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Night Light

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Posts posted by Night Light

  1. In-Game Name: Night Light

    SteamID: 76561198273475484

    Player/Staff You Are Reporting's Name: Enzar (STEAM_0:0:215550071)

    Is This Complaint For A Staff Member Or Player?: PLAYER

    Reason For Complaint: Enzar was a banker while I elected to advert bank raid and go through his base. During this a fight began between me and him. I killed him justly and he would then call that it was a fail raid, that he had to be able to kill me equally to how I was supposed to be able to kill him. In the clip below it will show that I followed the rules for the server. The specific one I can find that he would have an issue with was the rule regarding someone's shoulders and above having to be visible, which in the clip I believe mine were. Later in the raid however he would change jobs and delete his base while I was in the middle of the raid which to my knowledge is not allowed. No admins have taken my sit yet so I wanted to make a formal complaint here. Evidence of the job change can probably be found around 12:03-12:10 (that's just an estimate of the times, I just missed it on my clip). 


    • In-Game Name (List ALL variations, if accepted your Forum/Discord name will be changed to your most used one): Overflowing Barrel of Goats - Night Light - FaZe Night Light
    • Age: 17 (and a few months)
    • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:156604878
    • Discord Tag: King of Goats#3836
    • Total Playtime: 1w 3d 1h 40m
    • Timezone: EST
    • Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/LegendaryBabyGoat/
    • Times you're most active (If you have a unpredictable schedule let us know): Mostly late evenings around 9:30pm or after. My schedule can be flexible/sperratic due to work so there are times I am on during the day from as early as 10am through the day. It can be rather unpredictable, but when not doing anything else I commonly come onto the server in my free time. 

    General Questions

    • How can you contribute to Aether?: Well I mainly want to be staff, mostly due to being able to be somewhat more active, but also because I wanted to help make Aether a much more enjoyable experience overall. On top of this from becoming a lot more active I really have been wanting to dabble into assisting events and overall connecting more with the community in any way I can, including assisting with any new changes to Aether, like more mods/models/events and even maybe inputting into crates if that's a thing. I'm really here to hopefully enjoy furthering my time in this server, and meeting a ton more people to hang out with, staff or players. I want to do my best to make Aether appealing to new players so they have an enjoyable time, especially with the benefits offered like weekend bonanzas. 
    • Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?: Absolutely. I read them before this, I plan on reading them after, and, with my ability to remember, constantly enough that I am able to justly enforce them in most situations, unless of course I need help. 
    • Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to?:  Yes. I understand it is important to listen to more veteran admins, and even other trial admins if the time arises, especially if they're trying to help better my ability as an admin, or help me make a more rightful decisions in sits. 
    • Are you certain you will be able to staff for several hours a week?: Absolutely. I would love too, and it's exactly why I am applying. 

    DarkRP Rule Questions

    • Raids can last how long?: 10 minutes tops, and you aren't allowed to simply camp the base once you have complete raid 'activities'. 
    • If a player in your party dies whilst raiding, how long do they have to wait to come back and raid the same base again?: Thirty minutes.
    • What initiates a raid?: An advert. /Advert Raid - /Advert PD Raid - or /Advert Bank Raid
    • If no raiding tool is being used can the player steal the item from a base without an advert?: So long as it is in their job, and they are accessible without having to lockpick or use any raid tool to open an area and access said items. 
    • Give an example of a valid raid advert (type it as you'd type it in-game): /Advert Raid or /Advert Bank Raid and /Advert PD Raid
    • If the owner of the base is standing outside on their base entrances sidewalk as you're about to raid but haven't announced a raid yet, can you kill them?: No. You must first announce a raid using an advert, and they must be within proper interfering distance. Long distance raids are not allowed.
    • If you get arrested mid-raid can you return after your arrest?: It depends on if you're being raided or were raiding. If you were raiding your raid ends and any interaction before you were arrested ends. If arrested being raided you would wait and be released. Any interaction before hand would end, however returning to your base if people are still in and a KOS sign is present you are free to defend. (Correct? Please correct me if wrong, I tried refinding the rule)
    • If you get RDM'd are you allowed to kill the RDMer back without repercussions?: No, you cannot revenge RDM under any circumstances, it still counts as RDM. 
    • A player punches somebody unprovoked and runs away, the player who got punched calls a sit - what punishment would you give the instigator?: Attempt RDM, which if I am correct, still counts as an RDM warn regardless, depending on the circumstances. (Especially if found to be done multiple times)
    • List all default Laws of The Land

    • Raiding and stealing is illegal.
    • Entities detected by the contraband scanner are illegal.
    • Harming players is illegal unless you are defending bases. 
    • Shooting dangerous weapons in public is illegal.
    • Laws can be enforced with KOS if the player is wanted.
    • Laws can be enforced with KOS if a players life is in danger.
    • Non-default Laws must be things that players choose to do.
    • Laws that are seen as baiting kills or arrests are disallowed.
    • The Mayor can choose to make dangerous weapons legal or illegal. 
    • How many bases can you own per party?: A single base
    • A player is refusing to co-operate with you in a staff sit, how do you handle the non-cooperative player?: Personally, I would give them a few chances to cooperate before I would either call another admin to first learn how to deal with it, otherwise I would most likely deal with the situation simply going forward by learning about what happened and administering the proper warn before returning the players (unless punishment is required.)
    • Can you punish a player for intentionally ruining others time, even if they say it's out of fun?: Yes. That would incite a NITRP warn and most likely other warns, assuming they broke other rules. 
    • Give an example of a Staff abusing their powers and how you would handle it: If they were freezing people for no reason, or if they were abusing things like no-clip or the remove tool to delete fair bases or unjustly raid others. In my opinion I would take it to either the owner or one of the higher admins, like a senior admin, so they could more properly handle the situation as needed. 
    • A player is excessively RDMing, how would you intervene/stop them from continuing and what punishment would you give?: I would most likely god, teleport them to an isolated area and freeze them before checking logs to find out how many rdms were caused, question them if need be and then administer the proper warns and get a higher up admin in case for need of a ban or something along those lines of a more severe punishment. 
    • A Mayor enabled a lockdown without reason and is refusing to turn it off, how do you resolve this?: I would first go to him, to kindly ask for him to lift it. If he were to refuse I would most likely either call a higher admin for some guidance, or strip him of his mayor role (if he were mean, or constantly turning lockdown back on unjustly.). If This is the wrong answer I apologize, I just find it to be the more proper idea. (Obviously all this is after the ten minutes limit to a lockdown.)
  2. 7 hours ago, ThiccYe said:

    While it would help with unnecessary sits, I don’t think the solution would be to force PD to use the main entrance. Maybe a text screen or a sign in the lobby or alley to suggest checking that entrance as well? Maybe have the courtroom and hallway be public access, that way using the alley doors would be pointless and would open PD up to more RP scenarios, making the courtroom no longer a waste of space.  Builders can still block off the PD Cell door, and that would make sure all defenses would be built up stairs.  

    I actually love the idea of making the courtroom public access. Not only would this easily provide way more variety to rps, it would also allow the same idea of ensuring that it is not confusing when it comes to attempting raids or simply curious as to what the entrance is (alley entrance specifically.) 


    Suggestion: Changing how PD basing works

    Link To Relevant Addons: N?A

    Media/Screenshots/Videos: [SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS]

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: A lot of bases regarding PD very commonly block the doors inside of the lobby of PD. This leaves the last entrance most people leave open the one in the alley. 

    This does cause a lot of confusion and a lot of unnecessary sits, which can affect peoples play, and in game things like raids or etc. Outside of this, blocking off the doors inside of PD half defeats some of the interactions police can have, and reading the law board inside lobby that dictates pd stairs, etc (not everyone has these memorized, leading to deaths in that mini alley hall, especially with new players.) 

    Now, getting into the bases, many of the people who choose to form bases using the alley commonly make attempts to hide the buttons and make it very difficult for people (raiders, players, etc) to enjoy raiding pd or even make it possible. 

    This is why I raise that in terms of basing, one door inside of the PD lobby must be open (fading door with button, keypad, or just one door open normally via doors) at all times. I feel this will offer a much more fair advantage, and make it more fair in terms of those trying to interact in PD, while also keeping the in lobby rules legitimate and useful, while also offering players like mayor or pd members to create their own safer ways in. (While following basing rules normally). 

    This could help also mitigate the amount of unnecessary deaths and sits, giving a small break from the issue for mods. 

  4. I personally think this would be awesome. 

    Amidst the many who complain about it being too dark, I think this would be awesome, and if given enough time (the day night cycle being long enough on each end) that it could lead to other roleplays, like nighttime based rp bases (campfires, or even tiki props being added) and could also give way to, as you said, more light based props being in use. 


  5. Suggestion: Changing the Halloween event. (Mildly)

    Media/Screenshots/Videos: Below. (After 6 people finished a five minute-ish battle with the large mutant.)1738283435_Screenshot(62).thumb.png.df3f794c03a24f60d992694906110099.png

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?:  For starters I believe the changes I am offering will make it a much more manageable and enjoyable event for everyone that decides to take part in it. 

    The first thing I wanted to mention was the large mutants. I, on more than one occasion (though I only realized it now) have had to kill the thing with many others, upwards of even six people, and the reward is tied only to the person that killed it. This happen to be mildly frustrating only because the rewards are only to the person that got the 'kill shot' thus meaning those other people that assisted trying to kill it don't get much of anything out of it. On top of that it makes it much more difficult trying to kill it solo due to the tankiness of it. I would like to propose that either the health of the larger mutant could be lowered somehow to make it faster to kill by small amount of sorts, or by making a way that everyone gets a reward from helping kill it (I.e. giving each person a zombie eye or two and on rare chance a zombie brain.). I feel that would make killing them in groups much more satisfactory or enjoyable rather than leaving a few people with little to nothing. 

    A second part I would like to suggest is the introduction of a pumpkin patch or graveyard that has an increased rate of pumpkin spawning but a regular rate of spawning the basic mutants, thus giving both risk and reward to this event, and giving an area to grind. With both the slow rate of the pumpkin boss spawn, and the slow rate of the pumpkins, it would give players a much better chance to go for the higher tier loot available from the NPCs, and also with people being able to be arrested when laws are in coordination, it would possibly pose an unfair advantage in the candy earning (Like a cope arresting people for shooting mutants or the boss, and then taking the rewards themselves). 

    Just some suggestions I wanted to put out, obviously I know they won't for sure happen so any criticisms on how to flesh these ideas out would be very much welcome and anted. 

  6. 17 hours ago, NotYourMomsPancakes said:


    + No Bad Interactions

    + Active Players

    + Knows the Rules

    + Application is very detailed


    With the compliments stated above I have decided to +1 this application.


    Wish you luck Night Light.


    I recommend reading over the Staff Handbook and the Rules.


    I have them open still, plan on keeping them open and doing periodic rereads so I have it all under control. 😄 Thanks for the kind words everyone!

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, dr. snortthisperc said:

    100% correct. You may return to your OWN base upon release from jail whilst being raided.


    If a lockdown is unjustified it is okay to give the mayor the second chance to turn it off; however if players are complaining, it could mean they're either being killed/arrested so in my opinion waiting til after the 10 minute lockdown limit to demote/forcefully turn off the lockdown is just way too long.


    Only great interactions in-game

    Good playtime

    Not many critiques for me to make!

    If Night Light gains a good amount of community support then I see no reason as of right now to not +1!

    (I was not able to find active time via game tracker nor see warns in-game if someone else could post as needed.)

    Thank you for the feedback regarding what to do for the lockdown! I was really hoping I would be able to get some pointers and clarification through this 😄

    • Like 1
    • In-Game Name (List ALL variations, if accepted your Forum/Discord name will be changed to your most used one): Overflowing Barrel of Goats - Night Light - FaZe Night Light
    • Age: 17 (and a few months)
    • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:156604878
    • Discord Tag: King of Goats#3836
    • Total Playtime: 4d 15h 45m
    • Timezone: EST
    • Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/LegendaryBabyGoat/
    • Times you're most active (If you have a unpredictable schedule let us know): Mostly late evenings around 9:30pm or after. My schedule can be flexible/sperratic due to work so there are times I am on during the day from as early as 10am through the day. It can be rather unpredictable, but when not doing anything else I commonly come onto the server in my free time. 

    General Questions

    • How can you contribute to Aether?: Well I mainly want to be staff, mostly due to being able to be somewhat more active, but also because I wanted to help make Aether a much more enjoyable experience overall. On top of this from becoming a lot more active I really have been wanting to dabble into assisting events and overall connecting more with the community in any way I can, including assisting with any new changes to Aether, like more mods/models/events and even maybe inputting into crates if that's a thing. I'm really here to hopefully enjoy furthering my time in this server, and meeting a ton more people to hang out with, staff or players. I want to do my best to make Aether appealing to new players so they have an enjoyable time, especially with the benefits offered like weekend bonanzas. 
    • Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?: Absolutely. I read them before this, I plan on reading them after, and, with my ability to remember, constantly enough that I am able to justly enforce them in most situations, unless of course I need help. 
    • Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to?:  Yes. I understand it is important to listen to more veteran admins, and even other trial admins if the time arises, especially if they're trying to help better my ability as an admin, or help me make a more rightful decisions in sits. 
    • Are you certain you will be able to staff for several hours a week?: Absolutely. I would love too, and it's exactly why I am applying. 

    DarkRP Rule Questions

    • Raids can last how long?: 10 minutes tops, and you aren't allowed to simply camp the base once you have complete raid 'activities'. 
    • If a player in your party dies whilst raiding, how long do they have to wait to come back and raid the same base again?: Thirty minutes.
    • What initiates a raid?: An advert. /Advert Raid - /Advert PD Raid - or /Advert Bank Raid
    • If no raiding tool is being used can the player steal the item from a base without an advert?: So long as it is in their job, and they are accessible without having to lockpick or use any raid tool to open an area and access said items. 
    • Give an example of a valid raid advert (type it as you'd type it in-game): /Advert Raid or /Advert Bank Raid and /Advert PD Raid
    • If the owner of the base is standing outside on their base entrances sidewalk as you're about to raid but haven't announced a raid yet, can you kill them?: No. You must first announce a raid using an advert, and they must be within proper interfering distance. Long distance raids are not allowed.
    • If you get arrested mid-raid can you return after your arrest?: It depends on if you're being raided or were raiding. If you were raiding your raid ends and any interaction before you were arrested ends. If arrested being raided you would wait and be released. Any interaction before hand would end, however returning to your base if people are still in and a KOS sign is present you are free to defend. (Correct? Please correct me if wrong, I tried refinding the rule)
    • If you get RDM'd are you allowed to kill the RDMer back without repercussions?: No, you cannot revenge RDM under any circumstances, it still counts as RDM. 
    • A player punches somebody unprovoked and runs away, the player who got punched calls a sit - what punishment would you give the instigator?: Attempt RDM, which if I am correct, still counts as an RDM warn regardless, depending on the circumstances. (Especially if found to be done multiple times)
    • List all default Laws of The Land

    • Raiding and stealing is illegal.
    • Entities detected by the contraband scanner are illegal.
    • Harming players is illegal unless you are defending bases. 
    • Shooting dangerous weapons in public is illegal.
    • Laws can be enforced with KOS if the player is wanted.
    • Laws can be enforced with KOS if a players life is in danger.
    • Non-default Laws must be things that players choose to do.
    • Laws that are seen as baiting kills or arrests are disallowed.
    • The Mayor can choose to make dangerous weapons legal or illegal. 
    • How many bases can you own per party?: A single base
    • A player is refusing to co-operate with you in a staff sit, how do you handle the non-cooperative player?: Personally, I would give them a few chances to cooperate before I would either call another admin to first learn how to deal with it, otherwise I would most likely deal with the situation simply going forward by learning about what happened and administering the proper warn before returning the players (unless punishment is required.)
    • Can you punish a player for intentionally ruining others time, even if they say it's out of fun?: Yes. That would incite a NITRP warn and most likely other warns, assuming they broke other rules. 
    • Give an example of a Staff abusing their powers and how you would handle it: If they were freezing people for no reason, or if they were abusing things like no-clip or the remove tool to delete fair bases or unjustly raid others. In my opinion I would take it to either the owner or one of the higher admins, like a senior admin, so they could more properly handle the situation as needed. 
    • A player is excessively RDMing, how would you intervene/stop them from continuing and what punishment would you give?: I would most likely god, teleport them to an isolated area and freeze them before checking logs to find out how many rdms were caused, question them if need be and then administer the proper warns and get a higher up admin in case for need of a ban or something along those lines of a more severe punishment. 
    • A Mayor enabled a lockdown without reason and is refusing to turn it off, how do you resolve this?: I would first go to him, to kindly ask for him to lift it. If he were to refuse I would most likely either call a higher admin for some guidance, or strip him of his mayor role (if he were mean, or constantly turning lockdown back on unjustly.). If This is the wrong answer I apologize, I just find it to be the more proper idea. (Obviously all this is after the ten minutes limit to a lockdown.)
    • Cool 1
    • Surprised 1
  8. The thing with it all though is like, yes maybe it wouldn't be fun for the mayor, I've seen it's gotten to the point that a lot of police officers that play don't even enforce the rules for stuff like vapes. Weapons they do, but vapes and even un-activated lightsabers have left me untouched by PD players, with them even saying they wouldn't arrest me for that stuff. On top of that, with those laws it's lead me to be subject to one or two officers camping spawn so people will immediately come out with something they aren't 'supposed to have' and not even give them a chance to put it away, only shoving them back in jail. I was debating making another forum post about stuff like that (camping spawn where there is commonly gun lockers from gun dealers or whatnot.) because it makes the game unfun to go from out of jail to immediately back into jail, but that's a whole nother issue that I just can't get around cause I can't say to extend spawn or something. 

    But back on point, it's also not like the items are even harmful, cause to my knowledge none of the vapes can do damage, and there are a MASSIVE amount of toys that don't deal damage, hell there's even toys that just kill the user like the revolver and sniper digeridoo. (bleach too, but you can give that to other people.) 

  9. Yea, and that's a really cool idea actually. I also wanted to bring up an issue with spawn stuff. The weapon out = AOS is so abusable, because if there are black market dealers right out of spawn there's this cop that camps them and the MOMENT you buy a gun you get arrested and it makes things unfun. 

  10. Suggestion: A rule that makes it unable to make AOS/KOS laws for unharmful items like Vapes or Toys. 

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: In the past day and a half I've noticed an increase in the popularity of people creating laws AOS-ing specific things like weapons, toys, vapes, etc. 

    I believe that yes, weapons should be AOS-able (Items that are actuals weapons or deal damage I.E. Guns, Knives, Lightsabers, or perms like the infused claws, tsar vodka, etc. That actually makes sense.

    However items like vapes or toys that do not harm I.E. Medicinal vapes, armor vapes, toy weapons, toys that kill yourself, etc should not be AOS-able. It makes things very unfun due to the amount you could get arrested for them, and on top of that, it's most peoples default items to hold something like that out, like for me it's my medicinal vape, it's my main healing source, and for others it could be some perm that they have. 

    The TLDR is that mayors should not be able to AOS vapes or toys, and instead items that can deal a significant amount of damage should be classed as weapons, so that it's not unfair or unfun for other people to have an enjoyable time. 

  11. 6 hours ago, paradox said:

    I vividly remember being arrested and some SWAT gunning down people in there cells. Yeah it is kind of petty but dems' the rules.

    I'm pretty sure that was the other guy. I came in briefly, arrested one person who ended up in a locked cell and saw someone else was out. Shot him, then went around to lock everything and he was standing in the doorway refusing to let us lock it up, so I did kill him. Again, Dread has said that what I did was completely fair so. I left after, though there was one or two other cops/swat shooting people. idk if it was in cell or not but.

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