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Everything posted by davidmason

  1. +1 holy shit is that like 45363645456367346736 paragraphs
  2. Fortnite battle pass song.mp3
  3. @yousetoffmytrap @Goosev2 @Pooshi @bakedpotato @yousetoffmytrap @Danny_Mcflurry2 @yousetoffmytrap
  4. me shooting j man with cool awp obrez he dropped a long time ago ps: i should win ram.mp4
  5. -1 upside down turns out she is upside down and Australian so is right side up? +1
  6. um i think i should win because it would be funny?
  7. PS: I have a history of being staff for numerous months then "disappearing" and/or resigning. I'd like to take a second to explain why that is; I suffer from extreme mental illness (no I'm not looking for pity) and it causes me to "shut-down" and pretty much lose interest in things fairly quick. So to counter this I am now undergoing therapy, I assure you if things get too hard for me I will ask for an extended LOA or push my hardest through it, I truly hope everyone understands. these two things combined make me wonder if you are active and actually will stay staff so rn -1
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