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Posts posted by Doggo

  1. Just now, ianxe said:

    Even if i was a high enough level you should tell me my advert is wrong when i didnt know. I've been using that advert forever and no admins said anything so you understand my perspective. but if admins were supposed to tell you when your advert is wrong and they dont wouldnt you feel like you were done wrong? 

    I didn't say that the advert was wrong i said it needs to be at least 10 seconds, either way as mentioned the other player wanted you warned there is nothing else i can do about it 

  2. Hey! i was waiting till you got back on and the situation is being handled. The reason for the False warn was the confusion since you switched names and it made it harder so see logs. The warns are going to be removed as soon as we can get someone too.

    The MRDM warn will be the only warn removed since you did waste staff time earlier and you did commit low end harassment 

  3. -1
    You sound like a troll and I would rather side with a mod than with a person I have never seen before
    (also Trap was being sarcastic lol) 

    From the clip it just looks like you raided AS he was putting the button down and as i heard from exotic "why are you RDM'ing" so he had a reason to suspect you where trying to RDM him and removed the button. Once you called raid he re-applied his button. From the clip it  is really obvious that you called raid after he removed the button, I see this as warn baiting. There was no issue and this could have been resolved in a sit but you decided to stir up shit in the forums instead.

    You seem to disagree with people who do not share the same belief that Exotic did break a rule and call them out with excuses but you are praising people who agree with you even though they are being sarcastic 

    xoxo Doggo 

  4. 1 hour ago, RevoltPlays said:



    +/- While I understand burnout this doesn't look too great while applying for staff and with relatively low play time still

    that was said in the hopes of people understanding that im not able to be on every day of every hour but i understand the worry about playtime 
    im on almost 6 days of total playtime compared to my original 2 days (which i should edit and will after this) 
    but understand that was said in confidence and not a promise that i won't get on, it's just i have been playing Gmod for a good week and a half straight and want to play some other games.

    • Like 1
  5. Describe your suggestion: either nerf it or remove it, makes it next to fucking impossible to kill someone who has full charge you have to do enough damage to kill them 5 times over 

    Link To Relevant Addons (If Any):

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: not only is it just bullshit mechanic but it throws off the whole balance, i get they are super rare and expensive but this is just outrageous for people who don't have lightsaber, it not only gives newer players a slight chance to beat bigger players but it also removes the fucking gap between skill and grinding for days and have luck to get a weapon that will win you almost every fight.


  6. 2 hours ago, chair said:

    -1 i really like these guns and m9k has no weapon customization i would rather have CW:2

  7. 13 hours ago, A̷N̷ Elizabeth said:

    No, we never had a PonyRP server lmao but i think we should make one

    bro no offense but if it does happen it better have next to no rules or im minging the shit out of it


  8. 1 hour ago, teddysbears19 said:

    Yes I fully agree on this 

    1+ Me and doggo have had really good interactions

    1- see You afk in spawn too long

    -/+ For me

    AFK in spawn for too long? im rarely AFK and i had to help around my house more today since my niece was here 
    Don't really see how im AFK too long as you say

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