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Ant last won the day on August 22 2024

Ant had the most liked content!

About Ant

  • Birthday 08/26/2004

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  1. +1 I see you on at least once a day & I don’t see or hear you breaking rules.
  2. Based on the context given to me privately, I rate you +1 now instead of +/-. Since the nlr warning was not logged at all in the warning menu & the rest of all your warnings are RIS, I don't see nothing wrong with you taking care of us as a staff member even with your humor, just as long as but based on my experiences with you so far, I don't see you doing anything related to that example I stated.
  3. +/- + : I have only seen you when you're raiding me & you don't cause any rule breaking issues while you're raiding, nothing related to cum especially. In my opinion as long as you are not bothering anybody by forcing people to do uncomfortable things (ex. physgunning textscreens inside bases to force players inside to read it.) then there should be no problem, unless if someone communicates to you that what you're doing is making them uncomfortable & you don't respect it. At the end of the day though, it's all up to how the owner of the server feels about it. - : Only because you have gotten an nlr WW while under tmod probation, but would be +1 if it was RIS or if you got it cleared through warn appeals because it seems like it was an accident & accidental rule breaks should always result in being let go or being given a RIS warning (as stated by Monika in 7am's RIS warn appeal post.) instead of a WW.
  4. I see, I think I understand it now. Thanks again ziggy.
  5. did u rizz me with that word? you taught me "rizz", now what does "watdasigma" mean G?
  6. I'm just replying + it keeps my clash royale montage "bumped"/up there for more people to see, but tbh I would rather people reply to my post on the Uno Reverse Buff instead of this post tho.
  7. I never said I wasn't okay lol, I just said everyone all has issues in life. Did I really have to clarify that or is it because you're possibly still being cared for by mommy & daddy? You can call me whatever, I'd rather be called names/phrases than have to "call" someone to speak for me lmao.
  8. which is it lmao if u think ur the only one with issues & not everyone else in this world. you need to go out more.
  9. I'm sorry, but that joke does not make sense to me, it's not like I said "are you autistic?" to Tani & you replied to it with "no, im autistic". Replying with "Someone called?" to "You just might be autistic" as a joke makes less sense than the idea of Tani actually hitting you up to ask you if the server is giving users schizophrenia especially since you also said:
  10. No need to thank me at all & actually I wanna thank you for clearing the air for me. I didn't want to assume he was autistic, but your reply verified it by showing he can't speak up for himself & has to "call" you for support like you're his special needs chaperone because of the symptoms that autism has such as speech delay.
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