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akuma last won the day on October 17 2023

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About akuma

  • Birthday 02/16/2003

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  1. i'm going to be resigning from staffing as well as playing daily i don't really wanna make this deep or write anything like it matters a whole lot but i figured i should at least make this post to let ppl know i enjoyed our time together but i feel like i'm distracting myself so for that reason i must go i took a little bit to think before making this decision so i'm definite on it at this point, i appreciate you all take care love more
  2. awesome app, friendly guy GOOD STUFF I LIKE PHAT +1
  3. jman please disable breaking props i can't live in peace wit all these ppl breakin my SHIT 🙏
  4. Requesting 15m jail for smell advisory warning
  5. In-Game Name: akuma SteamID: STEAM_0:0:64819830, 76561198089905388 Player/Staff You Are Reporting's Name: @Jouaram Is This Complaint For A Staff Member Or Player?: Player Reason For Complaint: player was found bitcoin farming inside of base with building sign smfh 😑 jram.mp4
  6. Really great answers here, well constructed and not too long. The format is clean and easy to read as well. Definitely an improvement from your last application, and it shows you're serious about this in my eyes. You got your last application denied due to being warned while it was active, however, you did not let this stop you from turning in a brand new app immediately (an even better one at that). I also see this as a good quality, and I'm sure the other staff can agree with that as well. Good luck luxe, +1
  7. excellent app, a really chill and down-to-earth person. every interaction we've had you are super friendly and easy to hold a conversation with +1
  8. @Arestios Thanks for the reply, man. The first two quotes I was aware of, but I didn't put enough thought into the questions. I appreciate you pointing those out for me. This is different from what I'm used to, but I'm glad to hear you guys are working towards not being too strict, while at the same time standing your ground on certain offenses. I have no issues working with you guys and learning more leniency in dealing with sits. This was also just me giving poor thought into the question. I definitely would warn them with NITRP and punish accordingly based off previous warns. Thanks again for this well-thought reply, and all the points you made on the post. Also, you're right, the staff handbook will come in handy. Hopefully I'll get to see you around sometime soon if possible. ❤️
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