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Everything posted by realobamagaming420

  1. so i just wanted to rant about how unfair everything is in life. like in gmod bro i win 12 coinflups then lose all that money because i lost 20 more straihgt coin flips and its just straight up not fair. also the staff here can be real dicks and sometimes they want me to shoot myself inm the head with a 12 gauge shotgun and splatter my brains on the wall. also the people here are really cool i guess like novvai s really good i think he shouldbecopme senior admin over victus but thats my opinion. and i think that beth sohuld becoem owner because hes well like really cool i guess. goldfishe is okay because he keeps saying mayweather won the logan paul fight but we all kknow hhe didnt win shit. so anyways i have the white lightasber and i was thinjking of selling it for lioke 500 mill and i was lioke yes the server is growing and someonew ill have 500 mikll by them. also guys im planning on getting a corsair sfx 850 psu fully modular with sttreamer cabkes to complete my 011 dynamic mini build/. also jouiaram if ur reading this i just wanted to let you know u are a cool guy tho i met you like 2 weeks ago but i swear this isnt a shitpost its just a rant of all the things i had on my mind at 4 am. i will always have a spot for aether in my heart because this was the first dark rp I’ve ever played and I’ve been taught so much that I never thought I would be able to learn in a few weeks. not only that but the people I’ve met on the server are just awesome. I’ve met new friends and new people in general that I can talk to. its really sad to think that I racked up all these warns as a joke but I regret it now because if I get warned for almost anything it’s a perma banned. I don’t think I’m ready to go just yet. and those cool people I’ve met are probably reading this sob story I just want to let you know, I never hated any of you. I do not have any grudges to anyone on the server. I might seem rude to you but I’m joking 100%. maybe my humor is a little rough but I’m sorry. it’s the way I am. Also to jouraram just wanted to let you know that ur server has sucked up a lot of life away from me so i think everyone should know how i feel and my current state of mind. and to be straight up man i think im feeling quite depressed lately. its just a phase i know but thingsh ave been hard and you know black ops 3 zombies and gmod help cure the pain i think. but anyways the pain of being forever alone and what happens after death do not matter anymore. i don’t know why I’m taking here. i should get a therapist. ive had so much things I needed to say to somebody but I don’t know who to talk to. i have no idea why I am venti g here but I am. to be sr8 up I never actually think I was nice on the server once. i wasn’t mean more like. I don’t know man but I don’t I showed this side of me before here ever. i don’t know why but I’m actually feeling really sad right now. what is wrong with me? i should prob stop before this becomes a shit post but I love you all and I will regret this by morning m.
  2. no please bro you were so cool.
  3. -1 You should most definitely reapply when you have more hours on the server. I also suggest fixing the grammar in the app.
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