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Everything posted by ScrubDaman

  1. Haven't been on the past couple days because of big irl things, school starting soon and im working
  2. AetherNetwork Staff Application In-Game Name (List ALL variations, if accepted your Forum/Discord name will be changed to your most used one): Slippery Scrub / Scrub Age: 17 Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:129079836 Discord Tag: Scrub0864 Total Playtime (24 hours/1 day REQUIRED): 4 Days 12 Hours Timezone: EST (GMT - 05:00) Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198218425400 Times you're most active (If you have a unpredictable schedule let us know): Mildly unpredictable until Sept 9. I'm on almost every day for at least 2 hours though. General Questions How can you contribute to Aether?: I can contribute to Aether because I love the community. I am normally on when other staff aren't and I help as much as I can even when I'm not staff. With my schedule I am able to take sits during the late hours (11PM-2AM EST) and help players that normally play during those times when other staff are sleeping. I also feel like I could help the community grow and make everyone feel at home here. Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible?: Yes. I have read them fully and I am comfortable enforcing them. Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to?: Yes. I am willing to listen to any Staff Guide that is given. Are you certain you will be able to staff for 5 hours a week and finish at least 50 sits every 2 weeks?: Yes. I am sure I will be able to Staff for at least 5 hours a week, and do 50 sits per 2 weeks. DarkRP Rule Questions Raids can last how long?: 10 minutes from the advert. If a player in your party dies whilst raiding, how long do they have to wait to come back and raid the same base again?: 30 Minutes for regular bases. 20 minutes for PD/Bank Raids" What initiates a raid?: A Raid Advert. If no raiding tool is being used can the player steal the item from a base without an advert?: Yes, If it is accessible without tools, and the job permits it, then it is completely allowed. Give an example of a valid raid advert (type it as you'd type it in-game): /advert Raid , /advert PD Raid, /advert Bank Raid, /advert RAID Lemme in fool! If the owner of the base is standing outside on their base entrances sidewalk as you're about to raid but haven't announced a raid yet, can you kill them?: You have to wait until you announce the raid and then yes, if they are within microphone distance of the entrance you can. If you get arrested mid-raid can you return after your arrest?: No, the raid ends if you get arrested. you have to wait the 30 Minute cooldown. Although, if you are defending and you get arrested; you may go back to your base. If you get RDM'd are you allowed to kill the RDMer back without repercussions?: No, You have to have a proper RP reason to kill them, if you revenge RDM you will be punished the same way they do. A player punches somebody unprovoked and runs away, the player who got punched calls a sit - what punishment would you give the instigator?: They would get either a Formal Warn/Jail/ 1 day ban depending on recent warn history. List all default Laws of The Land: Raiding and stealing is illegal. | Raidables detected by the contraband scanner are always illegal. | Harming players is illegal unless you are inside your base defending it. | Laws can be enforced with KOS if the player is wanted. How many bases can you own per party?: 1 Raidable Base, and 1 RP Base per party A player is refusing to co-operate with you in a staff sit, how do you handle the non-cooperative player?: Depending on what they are doing I would either Gag/Mute, or I would freeze the player. Can you punish a player for intentionally ruining others time, even if they say it's out of fun?: Yes, if a player is being a minge, or has NITRP. Then they can be punished. They would be punished with Low-end Harassment. The warnings would go; Written Warning *With who they were targeting* | Warn/Jail for 15 minutes | Ban up to 3 days. Give an example of a Staff abusing their powers and how you would handle it: Flying into people's bases to raid them. I would get clips of it and send it to which ever higher up I would need to. *Following chain of command* A player is excessvely RDMing, how would you intervene/stop them from continuing and what punishment would you give?: I would tp them to sit rooms, and confront them on as to why they are MRDMing, then I would give them a ban for however long is needed. A Mayor enabled a lockdown without reason and is refusing to turn it off, how do you resolve this?: If the mayor turns on lockdown without a reason and refuses to turn it off. They would get a verbal warning to turn it off, and if they dont follow it would be a demotion off the job and a warn for failrp/Job abuse
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