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Posts posted by JigSawPuzzleZ

  1. Even when trap and goldfish jokingly said to rdm me I told you do not kill me and you didn't care and proceeded to kill me anyways then afterwards I jailed and warned you accordingly, Then after you got out of jail you grappled to me shot me with a toy gun then stabbed me for 180 damage which I survived only because I had armor. I have no idea why you would think killing me after I jailed/warned you was a good idea.


  2. I don't think it's Revenge RDM since the hitman walked up to him and pulled a gun out on him which is a valid reason for anyone to want them to go away in RP with the correct adverts of course. I also think that due to him being a new member who made this report he may be a little hazy on certain things in the MOTD and may have escalated the situation with Dreadnaut with rules he thought may or may not be enacted on this server. I've observed Dreadnaut a lot during my time on the server and I don't think he would desperately try to break NLR for just a hit, not even a raid where money could be lost. I also don't think he's the type to hold grudges and purposefully commit revenge RDM either based on him and Douey (a person who has also staff reported him) making up and being friendly towards each other and having a normal conversation. 

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  3. I have no problem with them in this situation to where I was abhorrently offended. They are my friends and i welcome them to mess around time to time and I think this situation has gotten more serious than it should have been, you can even hear me laughing about it in the clip. They were a little loud but they only did it to make me laugh and it worked I don't consider any of this offensive or anything I think its fine.  Both Danny and GTA are not in the wrong. They came to my base to mess with me and that's fine as long as they don't like steal my shit or rdm all they did was be dumb and that's completely okay with me.

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    • In-Game Name (List ALL variations): JigSawPuzzleZ
    • Age: 20
    • Steam ID : STEAM_0:1:80667274
    • Discord Tag: JigSaw#6049
    • Total Playtime (Type !time in-game): 1W 13H 12M
    • Timezone: EST
    • Steam Profile (a link): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198121600277/
    • Times you're most active (The rough times you are able to be most active): 1:00pm-12:00pm sometimes i stay up until about 6-7

      Firstly, I would like to address that the main reason I am applying for staff is due to the amount of rampant disorder I experience during odd hours when little to no staff are online, also due to my past of being an admin on other gmod servers. This can be irritating because rules can go out the window and in the end (unless you have been recording) nothing happens to the perpetrators, I find this irritating as racist remarks and RDM can ruin players experiences in the server especially if nothing is done about it. I enjoy helping new players learn the ropes and get addictive to the server, think this place has great potential. 

      As for knowing the rules I have looked over them several times and have proven that as shown by my zero warns on the server and will continue to abide by them and educate others on how they work and affect gameplay (as I already do). I also do not mind guidance from other staff members because I was once a manager for staff teams on another server where I would train and show staff how to enforce their rulebook and how to explain and initiate new players into the server and make them feel at home. I also guarantee that I will be able to staff on the server for several hours a week and if there should be any reason I cannot I will inform my higher ups or whoever I need to about my ROA (Reason Of Absence).

    • Raids can last how long?: Once Adverted raiders can have up to 10 minutes to finish their raid. 
    • What initiates a raid?: An advert in chat Ex: /raid, /pd raid both which inform the players and the staff if need be that a raid has taken progress and is going to commence. 
    • If the owner of the base is standing outside as you're about to raid, can you kill them?: If the owner of the base is interfering with the raid itself raiders are within their right to take action upon them.
    • List 3 default Laws of The Land: Explosives Drugs/Printers are all Illegal, Threatening players is illegal and raiding is illegal. 
    • How many bases can you own per party?: 1 Base
    • A player is refusing to co-operate with you in a staff sit, how do you handle the non-cooperative player?: I would freeze or jail them to prevent them for running away or trying to rdm or disrupt other players during their staff sit and drill into their head the reality of the situation. 
    • You see another staff member abusing their power (Give an example of a staff abusing and how you would handle it/who you would contact): I would ask the staff member to stop what they are doing and remind them of the rules we must follow and if it persist recordings and screenshots will be made accordingly and sent to a higher power. 
    • A player is excessively RDMing/RDAing and breaking NLR (What is RDM/RDA and NLR? How do you determine if a player is breaking any of these?): RDM means Random Deathmatch and act where a player kills another player without any valid reason within the rules or roleplay. EX: A gun dealer buys like 20 LMGs and lays down some hate on some innocent bystanders. RDA is Arresting a player with no valid reason much like rdm in that respect. To determine if I player is doing either of these I would check logs get multiple angles of the story and check the laws of the land.
      NLR is New Life Rule is if you raid and kill someone in the base you are raiding they may not return for a minimum of 3 minutes if they come back before that allotted time that is considered Breaking NLR. This can also be solved and proven by checking logs of both the offender in question and the owner of the base. 

      Extra Comments: I find great joy In playing this server and even greater joy vibing and roleplaying with the people of the server the only thing that doesn't give me joy is when rule breaking goes unjustified which and why I am applying for staff.
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