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Posts posted by yousetoffmytrap

  1. 1 minute ago, GoldFishie said:

    On top of this yall decided to get on and MRDM and just show that you're completely ready to wipe your hands free of the server.


    I mrdmed people that i thought would not even care that much just because I wanted a single ban I don't even think anyone called a sit on me

  2. 11 hours ago, Victus Sinistus said:

    You have been banned because I had given you 3 Warnings for propminge in the matter of 15m.
    on top of that, in the matter of 15m you refused to listen to me and after my warnings and being jailed you were told if continued behavior you will be removed. 
    The prop minge was you building a "hammer" and smashing it in the ground.

    Whilst doing this someone adverted a warning telling you to back off and leave the area because they were talking and by their friend.
    Instead of leaving the area you stayed, and with kill pictured I was able to determine you were never leaving the area, lied during the sit saying you were one place when you were, lied said you were moving away when I can clearly see you approach the kill position... 
    Upon being RDM'd you proceeded to type in OOC "Oh you wanna rdm me" and proceeeded to Revenge RDM the person who gave you a fair warning to leave the area...

    During all of this you made it very evident while I was punishing you issuing warnings to not ban you as you just got off a 3 day for low and behold..... many RDM, and Propminge warns...

    To top all of this off, you proceeded to blow me up on discord, YELLING AT ME, and saying profanities like "F YOU" and arguing with me about me banning you even though I was super descriptive, and specific.

    I have blocked you on discord since then because you literally blew me up, yelling, all caps, and wouldn't stop or even let me talk. nor were you reading anything I said.
    If anyone would like screenshots of this, I wont put the kid on blast, but I can show you any proof, plus its in our logs. 

    Forgot your warning should include NitRP considering you were doing nothing to contribute to the RP aspect the whole 15m I kept warning you, and the NitRP should of had your ban extended further. 
    As I see it I am being lenient because I feel I should of removed you completely cause you just seem like you just want to minge and thats it.


  3. ★彡 AetherNetwork.gg 彡★




    Describe your suggestion: Add hmm reaction to forums

    Link To Relevant Addons (If Any):N/A

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: 🤔 people be saying some questionable stuff

  4. On 5/24/2021 at 8:39 PM, NotKris said:

    Describe your suggestion:  Spending around 10-15 mintues spaming E to break free from some cuffs, I just dont see a point in even having that option since it impossible to break free them. Im not sure if this was just me or not but I was having a really hard time to breaking free, someone just had to kill me to get out of them.

    Link To Relevant Addons (If Any):

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: Getting rid of a addon that just creates a bigger problem, since people are saying its impossible to break free from them.

    its supposed to be impossible I think he cant set it to not say press e to break out 

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