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Posts posted by yousetoffmytrap

  1. 1 hour ago, Emilyyyv2 said:

    so ballsack sent me a video and i saw that he was spinning and the lean crate was disappearing btw trap was reviewing me at this time so he looked at the video with me and we showed it to bryan so we all thought he was scripting then he's friend made a ticket about this and he showed us the bug and it is just a visual bug so he can be unbanned 

    by Emily's decree i have unbanned him

    • Like 1
  2. 42 minutes ago, GREY said:

    HELL NAH HE WAS NOT THERE And how does allowing a server full of trolls vote to ban ransoms sound good??? And that shop was a therapy office OWNER BU MY FREINDS 

    i am going to assume you were already going to be banned and he was doing it for the meme or maybe a chance not to be banned

  3. 9 hours ago, davidmason said:

    I saw most of what went on but here's my take on it pooshi has a bar that is rather popular and had disconnected and came back shortly in that time you bought the doors and didn't do anything with the base no props nothing and when he came back you can see what happened in the video he sold them and you said he "couldn't do that" and he replied "should have put a prop in here", "bring it to the fourms" then asked you "to kindly step out" and then talked about owning a base as a hitman and then milk broke the window and watched out the door as he puts up a kos sign pooshi waits a little and kills you.

    what i see from my perspective is that you bought the doors on purpose so he cant base there because he had just disconnected and reconnected and stayed in the base just to be a nuisance then he killed you after placing a kos sign and yes he should have waited longer but he was trying to place down a base and you were in the way. a sit was called by milk and taken by mcbussy and scrim (they were in a review) I do not have a clip of the sit but I remember it and take it as my word (correct me if I'm wrong) pooshi comes to the sit they all discuss for a while about the validity of the rdm and what went on and pooshi offers 10m to settle it but milk declines the offer saying "I just want him warned" and then is told by scrim and mcbussy to make a report on the fourms. this makes me feel as if it was not about the rdm and just about getting pooshi in trouble. 

    afterwards you go on to be rather rude in ooc and sit outside the bar and spamming unbox crates just outside and doing it multiple time even after I've warned you to go away (I will include proof) 








    all this together make me think this must be a joke or some bad vendetta strongly -1ps i thought i would try a tango/revolt answer  







  4. AetherNetwork Suggestion

    Follow this layout or your suggestion may be denied. 

    Only post 1 suggestion per post. 

    Suggestion: [Allow giga chad swep with the animals]

    Link To Relevant Addons: [LINK]

    Media/Screenshots/Videos: [SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS]

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: [It would look so boss and i also dont think there would be any cons]

    • Silly 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, Dreadnaught said:

    I could argue that its already like this now...present launcher + grappler + RPG etc. is going to destroy a new player in every single situation, has nothing to do with upgrades

    xm shotgun op build tag them with fast gun beforehand then 1 shot

  6. 1 hour ago, BonkerBongRipzz said:

    if you donate a ton of money to the server the admins will bail you out of a ban.

    me when someone says this exact argument conveniently on a ban appeal they know they are probably not going to to get accepted and then doesn't elaborate at all as an attempt to make it look like the server is the problem rather than the player.

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    • Surprised 1
  7. 8 hours ago, Dildozerr said:

    Suggestion: If police can not arrest gang members for shooting them since it does no damage, their guns should not disable either our nightstick or our grapples. Currently getting shot by their guns makes it so we can not grapple or night stick anyone. They can just keep shooting us with no repercussion and staff response is "it does no damage"

    I may be a little retarded but i thought you could arrest for that??

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