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True true that is my mistake, been happening a lot lately I think I’m schizophrenic.
From what I can recall, most of the sits we have gotten regarding Err have been if he was allowed to shoot AoE/nade-like weapons through the most common bank dupe's no collided wall, which is fine as this follows the ruling on grenades that Jman has, where you are allowed to peak -> throw -> run back behind cover. If you are fully VISIBLE and DAMAGEABLE while doing this, that is fine. This is an issue of the bank owner at this point to not allow grenades/rockets go through their one wall defense. However, what Err is doing in this situation is definitely against the raiding as he is legit blind-firing around the corner where neither party is visible. Damageable yes, but not visible. Also according to logs he definitely has not been following the cooldown of 30 minutes per raid on one base. As per the guidelines, he will be receiving a WW for Fail Raid and I will talk to him in game more about the ruling. Thanks for the report! I hate the AoE weapons so fucking much.
i heard from him that he claims admin gave no warnings/gave him a yes to do it but in the past jouaram said its not okie, so why do you think jouaram would say yes its okie? @Jouaram we really need a concluded answer from you because admin do not know how to deal with this situation ever since err had joined the server and some admins says its okie all of the sudden.
majority of his money came from him sitting in bank and raiding over and over as soon as the vault cooldown was over but not waiting his raid cooldown.
+1 he raided countless of times like this therefore in my conclusion a +1 for me and should get at least 1 bil of his money away for past offenses like this.
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