time was wrong. But you learned from it and all you want to do is help the server. Your help in the last event was honorable and I think you deserve praise for it. I think if the people just talked to you instead of taking what you said in text on the discord channel in a bad way, they'd find out you're a genuine person. You definitely have a bit to learn being a staff member but I think you'd be a good fit.
  11. I understand the way he went about it may have been wrong but his intentions aren’t to hurt anyone’s feelings. He was really just trying to put into perspective on what is happening at that moment and expressing his need for assistance, he was understandably frustrated because he lost in-game currency because some of the moderation team, and I hate to say this, don’t do their job or aren’t on often enough to be staff and just expect the new people to take care of it.
  12. +1 to that, they couldn’t even wait til the morning
  13. +1 You're pretty cool in-game Definitely work on your hours before the week is over and update them on the application so if Jouaram sees your application, he wont think you don't have enough hours. I like the color coded answers, but I do think you should also give an abusing admin a fair warning before you go ahead and submit a report on them. You definitely are descriptive enough on your answers. Good luck on your future endeavors!
  14. +1 Never had a bad interaction with him Always says a friendly hello to people joining in the morning Very positive personality Would make an amazing fit for the moderation team
  15. I don't think you can -1 someone just because you don't know them. I'd put neutral
  16. Thank you for the kind words! I hope to learn a lot from you guys if I get the chance!
  17. I'm loving all of this positive feedback I'm getting from all of you guys, I really wasn't expecting it to turn out this way! lol
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