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  • 945149699_TylerChilders-JerseyGiant.mp3

Tremor last won the day on July 14

Tremor had the most liked content!

About Tremor

  • Birthday January 23

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Tremor's Achievements

  1. -1 You expressed concerning behavior staffing on the server as well as with mentees that was not beneficial to the learning experience or growth of new staff, this behavior was so far removed from what was correct that is caused continued issues with not only having to re teach your mentee but also help him unlearn all of the extremely incorrect behavior to display and rules that was taught to him. I feel you saying " I was temporarily Relived of Mentor Status" is masking the depth of the truth. You also had a extremely negative outlook in last 1-2 months of your staffing, you were notoriously short with players and honestly rude to the point I was confused as well as others on why you chose to continue to staffing as you outwardly seemed as though you did not enjoy all aspects of it. You also incorrectly enforced the rules and when confronted about it, really did not do a good job of accepting it and moving on. Your activity is also concerning, you went from 0 hours to 22-24 hours immediately and have continued to do so, idling this server for that long as a staff applicant removes any ability to gauge your real activity numbers. Also, if this is legitimate playtime, its concerning in its own right. I understand as to why people would give +1's as I also have fond memories of your staffing in the early days but rapidly joining the server, boosting hours back up without really addressing your previous issues when you left and completely underplaying is concerning enough for me to warrant a -1 and in my opinion the wrong way to go about a re rank. Please understand this is just my side, but I feel its right to bring up what I witnessed as staff as I feel it is relevant.
  2. Please keep my husbands name out of your mouth, thanks
  3. You were always great to chat with, hope to see ya round and back staffing some day Happy Trails
  4. This could use elaboration, do you mean return to the area or actually yes they can recontinue the raid? Instead of either or you would actually check the players previous warnings then base there next punishment on that. the order is WW->5m jail -> 10m Jail - > up to a 1d ban 1 RP and 1 Non RP as part of the new rules Summary: Overall you are a solid long time player with no issues or serious warns and are an active positive member of the community, your app could use a little work but nothing we couldn't work out over the tmod phase. +1
  5. You have a pretty longstanding playtime on the server as well as a pretty good reputation and being consistently active. I know you have in the passed done a bit of more minor rulebreaking but have not in quite a long time. As long as you maintain this good behavior and solid playtime you should have zero issues with staffing. +1
  6. I should win because it would be cool if I won I think
  7. All love, you were great staff while u were around Happy Trails
  8. Adios for now my man, you were fantastic at staffing while you were around and it truly showed by your impact on the community. Happy Trails
  9. I don't really understand this, the old version of tits unbelievably stale and the new map is exactly the same with the addition of some spots but everything else stayed the same. Even all the old dupes work, not to mention ridiculously better performance. Is there a specific part of the new map you think is worse?
  10. bye for now, hope to see ya again 🌽
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