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dr. snortthisperc

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dr. snortthisperc last won the day on April 20

dr. snortthisperc had the most liked content!

About dr. snortthisperc

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  1. It's all about the way you build your base and its defensive points, but there are plenty of bases to fit all of you?
  2. My favorite thing about the cannabis/weed job is that you spawn 4 pots and you're already making money. I just don't understand why 5 people would need an entire mega base/district when there's already garages and other bases that could fit you all. I don't think mega bases belong on Aether at all 😞
  3. I thought this was @luxeray at first and i was like oh no welcome back homie lmao
  4. i should win so i can have another custom role
  5. This response doesn't really sit with me the right way. Even if multiple people pointed out that you had written down the wrong answer, it's pretty out of pocket to give a response like this; because as staff you're expected to remain as professional as possible no matter what the situation is. If you can't take a couple critiques then maybe staffing isn't for you. If this is just a one time thing and won't be a problem, then I'm honestly for this application given you continue to be active. You seem like a chill and funny person who wants to help out and I'm all for that. +/- for now.
  6. Hope to meet you in-game soon!
  7. -1 recent warnings things have changed, i'll be watching you
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