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Posts posted by TangoDown

  1. 4 hours ago, Basic said:

    -1 from me, for this reason here. Along with the fact that like others have said, raiding a base is hard enough with the current "endless zig-zag" meta we have going on, which is a problem in itself. Having an area that makes already OP-bases even stronger, sounds pointless to me. 


    Well instead of focusing on the negatives (and thats not pointing directly at you Basic) come up with Ideas. The idea here was to create a conversation. Perhaps in the zone the Prop limit for builds could be Less? that would have to be done server side for that zone and I don't know how big of a pain it would be But I'm sure it could be done.


    I'm hoping even if this exact Idea doesn't pan out that some one will read it and have some spark go off and come up with something fun to do that will give us something new.

  2. 4 hours ago, Basic said:



    Would take you longer to re-learn everything than It would to just use your muscle memory to locate these. We've all been playing this game for way too long, so... its pretty easy. 

    Bet I've been playing longer ❤️But like I said Things organized will not take very long to located and remember. But eh prob not gonna happen 😃

  3. 4 hours ago, Basic said:

    Im confused here. Nobody can build on the sidewalk or street unless they're a hobo/dwarf. And Hobo's/Dwarves cannot raid. So if you have problems with people building infront of, on top of, or inside your base, contact a staff member. As that is not allowed.

    True, However there are underground areas where this could happen.

  4. 14 minutes ago, ImmortalxReaper said:

    The reason spam chat with these types of messages is two things:

    • Basing is still pretty overpowered compared to raiders, so no one wants to raid.
    • The reward for successfully raiding a base is low in most cases.

    Well the idea behind it is to give them reason to try and raid each other regardless of the imbalance, if they enter the zone then they choose to do so willing with the goal of trying to over take and destroy other peoples property. Groups/alliances will form. better bases will be build

  5. 1 hour ago, Dreadnaught said:

    I mean, cool idea I guess, but -1

    Would be very annoying to incorporate and enforce from a staff perspective

    I differently could see how this would add to the burden of staff, couple things that could be done to help relive some burden

    Adding a Zone tag to the kill feed / logs when a player dies in that zone.

    Add a Command or Pop up that enables PVP damage in that zone. (if player doesn't accept PVP they do not get the bonus or any other Perk Feature and cannot spawn anything in that zone)



  6. Suggestion: A Zone that would be meant for basing and raiding with less rules.

    Take one section of the map (such as Slums) And modify it to allow Raiding that is Engorge and Perhaps Modify rules such as

    - No NLR

    - No Raid Cool Down

    - Increased Fading Doors / Buttons (maybe increase this by 2 nothing insane)

    - I'm sure there will be people who have lots more ideas.

    How The Zone Would Work & Benefits

    First there would have to be a minimum number of players in the zone in order for benefits to be activated (else it would become to easy for people to make money while no one is on)

    Benefits would increase Based on the money making entity spent in the zone.

    Lets take Meth as a example as it would be the assist to mathematically break down and explain as it has few variables. (though them blowing up will be a issue)

    Once You spawn a Meth Lab in this zone a timer is started, when that timer hits 15 minutes the time to produce 1 Meth would drop 1.5 seconds from base time

    Once your meth lab has been in the zone for 30 minutes time to produce meth would reduce 3 seconds from base time

    Once your meth lab has been in the zone for 45 minutes time to produce meth would reduce 4.5 seconds from base time

    Once your meth lab has been in the zone for 60 minutes time to produce meth would reduce 6 seconds from base time.

    Different Money making ents would have different "In zone" times based on if they self destruct or need to be tended too to provent them from self destruction (such as printers) Bit Miners would be the longest "in zone" time as they don't really have to be tended to as they don't self district (just run out of gas)

    And Of course each "money making ent" boost would have to be adjusted accordingly as some are more powerful then others in terms of cash that can be made

    Additional Idea

    Add A K/D ranking list that would give the person with top K/D raitio in that zone (this would to be placed in a data file some where) That would be split into 2 rankings

    Weekly (resets every week on Sunday or something) & would give them a title or a Special Warable they get while they are top of the list for the week

    All Time Best K/D (Would need some sort of Display in spawn that shows top K/D for the warzone

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    How will this improve the quality of Aether?:

    This would bring a new aspect to the server espically for those who enjoy to raid. We all see people begging others to raid them, Spaming Raid my Base in X zone. or a player who was Mayor today (who I had a conversation with who was telling me he made all these dictatorship laws to try and get the server to raid PD). There is Clearly a Want for players to PVP more. and this just might give them a reason to go to a part of the map and raid the hell out of each other.


    Final Thoughts

    I post this not as a attempt to not be raided or try and use this as a fix for any imbalance that I have posted before. I don't enjoy losing (just like any one else) but I mitigate loss by doing cretin things and I talk to people who raid me and ask them questions to try and Learn. These are simply ideas and they may not be the best ones but if you read threw them and it sparks a new Idea on how to make something fun for the server Then thats just as good to me as my idea being put in. So I hope this sparks something fun for every one regardless of how it turns out..


    Thanks for reading.

  7. Suggestion: Organize into There own Category witch is a pretty easy Process.

    Copying the base files into addons with the same file structure. for example /garrysmod/addons/[LUA] Master/gamemodes/sandbox/gamemode/

    I'll go ahead and detail how (I assume Jouaram could figure it out for him self or might already know but just in case I'll detail how to)


    @ around line 104

        spawnmenu.AddToolCategory( "Main", "Construction",    "#spawnmenu.tools.construction" )
        spawnmenu.AddToolCategory( "Main", "Render",        "#spawnmenu.tools.render" )
        spawnmenu.AddToolCategory( "Main", "V.I.P. Tools",        "V.I.P. Tools" )    
        spawnmenu.AddToolCategory( "Main", "Admin Tools",        "Admin Tools" )

    Removing Face Pose and Placing those items in Admin Tools? I'd also get rid of constraints and add those in Construction.

    after that you simply copy /garrysmod/gamemodes/sandbox/entities/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/


    /garrysmod/addons/[LUA] Master/gamemodes/sandbox/entities/weapons/gmod_tool/stools/

    and Edit the categories of the tools to match the category You want them to be in and its that simple.

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    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: This will make the server look more professional and allow people to see Exactly what they can use with out having to wonder (if its in a admin category then its pretty obvious you won't be able to use it). Its also pretty easy to modify the custom sweps Like Perma-Prop, Pumpkin Spawner & P Casino's Entity Creator (You can also rename the tool it self so its more obvious what it is sense its out of its own category)...


    Additionally I have a script that hides the Tabs in the Q menu, like post process, dupes, saves based on rank (You can hide tabs based on rank I.E. I've previously would hide Saves, Dupes, & NPC's as those where never used even by me) and allow every one to see Spawn List, Weapons, Entity's, And Post Process, Vechicales could prob be just hidden all together as well)   

  8. 41 minutes ago, Dildozer said:

    Nah it doesn't matter how many props you have, It depends solely on how you build your base. I've made and seen crazy overpowered bases ranging from any amount of props. It's not hard at all


    On ret and aether I rarely have gotten successfully raided and I have a multitude of dupes and switch around buildings that vary in size. It's really not hard to defend you have every advantage known to man. You can literally choose when you can and can't take damage from the enemy

    As this post continues I have been talking to one of those people who Love to raid (and yes he raids just for the sake of raiding) as he knows how I operate and there really isn't much to steal from me) and I'm not complaining that he does.


    But as this goes along and I've talked to him about my base He would prob agree with you Dildozer but Can you really build a OP base with 60 props? and where exactly? as I mentioned location size has a lot to do with it and a lot of people base at the same locations over and over. I've mentioned EMP bombs, But grande that do area damage are way to big even if I sealed the first part of the base up so he can't throw it in the back of my base the "AOE" is pretty huge for where my base was and covered pretty much my hole maze.


    Its interesting that I get a mix amount of people who say Raiding is OP and that defending is Bad and People who think Defending is OP . I would like to think I'm a pretty good base builder but once I figured out how much I was up against I knew I had to get to 100 props to be close to being able to have a defend properly. 

  9. Just now, Poopy Joe said:

    Disagree on the part about people raising just to raid because as long as they are following the raiding rules and waiting their time before they raid again, I think they should be allowed to. But as far as the EMP Grenades and Blowtorches ruining bases and heavily increasing prop counts, I 100% agree it needs a nerf or to be removed entirely, as I’ve never been a fan of explosives on DarkRP servers in the first place and I couldn’t imagine trying to build a secure base as a new player with only 60 props as I’ve seen people blowtorch through 4-5 props to get into bases. But I also think in general basing rules should be adjusted to only allow shooting windows because the no collide aspect also attributes to bases being unraidable.

    I personally don't mind being raided. I enjoy the challenge though I shouldn't admit that. I like trying to figure out ways build better bases.


    However the issue is in Small areas emp mobs will basically will hit any Fading door. So even with 100 props its near impossible to defined in a small space. even with 100 props.


    Then if you pick a large area (espically if you have to cover a lot of doors/windows etc) its hard to build to defend against blow torch and emp bombs Even with 100 props.


    It might be a bit better if some larger props that could cover more area where not restricted. But there are some areas I just won't base in because I'd have to cover to much area.

  10. 21 minutes ago, Dildozer said:

    Raiding is extremely unfun and unbalanced. Honestly on Aether I don't even bother raiding. Even if I'm a cop and they have illegals. It's just not fun and there's no point. When I try raiding I either get spammed by gas and nitro grenades or they use some stupid OP build. Basing on Ret was 1000x more balanced and fun. Now It's so insanely defense sided that attacking isn't fun whatsoever

    Flip side Small areas are impossible to defend, Large areas are hard to defend unless you have 100 props So if you are defending if you only have 60 props you are SOL cus lack of props means blow torch, if you are in a small area emp bomb hits all fading doors and they are in.


    6 minutes ago, BadGraphics said:

    well one, aether’s servers are not very pay to win. I’d argue that the prop limit increase is one of the only things worth in buying premium (plus builder is only like 3 bucks as you mentioned) So to take that away would be kinda dumb, and there are plenty of ways to make a really good base with only 60 prop, you just have to know how to build or build in a more hidden area, like sewers or on the beach.

     Before the blow torch was added, almost no one raided at all, so it’s nice to finally see players being able to do more then afk in their base. i think raiding 100% balanced the way it is :).

    And just to beat a dead horse, the staff should definitely not be exceeding 100 props while building a base. The prop limit increase is only to make cool ass events. 

    So basically -1 this suggestion 

    Well removing the Blow Torch was One Idea/Option The hole Pay To win argument I don't think quite fits as yes the server is mostly not pay to win, But having 100 props vs 60 is a huge Imbalance, Mind you I am Premium rank. I will admit I hate building because of blow torch and the lack of bigger props witch makes it Really hard to build in bigger spaces (even with 100 props).

  12. Suggestion: Balance Raiding

    This is certainly going to be a heated discussion and Let me start off by saying I do not know what really is the Best Solution to this but in my Opinion due to many factors including the inflation of the economy Raiding has become very lopsided.

    One Idea would to adjust the base price of some of the raiding items, such as Blow Torch or EMP bombs. There are a couple of people (and we all know who they are) who do nothing but raid and farm and Regardless of what they think you have in your base they Raid just to raid.


    On the subject of Blow Torches there is a huge imbalance when it comes to Ranks, a new player with only 60 props cannot afford to stack props on top of each other to build a secure base. add on top of that you basically have to make make long mazes in the hopes of not having a EMP bomb trigger every fading door and the lack of some longer bigger props. And then admins (I'm not 100% sure what there prop limits are) have something like 200 props? and if they are smart with building there is 0 chance some one could raid them. 


    So whats the solution? Removing Blow Torch would certainly make it easier for players with 60 props to be able to build a proper base, they could focus on a longer maze style base to defend against EMP bombs.

    I would also Suggest Limiting Admins to 100 Props on for base defense seems fair. They can use the remaining props to decorate or what ever they want to do.


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    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: Makes it easier and Fair for those who cannot afford to buy a donor rank and get extra props (and yes some people can't afford $2.50 for a donation rank the struggle is real) and Not just them but all players.

  13. Regarding the Fail base. I do not believe it is as I have had several Staff come by my base and ask about it.  


    The question is regardless of how the base is set up are players allowed to build to try and bypass a gap or feature of the base they are raiding before they start raiding, Assuming that they are not building directly on base of the person they are raiding.

  14. Suggestion: Update / Clarify rules regarding building for raiding example one of my bases relies on 2 props gears stacked at a angle in order for the player to walk up with out having to crouch or jump. Is the player allowed before they start a raid to build props to bypass my stairs? The stairs are faded and there is a button below it to un-fade the stairs.

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    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: Will help with knowing what is and is not allowed so bases can be build accordingly

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  15. I had just arrived shortly before this happened and did not see him taunting with a RPG. However It didn't really bother me and I didn't say anything about it. There was one new player in the crowed who might have not taken so kindly to it. Most likely some one reported it and was not to happy. But Mass RDM? Prob not as almost every one there was up there to goof off spam there stupid Duck Hunt Gun.


    +1 For just RDM Punishment if the gods are feeling kind today 🙂

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