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Enzo last won the day on March 6

Enzo had the most liked content!

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Enzo's Achievements

  1. Changing my vote to, -1, The bloke has went MIA.
  2. -1, Link to DarkRP rules: Link to Staff handbook: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1B8epud7h4ptV5xRB5LDK19VGJ1J5Ntr60uKqJxRyKGg/edit#heading=h.ab12tea4elen Incorrect. A player can still steal raidables as long their job description states that they can. Correct, but please explain why is that the case. This raid advert isn't allowed on Aether. What if he didn't have any pervious warns? What do you do from there? You mean physgun? Also, you must issue a gag / mute upon the player if the show signs of refusing to cooperate and continue on with the admin sit. If they're in disfavour of your punishment, they have to make a staff report / warn removal on the forums rather than making a support ticket on the aether discord. How long will you ban them for? Yes and no. I would only warn the person if it's a repeated offense based on their warns.
  3. -1, I advise that you stray away from being a nighttime only staff and your server activity isn't quite there yet. Also, your server activities is lacking based on the server's battlemetric.
  4. Changing my vote to , -1, Your playtime according to the server's battlemetric shows that your server activities quite lacking.
  5. I strongly advise you to get yourself a planner or use Google Calendar as it is clear as day that you lack time management skills. This will allow you to better plan out your entire schedule, organise your tasks, and managing your time better.
  6. +1, Has an extensive amount of knowledge of the DarkRP ruling and staff handling. He also has taken Jman's advice into consideration after the decline of his first staff app. Has showcased that he is extremely level headed which is quite the necessities for future staffs especially for those who can staff under pressure. Had no negative interactions with you prior to the creation of the staff app.
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