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Depthful's Staff Application (Again)

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AetherNetwork Staff Application

  • In-Game Name (List ALL variations, if accepted your Forum/Discord name will be changed to your most used one): Depthful
  • Age: 19
  • Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:244751567
  • Discord Tag pianocat99
  • Total Playtime (24 hours/1 day REQUIRED): 1 week 5 days  16 hours 32 minutes
  • Timezone: EST
  • Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198449768862/
  • Times you're most active (If you have a unpredictable schedule let us know): 9am - 4pm and 9pm - 12am Monday - Friday. Weekends unpredictable

General Questions

  • How can you contribute to Aether?: I've done most of what i want to do and have obtained most of the weapons i want so i mostly spend my time helping new players and goofing around. As for activity, Most of my classwork is online ( except for a few exams every few weeks ) so i am able to be on pretty often.
  • Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?: Sir Yes Sir 🫡
  • Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to?: Of course. You can always be doing something wrong without even knowing it. Listening to other's advice and opinions can help you improve and correct any errors you may be making before they cause issues.
  • Are you certain you will be able to staff consistently every week whilst holding this position?:  Yes. Unless something unforeseen happens like getting super sick.

DarkRP Rule Questions

  • Give an example of RDM: Shooting someone because they are using an annoying swep next to you
  • Give an example of NLR:   Getting killed by a player outside of bank and then going back to defend 47 seconds later as PD because your game was bugging out and didn't show timer
  • How many entrances does your base need?: at least 1 working
  • What sign would a player place on their base to avoid being raided whilst having no raidables?: Either RP only or Building depending on the situation
  • If you get RDM'd are you allowed to kill the RDMer back without repercussions?: No because that would still be RDM. If the RDMer tries  to RDM you again, you can defend yourself in the moment.
  • If your party member gets damaged are you allowed to kill the attacker?: Yes because you are allowed to defend your party in all situations
  • Give an example of a Staff abusing their powers: Being in a VC with a friend and telling them who you are about to pull to a sit so they can go raid that person while they are in a sit and cant defend.
Edited by Depthful
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2 hours ago, Depthful said:

melony told me to put that there idk why. Now that i think about it they may have asked me to tell people to come TO amber's pizza hut...



The whole "cum" joke is borderline, in certain situations some may take offense or even act as if they take offense to this type of humor just to stir up issues and drama. To avoid these issues, we expect staff to steer farther away from making these jokes and builds. I'm not gonna -1 you solely off of these, but this behavior does seem reoccurring and would have to stop if you expect to be staff.

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13 minutes ago, dr. snortthisperc said:



The whole "cum" joke is borderline, in certain situations some may take offense or even act as if they take offense to this type of humor just to stir up issues and drama. To avoid these issues, we expect staff to steer farther away from making these jokes and builds. I'm not gonna -1 you solely off of these, but this behavior does seem reoccurring and would have to stop if you expect to be staff.

I agree with this you as staff represent the server so if you do get accepted be sure to stop this or at least tone this down by 90%

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19 minutes ago, dr. snortthisperc said:



The whole "cum" joke is borderline, in certain situations some may take offense or even act as if they take offense to this type of humor just to stir up issues and drama. To avoid these issues, we expect staff to steer farther away from making these jokes and builds. I'm not gonna -1 you solely off of these, but this behavior does seem reoccurring and would have to stop if you expect to be staff.

Understood 🫡

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3 hours ago, Depthful said:

melony told me to put that there idk why. Now that i think about it they may have asked me to tell people to come TO amber's pizza hut...

This response is what concerns me the most here. If you can’t take responsibility for something like this then it would be hard to trust you with the responsibilities of staff. I understand wanting to joke around and have fun but if you want to staff then you do have to take things a bit more serious. 

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1 hour ago, ThiccYe said:

This response is what concerns me the most here. If you can’t take responsibility for something like this then it would be hard to trust you with the responsibilities of staff. I understand wanting to joke around and have fun but if you want to staff then you do have to take things a bit more serious. 

That response was meant to be a joke because that was the context of the message ❤️

He asked us to tell people to come to Amber's pizza hut because thats what his shop was called and we thought itd be funny to put a text sign saying that instead

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If you can drop the jokes/builds about bodily fluids, +1. Everyone who commented on that already said what I wanted to say other than its kinda gross/unneeded. Not everyone is a fan of that type of humor.

Aside from that, you're a good guy. You have remained active and haven't gotten warned since your last app. You should have your official shot at staffing.

Edited by Monika
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3 hours ago, Monika said:

 Not everyone is a fan of that type of humor.


Totally agree with this, like sure sometimes people put signs around saying "cum" and sure call me a loser or some shit but i ask a admin to kindly remove it.

I feel you would be a great staff member, as Monika said if you drop the jokes, +1

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