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Posts posted by Acmerica

  1. On 4/23/2022 at 12:49 AM, Enzo said:


    This is quite a claim that you've made here, however I have some concerns in regards with it and the video evidence that you've provided. 

    • Prior to your recording, if I recall correctly, you were constantly harassing the 3 over a textscreen placed by Chimp and were bought to an admin sit by Oddity which I'm assuming that he wanted the both of you to put aside the involved parties differences to avoid further unnecessary harrasment, telling Chimp to get rid of said textscreen, and call it a day. However, for some reason, you've decided it was a good idea to continually harrassing them and showing clear signs of NITRP.
    • What I've also found rather suspicious about the whole thing is that the video evidences that you've provided are 100% muted possibly with the malicious intent to paint a diferent picture of the situtation at hand as a way to get three in trouble. 
    • Don't be a hypocrite. 


    If enzo is correct about this then -1

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  2. 12 hours ago, davidmason said:

    I saw most of what went on but here's my take on it pooshi has a bar that is rather popular and had disconnected and came back shortly in that time you bought the doors and didn't do anything with the base no props nothing and when he came back you can see what happened in the video he sold them and you said he "couldn't do that" and he replied "should have put a prop in here", "bring it to the fourms" then asked you "to kindly step out" and then talked about owning a base as a hitman and then milk broke the window and watched out the door as he puts up a kos sign pooshi waits a little and kills you.

    what i see from my perspective is that you bought the doors on purpose so he cant base there because he had just disconnected and reconnected and stayed in the base just to be a nuisance then he killed you after placing a kos sign and yes he should have waited longer but he was trying to place down a base and you were in the way. a sit was called by milk and taken by mcbussy and scrim (they were in a review) I do not have a clip of the sit but I remember it and take it as my word (correct me if I'm wrong) pooshi comes to the sit they all discuss for a while about the validity of the rdm and what went on and pooshi offers 10m to settle it but milk declines the offer saying "I just want him warned" and then is told by scrim and mcbussy to make a report on the fourms. this makes me feel as if it was not about the rdm and just about getting pooshi in trouble. 

    afterwards you go on to be rather rude in ooc and sit outside the bar and spamming unbox crates just outside and doing it multiple time even after I've warned you to go away (I will include proof) 








    all this together make me think this must be a joke or some bad vendetta strongly -1ps i thought i would try a tango/revolt answer  







  3. Although I think there should be some sort of change to the basing rules I don't think this would work if you blacklist fences they will just use a different prop with the same design. I don't have a problem with blocking the no-collide props besides the fact that it saves props +/-

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