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About Fang

  • Birthday 11/09/2003

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  • Hyped for Weekend EVENTS
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  1. ;w; why am I lower than @Mr PeckerI call biased
  2. All comments above have stated good points, and I agree with them! Good Luck!!!!! +1
  3. I think by far, my favorite is pretending to be an AI. Some kid came up to me and said "Hey Fang, type kill in console" I repeated back to them and said "Typing kill in console" and died in front of them.
  4. Welcome, I hope to see you around in-game!!! ❤️❤️
  5. It does, but it's quite annoying in my opinion to use during a boss fight. It damages other players, and makes it harder for them to participate. There's other super good weapons out there for sure!
  6. Post photos you've taken of food in here. Has to be something you took a photo of IRL. (don't google search nerd) Show off your cooking skills, meals, desserts, etc. (even if you ordered, or even a restaurant counts) Since there isn't a cooking channel in discord! *cough cough* Signed Fang
  7. +1 You are such a chill player! Never had a bad interaction with you. Everyone has summed it up really well above, and I think you should have a shot at being a staff! Good Luck Signed, Fang
  8. 🤣😂 I love ya bitch, ain't never gonna stop loving youuuuu bitchhhh
  9. AetherNetwork Staff Application In-Game Name (List ALL variations, if accepted your Forum/Discord name will be changed to your most used one): Fang or Sweet Fang Age: 19 years old Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:128968393 / 76561198218202515 Discord Tag: sweetfangvt Total Playtime (48 hours/2 days REQUIRED): 6d 17h 20m Timezone: Eastern (EST) Steam Profile: https://steamcommunity.com/id/buyingsouls/ Times you're most active (If you have a unpredictable schedule let us know): Anytime after 3pm EST till around 10pm EST unless it’s the weekends probably later. General Questions How can you contribute to Aether?: Although I haven’t been a part of the AetherNetwork community. I’m positive, I’ve connected with most of the community who(s) active during the normal times I’m active. I have a fun side, which helps engage players and other staff within game play. But, I have a serious side (not too serious) but enough in which I believe it to be helpful to the staff team. As I stated in my last application, I have a lot of experience. My experience extends to being on the wrong side of staff in my early days of Garry’s Mod, and the good side were I was staff on multiple server(s) at different times of course because you aren’t allowed to multi staff unless it’s in different games. Besides that point. I know both struggles, although I’m not on the wrong side anymore (fingers crossed.) I wanna help those that understand that there’s more than causing issues within such a loving, and fun community like AetherNetworks. This is one of the first DarkRP servers in a long time that I’ve felt like a player, and safe to just BUILD. The staff help protect player(s) game play experience and the environment within the Aether Networks community. I’d love to be a part of such a hard working team, and help out in places some can’t or even during times some staff aren’t available. I feel I have the helpful energy, and pleasant personally to help out in sit situations. (and plenty of situations to come my way.) Although I’m not perfect, no one is, I’m always learning to grow and adapt when it’s needed. Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?: Yes, although my problem last time was I misunderstood a few rules. (KOS sign, and a couple issues in-game in which I got answers to and noted) I do read over them when I have any questions, or double check with staff. I’ve been working very hard to remember the rules and understand them to my fullest extent. I’m not a robot, so I won’t fully remember them, which is why I have the tab pinned on my google chrome and bookmarked within a AetherNetwork folder inside my Garry’s Mod bookmarks folder. (Very organized wow) Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to?: Of course, everyone has different experiences no matter the rank within a community. Everyone has useful knowledge and should be heard out. And you should always listen to your higher ups, but don’t ever put the lower ranks down. Plus everyone needs help sometimes, and everyone gets overwhelmed in situations. It’s always good to listen to someone that might overhear or even watch in on sits. And I know staff shouldn’t make mistakes, but if you do and another staff explains that. Take the information, process, and improve. That makes you a better staff, being able to know when to be reliable and to be able to lean on others. Teamwork makes the dream work! Are you certain you will be able to staff for 5 hours a week and finish at least 50 sits every 2 weeks?: 24h a day, 168h in a week (Totally didn’t look that up) It’s still quite possible to get more than 5+ hours in a week for staff requirements. And the amount of sits that occur each day, I feel it’ll be a piece of cake to complete 50 sits. When is there never not a situation that may require a staff? Well the answer is, most times but not all. But it’s completely possible and I’m up to the task. DarkRP Rule Questions Raids can last how long?: Raids can last up to 10 minutes after your initial advert in chat, to the according base. [ Example: Party Raids, PD Raids, Bank Raids, and Normal Raids ] If a player in your party dies whilst raiding, how long do they have to wait to come back and raid the same base again?: For raiding the same base the cooldown is 30 minutes from when your party finishes or fails. All cooldowns are shared within a party. If you are solo raiding, you [ yourself] must wait 30 minutes after finishing the raid or failing the raid. What initiates a raid?: How raids are initiated, are by doing the appropriate adverts in chat. If you have to lockpick a door, you must advert before using raid tools. If you don’t have to lockpick the door, and can walk in to a fading door then you can advert within the base. You CAN NOT raid before adverting. And you are allowed to be within a base, change jobs, and then advert a raid. If no raiding tool is being used can the player steal the item from a base without an advert?: No, you need to advert in chat before using any raiding tools you have available. The only exception to this statement is if the raidables are within reach, and you don’t have to use raiding tools. So in that case, you wouldn’t need to advert any raid and no cooldown would be applied to that situation. [ Example ] Meth Head is making meth in the streets or even alleyways. If you can walk up and grab the meth falling from the barrels, it’s up for grabs because it’s not protected. Same for shrooms. [ Raid Tool Example ] As for bitcoin, you’d need to use a raiding tool to access any of the money since the system locks anyone out that isn’t the owner. Give an example of a valid raid advert (type it as you'd type it in-game): [ Example No.1 of raid adverts] /advert BANK RAID [ Example No. 2 of raid adverts] /advert PD RAID If the owner of the base is standing outside on their base entrances sidewalk as you're about to raid but haven't announced a raid yet, can you kill them?: No, in this situation you have initiated a raid in advert chat nor has the owner of the base harmed you. Also KOS signs don’t extend outside the base, they only extend to lines / inside your base. If you get arrested mid-raid can you return after your arrest?: No, in this situation you must have been counter raided. You would have to wait the raid cooldown. [ 30 minutes ] If you were party raiding, after your party finishes or fails the raid that’s when the cooldown begins for you to raid that same base. If you get RDM'd are you allowed to kill the RDMer back without repercussions?: If you are RDMed without a reason, make a sit. Don’t rage on other players or the one who wronged you. If the situation was severe and upset you, take a break from the game. It’s not fun being the one getting in trouble. Also there is an option to place a hit on said player, but don’t witch hunt them. [ That’s also bad, and can get you in major trouble ] A player punches somebody unprovoked and runs away, the player who got punched calls a sit - what punishment would you give the instigator?: In this situation, I’d inform the player they can do a warn advert. [ Example Below ] Players can also kill those who damage them, but always make sure it’s the correct person. If they are running away into safe zones, that is against the rules and is punishable. If they are constantly doing this, and depending on the severity of the situation… It is an attempt at RDM and ruining other(s) gameplay. Which is another punishable cause. I would try to reinforce the two options I listed first, if it continued and WITH PROOF. [ Action could be taken ] [ Example of advert ] /advert Warn 10 seconds to leave ] List all default Laws of The Land: - Raiding and Stealing is Illegal - Entities Detected by the Contraband Scanner are Illegal - Haming Players is Illegal Unless You are Inside Your Base. - Laws can be Enforced with KOS if the Player is Wanted. [ When Mayor disconnects or dies, their laws are removed while these laws stay] How many bases can you own per party?: One Rp-Only Base, and One Raidable Base. [Example No.1] If you are a Banker (Bank is your raidable base.) [Example No.2] If you are Mayor or Police (PD is your raidable base.) A player is refusing to co-operate with you in a staff sit, how do you handle the non-cooperative player?: Number one rule to situations like this is to stay calm. If it gets out of hand and you personally can’t handle it, give the sit to someone else or get help within the sit. Depending on the situation you’ll have to take steps to figuring out how to handle the player in question that’s refusing to co-operate. Asset the situation. Evidence needed depending on if logs can help, or depending on the situation. Both sides to the story, if they are talking over each other, prompt them that you’ll mute both parties and do one at a time if they can’t take turns. If you have no evidence from the reporting party, then there isn’t much you can do to convict a non-cooperative player if you can’t prove what they did. Can you punish a player for intentionally ruining others time, even if they say it's out of fun?: Yes, it is possible to punish a player for intentionally ruining other(s) time within the AetherNetworks community. Depending on the situation, some can be verbally warned or given a warning. Other situations can lead to bans, or even perma bans. [ Example No.1 ] Targeting audiences in chat, and causing those player(s) to become upset could lead to only a chat mute and warning, or worse. [ Example No.2 ] Harassing Excessively. After being told / warned to leave the player being harassed alone, and you continue that would end in a ban with the according time. [ Example No.3 ] Excessively creating an unhealthy environment for the server and players, would lead to a perma ban. (Drama, Toxicity, Malicious Intents, etc are not allowed or welcomed within the AetherNetworks community) I know we all wanna have fun in our own way, but treating others the way you wanna be treated is always the golden rule. Although this is a “video game” it’s also a place for people to unwind and relax. It’s also a place to make friends, and enjoy yourself. With that being said, it’s still the internet and a video game. Beware who you trust, and become comfortable with. Stay safe on the internet gamers ❤️ Give an example of a Staff abusing their powers and how you would handle it: Evidence from you or a player, and COC follows (chain of command.) But in situations with other staff, if you are a tmod go to a higher up not another mod. That’s how drama and issues are spread. Do keep the situation to yourself and the higher up involved. After the higher up handles it, the situation is over and dropped. A player is excessively RDMing, how would you intervene/stop them from continuing and what punishment would you give?: I would freeze, (to keep the player from ruining anymore players gameplay) & to give myself time to jail the said player for the amount of time I can jail. After that, I’d COC it up and have it handled further. A Mayor enabled a lockdown without reason and is refusing to turn it off, how do you resolve this?: First, bring the mayor to adminland, or an area where I could speak with them privately and not be interrupted. I’d ask them why the lockdown was initiated, and why it’s continued for such a long time without reason in the advert chat. If they are non-cooperative, I would demote them from the job and give the punishment according to the staff handbook. Extra Comments: Fun Fact: “Flamingos bend their legs at the ankle, not the knee” ** To save people time, and to set the record straight. Yes, I do have one warning on file. Yes, it was recent. The warning was given in a resolved sit, as a written warning. The warning was for RDM, due to a fail KOS sign. I learned from the situation and fixed my sign instantly. ** Thank you for taking the time to read my application! Signed, Fang
  10. OH NO RUNNNNNN! jk Hello There unless.....
  11. You only began to bully me, even sided with jerry and called me a chicken 😟 you'll definitely be missed
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