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Posts posted by paradox

  1. Suggestion: Undo blowtorch buff.

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: A very long time ago blowtorches used to take double the time and only break one prop instead of two. This made base building much easier and you could save on so many props. Due to the rule change of allowing people to base on most roofs now the question becomes how to make bases blowtorch proof with a few props to spare on the outside of your base.

    Making large spalling bases like it seems the rules want is impossible if you spend 70 props on the walls and is clearly unfair to those who aren't builder or premium.

  2. Suggestion: Remove the jackhammers overheat cooldown.

    Link To Relevant Addons: N/A

    Media/Screenshots/Videos: N/A

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: Currently the jackhammer is to put it lightly... Fucking useless. No one I know that runs miner at all will ever use the jackhammer in any serious sense because of its unbelievably long 15 minute cooldown combined with only a few good hits (I'd say probably 30?). The pickaxe is slower however much superior in every way (almost same speed at max level) including total gathered resources in an hour.

    It's not worth the time nor effort to create or sell jackhammers due to the slow ass speed that the jackhammer has.

    Thanks, paradox.

  3. 21 hours ago, dr. snortthisperc said:

    I feel like if there was a way to give the hex shield a certain amount of 'health' or a limit to how much damage the shield can negate would be pretty cool. That way instead of waiting out a certain amount of time, it could bring a use to RPGs and such other weapons to bring the shield down quickly.

    Or you could just replace the one we have right now with the local hex shield from the same addon that drains armor the longer you have it equipped. (Once you have zero it turns off)

  4. I don't think any of you have ran an actual benchmark on wiremod like I have. It isn't nearly as taxing as you'd think it is and none of you have really done actual testing to prove that its taxing.

    Other then that I have never really gotten many issues with wiremod other than exploits to do with E2 (something you can block quite easily).


    • Giddy 2
  5. Well first of all you can design your base with anti hex shield (a shooting floor, like a literal floor under the person that is fading doored), however it'd also be easy to add this since I'm pretty sure its already in the config.


  6. In-Game Name: paradox

    SteamID: Mine STEAM_0:1:193781969; His STEAM_0:1:55322614

    Player/Staff You Are Reporting's Name: INSOMNIA

    Is This Complaint For A Staff Member Or Player?: Player

    Reason For Complaint: Scammed us out of our money for a raid. He adverted that the raid would be 100M and we raided him, won and destroyed his printers. He then proceeded to leave and not give any money.


  7. Suggestion: Add the JUUL to the Nostalgic Crate after December.

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: A weapon I'm sure most of you don't even know about and that one person who doesn't play anymore has a monopoly over. Hes not going to be logging back in and I don't see the point in having the couple that exist in one inventory not being used or flexed at all. It'd make sense to add them back as a limited to keep most of their ridiculous value.

  8. Suggestion: Add a command that will tell you in minutes how long until all the boosts run out. Developer note: Could be done through storing os.Time() upon a boost activating clientside then when the command is run it will print os.Date based on the stored os.Time.

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: It'll allow people to correctly manage printers and another money making things based on when a boost will run out. It sucks to not get the most out of the things you have.

  9. -1 I agree with Trem0r and have taken a look at the code for myself. Heres some snippets: 

    Completely useless testing code he never removed


    hook.Add("zfs_OnSmoothieMade", "zfs_OnSmoothieMade_Test", function(ply, Smoothie, SmoothieID)
    	print("Player who made the Smoothie: " .. tostring(ply))
    	print("Smoothie: " .. tostring(Smoothie))
    	print("SmoothieID: " .. SmoothieID)
    	print("SmoothiePrice: " .. Smoothie:GetPrice())
    // Called when a player buys a smoothie
    hook.Add("zfs_OnSmoothieSold", "zfs_OnSmoothieSold_Test", function(ply, Price, Smoothie, SmoothieID)
    	print("Player who bought the Smoothie: " .. tostring(ply))
    	print("Smoothie: " .. tostring(Smoothie))
    	print("SmoothieID: " .. SmoothieID)
    	print("Price: " .. Price)

    The official worst code lining I've ever seen 

    zclib.NetEvent.AddDefinition("zfs_sweetner_fill", {
    	[1] = {
    		type = "entity"
    	[2] = {
    		type = "string"
    }, function(received)
    	local ent = received[1]
    	local SweetType = received[2]
    	if not IsValid(ent) then return end
    	local effect
    	if SweetType == "Coffe" then
    		effect = "zfs_sweetener_coffee"
    	elseif SweetType == "Milk" then
    		effect = "zfs_sweetener_milk"
    	elseif SweetType == "Chocolate" then
    		effect = "zfs_sweetener_chocolate"
    	zclib.Effect.ParticleEffectAttach(effect, PATTACH_POINT_FOLLOW, ent, 1)
    	zclib.Animation.PlayTransition(ent, "fill", 1, "idle", 1)
    zclib.NetEvent.AddDefinition("zfs_smoothie_sell", {
    	[1] = {
    		type = "vector"
    }, function(received)
    	local pos = received[1]
    	if pos == nil then return end
    	zclib.Effect.ParticleEffect("zfs_sell_effect", pos, angle_zero, LocalPlayer())
    	zclib.Sound.EmitFromPosition(pos, "cash")


  10. It'd have to be balanced quite well in order to not mess up the AB market. I can see Jouaram maybe declining this on the bases of a money incentive through the shop but I'm going to give it a positive rating.


    • Love 1
  11. On 3/17/2022 at 6:43 PM, Dildozerr said:


    I wouldn't support this specifically due to the information being OOC, however an RP way to find out would be cool. Maybe when you mug someone it says "You stole $17,000 of their $60,000,000! Or something like that. A certain way to RP it or interact to find that information out.

    yeah but like, you can already check by using !placehit. this just makes it quicker and easier than scrolling for 5 minutes looking for their name.

  12. Suggestion: Allow the Mayor to tax passive AB (up to 10%), this would be spread out through the PD staff. IE: Police Chief, & A Mayor is online and they'd both get the same amount of extra AB added onto their current passive rate (Police Chief is prestige 2 and gets 30 passive AB but instead he gets 50).

    Link To Relevant Addons: [LINK]

    Media/Screenshots/Videos: [SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS]

    How will this improve the quality of Aether?: Allowing Mayor to tax AB would give a better dynamic to the economy and would make the job very sought after, even more so than it is today. It would also make players want to play Police jobs and it would make players actively despise the Mayor more.

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