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Everything posted by MostDopeBigMan

  1. Errrrm I thought the moon was made out of 🧀 what da heck
  2. I hope u do good in school and wish u the best of luck I am gonna miss u tho pecker 👋☹️
  3. I should win because I entered last minute and I want a cool neat role
  4. Bro first day back from spring break I had a 50 in 8th period before I even went in the class you're finee
  5. Just wanted to see if people would fall for it I'm not leaving you bozos
  6. I miss the me when when I didn't know korby
  7. Taking this to forms buddy
  8. YUH 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥
  9. +1 mister is always nice to me + I have never seen him be toxic Also good staff app 🌞
  10. Shhhh don't tell them about the demonic rituals
  11. Omg you have warns but you seem to understand the rules well and filled the application out really well in my opinion so I think a +1 is well deserved here
  12. i almost never see people on artwork dealer as i see people on jobs like body builder or pimp and i just forgot artwork dealer was a job
  13. +1 this guy has played on the server for a long time and hes a cool and chill guy (i for sure did not just copy and past this from brd)
  14. I think I should win because I made this cool Halloween builds and I'm a Bigman
  15. i think i should win because i like ab and money
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