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Posts posted by Donnie

  1. Jim, 

    I was trying to leave the area you were in on purpose, and you decided to then follow me and kill an innocent person whilst trying to kill me. I don't know what gave you the idea it's okay to kill me in the first place even if that were your intention. You knew what you were trying to do, and you succeeded. It's clear from your clip it wasn't an accident. I chose to exercise the 1d ban as per your many active RDM warnings, which the last one was reduced already and I didn't feel like your best intentions were present in this situation. Don't RDM people and you won't have to be jailed / banned it's very simple.


  2. 9 minutes ago, Settle said:

    if i'm not gonna be unbanned can it at least be reduced from perm. that's insane. 

    A wise man once said: "'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". 

    • Silly 2
  3. If you haven't changed from the first time you were perm banned back in 2021, and just recently in October had the perm reinstated due to more racism. I don't think you've changed in two months, and frankly I don't believe you ever will change. 


  4. JimJob,

    Based off the evidence in logs as provided below (please remember the events go bottom to top):

    Mr Soon mugged you in-game and then you decided to off yourself, thus ending your current RP life and beginning a fresh one. Meaning, you may not return to kill Mr Soon for mugging you in your previous life. As you are an ex member of Staff, I am certain you already understand this and realize by doing so that it is considered RDM. 

    Best wishes,

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, luxeray said:

    I dont see anything extremely sus in its self, he just used the tracker feature to find perc over the span of a minute.

    Does tracker let you know when you're looking at people through walls? I understand tracker will show a lesser distance as you get closer to the target.


    The cross hair placement is pretty damning, when Jacob is looking right at Perc (through the wall / floor) whilst going through warehouse.

  6. Donnie's 2023 Holiday Season Giveaway

    Happy Holiday Season Everyone!

    To enter, comment below these things:

    1. Explain why you should win.
    2. Something you genuinely enjoy about Aether Network.
    3. (Optional) Post your favorite screenshot from the server.


    The winners shall receive one of three prizes:
    1st. Zombie Slayer (Limited)
    2nd. Fire Bending (Limited)
    3rd. Hole In One (Limited)

    Good luck! I look forward to seeing everyone's posts!
    Only post 1 time, if you post multiple times your posts will be removed and you will be disqualified.
    Giveaway ends December 24 2023 23:59 EST

    • Love 4
  7. At the end of the day, it is ultimately up to the sit taker to choose whether you receive a punishment / warning etc. Whether the victim wants the offender warned / jailed / banned that does not take precedence over the Staff member's own decision in the matter. Sorry Bees, it's a -1 from me.

    • Like 3
  8. Daedera,

    The reason we are here is believed to be crossfire, but after reviewing the evidence from logs it appears you made a direct impact killing the player that reported you for RDM. Now, even if this was a case of crossfire I can never stress enough how important it is to be careful in busy areas of the map (spawn tunnel, fountain etc.) The crucifier’s alt fire deals a great radius of damage that can easily kill multiple players if they are close enough. Splash damage / direct damage doesn't overly matter. You already had four active warnings for RDM, and some have even been reduced already and one RIS with the note about AOE damage from yesterday. So I know this isn’t a case of you not knowing the rules on this and couldn’t justify leniency at the time of this event. I hope this can be somewhat of a learning lesson and be more careful in the future.


    • Love 1
  9. Sir Monke,

    The warnings are valid based on the context provided in this thread. The hate speech warning is warranted due to you playing a song on TV that is just the N word over and over again, there was a delay with the warning due to G00ch receiving confirmation about issuing the warning. You did also display toxicity by choosing to blast out server wide messages being toxic to G00ch. As for Wasting Staff Time, this could be seen many ways, but the sheer amount of time you took just to get a reaction out of G00ch, poking and prodding at them “are you pressed” and the like all the while not trying to make any progress in the sit whilst being uncooperative and making snide messages, just continuing trying to get a reaction out of G00ch. You ultimately did get a reaction from G00ch, although it could be seen as unpleasant. This reaction was only due to how you were treating them. I will see that they are talked to about this situation and how to deal with it in a more professional manner in the future. Thanks for the report. Denied.

    • Like 1
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    • Cool 1
    • Surprised 1
  10. For some back story;

    I issued the first warning earlier this week or last week. I found you avoiding AFK detection as Banker. I changed your job to citizen, respawned you and issued a written warning. When you were back from being AFK I pm'd you several times to let you know what had happened, and the fact you were warned. Whether you acknowledged my messages I am uncertain. And apparently as per @luxeray, you were also informed from other staff  prior to these warns about the same thing.


    It's a -1 from me sorry.

    • Like 1
  11. Zoran, 

    Your application looks good. I have only had positive interactions with you in game. If you can remain active consistently active, I don't have a problem +1 as I think you should have a shot at Staff.


    Looks like you haven't been on in a few days, but played a lot the days you were on!

    +1 unless activity continues to die off.


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