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Everything posted by Enzo

  1. -1, There were a few instances where you were being toxic towards others in the OOC which isn't a good look on staff. Correct, but please explain why is that the case. The term you're looking for is NITRP (No intent to RP). Yes and no. You have to give them the chance to end the lockdown on their end first before doing this. You must gag / mute the player and continue on with this sit. If they're RDMing / RDAing during the admin, jail / freeze them and add additional punishments to their warn.
  2. Instructions unclear. Sent to Brazil
  3. Zig got the minges quaking in their boots. would promote to trial super sadmin
  4. If no staffs are active, make a report under the player/staff report section and follow the format below.
  5. Changing my vote to, +1, While he has went MIA from staffing for 2 years, he showcased that he is quite knowledgeable and up to date with the server rules. He has also accepted the fact that he has fked up (referring to his discord ban that was lifted) and willing to improve moving forward. Extremely active on the server and has shown to be quite level headed which is quite an importance while being staff. Had no negative interactions with your prior to the creation of the staff app.
  6. Bold of you to assume that I wouldn't do it
  7. Can confirm, I was the concreate floor
  8. It's true. I was the gunstore
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