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Posts posted by Unknownspy❄️

  1. -1

    This video doesn't show the full situation before this happened he was attempting to mass rdm me, hey, mellow, and platinum not to mention the many times he tried to rda me and if staff would ever like to check logs they can clearly see that in the damage logs he damaged us first before we killed him he was just a minge who rdmed and rdad and started playing the victim towards the end and how was he being racist staff can also check chat logs showing everything we said

  2. 2 hours ago, Hustus said:

    Body perms were great, a big plus was that they gave the worse/less used perms value based on how they looked. However, the performance hit that comes with having dozens of perms on each player is massive. If we re-added body perms we would HAVE to further restrict the amount of perms you can equip at one time.

    so is it possible to make perms as cosmetics so that way it can limit the amount you can have????


  3. ★彡 AetherNetwork.gg 彡★



    Describe your suggestion: Add more base rules to make it fair for raiders such as banning certain props such as the fences as people are using them for fading doors and shooting through them from a separate shooting window making it unfair for raiders and overpowered for defenders as they can simple shoot down a single corridor being barely visible to the raider. another rule i would suggest where both the raider and defenders must be on the same level (no height advantage).

    tl;dr revise the base rules/raiding rules

    Link To Relevant Addons (If Any):

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: This will improve the quality of raiding and base defense to give raiders a fair chance and to prevent base builders from making unraidable bases thus making raiding seem useless.


  4. ★彡 AetherNetwork.gg 彡★


    In-Game Name: Unknownspy

    Explain The Bug And How You Found It: when placing down a base dupe that has buttons or keypads as part of the dupe, advanced dupe won't place down the buttons or keypad making it a hassle to place down every keypad and button making people forget some important ones.

    Proof (If Any):

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