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Everything posted by Korby

  1. Question to the AetherNetwork Community! What was the worst sit you've had to take in a gmod server? Please share what you did and what happened 😳 (For people who are admins in gmod servers)
  2. +1 One problem I have, how am I supposed to spawn the base? I'm super dumb don't judge me
  3. This goes back to before I joined this server. I'm mainly talking about Garnet Gaming. So you guys should know that Garnet Gaming is kind of bad and I hate the community there based off of my last post. However, I have a story from that server. So it all started maybe 2 months ago. I was building this base with my friend (The friend that I talked about in the last post). We were building and we finished and we were pretty proud of ourselves since we had another friend he didn't help us in building raid the base to test it out. It worked out perfectly! It was hard for him to get inside the base. Alright now to the fun part. We had a lot of printers in our base so we had to make sure we put it in a place nobody would hear it because if someone heard 8 printers inside my base, they would do anything to get their little greedy hands on our printers. With these 8 printers, we made like 100k an hour (The economy system was and still is trash in Garnet Gaming). You'd get a $500 paycheck as a Hitman. Very trash. Anyways, these party members apparently heard us talking about printers. That was my buddy who forgot to take his greasy finger off of the X button on his keyboard because moments later, someone was going through our base FAST. The way Garnet Gaming works is at spawn there is a vending machine that has perks that you can purchase from (The perks are overpriced). They had speed boost and jump boost so they went fast after unlocking the keypads. Also there is this one thing I forgot to mention, if you're a VIP member for Garnet Gaming, you get this little Keypad Cracker that can go faster than the regular one which is kind of unfair tbh but yea they had that so they went through the keypads pretty fast and they almost got in until I heard a beeping noise and told everyone to get into position. There was like 5 guys that came in. We killed 3 of them and then we had 2 cops come in and try do destroy our printers. Thankfully I had a shotgun to one tap them. However, I can't have this experience now because I'm banned from there. The reason is in my last Story Time. Thank you for reading this and hopefully you enjoyed reading it. Stick around to see more Story Times. Also, you can be apart of it too! Just message me on Discord or on the forums with your story and I'll give you credit! Discord: Korby#7777
  4. Question to the AetherNetwork Community! What was the worst thing you've done in a darkrp server? Please share what you did and what the admins did 😳
  5. If only the wire mod was fixed and actually working. I was great at using the wire mod. I used to be in a server a year ago that used wire mod. Everyone always said my base was difficult to get into. One because just how complicated it was to get in and two because I would have a little peak so I can kill people that are near my base.
  6. +1 This is a great man and he is a super nice dude to be around and I can totally see him become a great T-mod! I've never had bad interactions with him. Good luck on staff Festive!
  7. Thanks man! Also another thank you for actually reading the story!
  8. Question to the AetherNetwork Community! What was the most amount of money you've made in a darkrp server? Please share how you made all the money.
  9. Hey so you might be thinking what the hell is this. Well there is this community on reddit called r/AskReddit where a user asks a community a question about whatever and they answer. This thing I'm gonna start called Ask AetherNetwork! It's the same as r/AskReddit. I'm gonna ask the community a question. Specifically Garry's Mod! Actually it all depends on where I post it. If it has to do with Garry's Mod I'm gonna post it here. If it has to do with anything not related to Garry's Mod, I'm gonna post it in the General Discussion Area!
  10. The nicest thing someone has done to me on AetherNetwork was tip me $9,000,000
  11. Another story I have about being in the community is how I made $60,000,000 in only 3 days. Keep in mind I'm very new to the server so this is kind of a surprise to me and might be for other people. Alright let me start it off. I got banned from a server named Garnet Gaming that I played all the time. I got banned for "Scamming". It was a 2 week ban so it isn't too long. The problem occurred when my friend helped me raid a base with a crap ton of printers. The guy who owned the base had like 8 alts and 2 friends that placed down printers to help make him money. We heard the printers and decided to raid it. We got like $18,000,000 out of it. After we collected the money we decided to do a little trolling and destroy them. The 2 afk friends that I mentioned earlier were making meth. We collected the meth and killed everyone inside. After we raided we went out and instantly get ambushed and killed. We were instantly put into a sit and the guy and the 2 afk friends were saying we scammed them and that we were scumbags and we deserved to get banned. The admins didn't have any proof from anyone that we scammed. However, they still decided to ban us even though we've had a clean record. Fast forward a day after I got banned. It's a regular average Friday for me. I was bored watching tv until I decided to go on a 2 hour walk (This is completely irrelevant to the story but I just wanted to add this in). After my walk, I showered and got on my computer and wanted to look for new Garry's Mod darkrp servers to play on while I got banned. I figured instead I'd go watch some darkrp videos on YouTube. I see a video on my recommendation about why GarnetGaming is a racist server and it's player count is botted and the admins are trash and stuff. Knowing I got banned from the literally the day before, I decided to click on it. I don't know if I'm allowed to send links in the forums to a YouTube video but I'll let the mods decide if I can or not. If I'm allowed to do so, I'll edit this post and send the link. It talked about a lot saying that half of the player count in the darkrp server is just afk alt accounts. Basically meaning the other half is just actual people playing the game. Fast forward again like 15 minutes later, I look at a website that like shows popular Garry's Mod servers based off of player count. I see Aether Network on there and decide "Hm let me check it out". I join the server and there's only like 14 people. I question why but it was like 2 AM and thought "Well it is 2 in the morning". I join and see @Danny_Mcflurry. He sees that I'm new and tells me he wants to buy some crates off of me. Me just joining and not know what the hell was going on since it was 2 AM, I asked him "What are you talking about?". This was the little special gift thing that was free that gave you like 5 crates. I got the crates and he gave me 5 death machines (Kind of OP tbh. I still have it in my inventory). I started off with 700k which is surprising. I'm pretty sure it was from a mystery crate that I got when which gave me 300k and I lost it from gambling lmao. The next day, I log on to the server to meet like 40 players which I only remember very little but here are the people I interacted with on that day. @Enzo, @Tech9cat808, @BigBird_01, GDK, @Danny_Mcflurry (Again), and @FestiveButtsLol. Oh and also the guy who tipped me $9,000,000 (I mentioned that in my last post). I made roughly around $40,000,000 from that day. Yup again you heard that right! The number 40 with 6 zeros! On Sunday, I was starting to learn more about the servers and the stuff I can do. I made meth and money from money printers (IN GAME DON'T TAKE IT SERIOUSLY LMFAO). I made 15 million from doing that which got me to $55,000,000! I then decided to do nothing and just interact with the community all day. Yesterday at like 4 AM, I decided to become a Hobo and see how much I would make. Turns out the amount of money you can get as a Hobo is 10 million an hour just going through dumpsters. I made 5 million off of it which now leads to $60,000,000! That's my current amount of money as of right now. Hope you guys enjoyed this long story. In my last post I mentioned that I have more stories to share with this community. I will post 1 or 2 tomorrow maybe so come check out the forums every so often to see that. I'll also tell my stories in the server so if you find me and you want a story, just ask me! I'll be happy to share one with you! Thank you for reading all this and I hope you guys have a wonderful day.
  12. Yea I just started noticing that bodyguards for a gun dealer can make a lot. Especially from the nice people who decide to give ya a little peace offering
  13. Goodbye Barry! I've never talked to you before but I assume you were a great man.
  14. Korby


    Yes among us +1
  15. So I have a pretty long story to tell. I started out as a hitman until I see across the street when I'm looking for my hit a store named "The fucking gun store". I go to the gun store and I see FestiveButts and I ask him if he needs a bodyguard. He says yes so I switch to a citizen and gives me owner on the doors so I'm allowed to enforce the KOS sign that's right there. We've gotten raided a couple of times but most of the time it isn't a success unless the person has an RPG. We didn't really have anything valuable so they really didn't have anything to raid. Now let me get to the point. We had a ton of customers. We had like 15 customers every 10-15 minutes and they were all pretty nice except the ones who had bad intentions and by bad intentions I mean intentions to raid the gun shop. We had this one customer I think his user was whitt2k18 or something like that. He was a Bitcoin Miner and this dude made bank because we had tip jars in case anybody wants to put in a little money and also so FestiveButts can pay me. This guy went crazy and gave me $9,000,000! Yup you saw that right! A 9 with 6 zeros. Kind of a crazy interaction I had with the community and I have more stories to tell in the server and on the forums so just stick around!
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