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Everything posted by Danny_Mcflurry1

  1. Who's you top 3 fav staff of all of aether? mine would be.. 1- goldfishie 2- victus 3- Janet
  2. +1 Nice Guy Good in game time and is active ------------------------------------- - seems like he can get tilted but I think its a reasonable tilted most of the time. I think he deserves a chance P.S. I think people are over reacting with him asking for staff to come on.
  3. +1 Nice In game From what I've seen Great answers in app Active For sure Should get a chance at T-Mod Good luck
  4. Thanks For Edit I appreciate it a lot. ❤️ p.s. It was actually janet's 😮
  5. I dont recall ever seeing you so i understand the - 1 hopefully we can see each other in game soon 🙂
  6. + 1 One of Nicest/ funniest People on the Server Love playing with this amazing man Active Couldn't think of a Better Person for Mod ❤️ p.s. I know you stole my 19$ fortnite gift card ❤️
  7. i wasnt meaning to be snappy i talked with victus and i cleared a couple things with him but yeah i get why you see it that way 🙂
  8. IMO 14 hours isnt a small amount of time its over half a day...
  9. AetherNetwork.gg Staff Application In-Game Name (List ALL variations): Danny_Mcflurry Age: 16 Steam ID (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:1:57045839 Discord Tag:Danny_Mcflurry#8637 Total Playtime (Type !time in-game):6D 21h 9m Timezone: GMT Steam Profile (a link): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198074357407/ Times you're most active (The rough times you are able to be most active):12pm - 2am Some days will change as school and just other thing but will tell if I Wont be on for the Day But most days I will be on. DarkRP General Questions How can you contribute to Aether?: Although I have a low game time I feel like I could make the server enjoyable to play. Coming from the UK, I think the server Should Have more people from different time zones so the Server Would Be Well Staffed Throughout the day. I also Will take Sits whenever I am online Making sure to hear both sides of the story then making the choice I feel is right Eg: Verbal warning, jail or ban. I have been watching a lot of sits by mods and have learnt a lot from watching. Have you read the rules fully, understand and feel comfortable enforcing them as correctly as possible? (Yes/No): Of course. Are you willing to listen to any Staff member guide you as a Staff, even if you feel you don't need to? (Yes/No): 100% No one knows everything Straight away So I would Take all the help I could get. Are you certain you will be able to staff for several hours a week? (Yes/No): Definitely. DarkRP Rule Questions Raids can last how long?: 10 minutes No Longer. What initiates a raid?: Either adverting (/advert) Raid (/advert raid) or assist Raid (/advert Raid Assist) Or You can PD Raid (/advert PD Raid) But you have to specify between Each of the three. If the owner of the base is standing outside as you're about to raid, can you kill them?: Yes as long as they are with in a reasonable distance to the base. List 3 default Laws of The Land: 1. Kidnapping Is Illegal 2. Drugs and Money Printers are illegal 3. Shooting in public Is illegal. How many bases can you own per party?:One Base per party. A player is refusing to co-operate with you in a staff sit, how do you handle the non-cooperative player?: If the player is being uncooperative such as running from the sit I would Freeze the player so they will listen/talk, If the player is mic spamming or worse I would mute the player then possibly ban if they say something racist Etc, if they are shooting me/other players I would again freeze them then Warn then possibly jail. You see another staff member abusing their power (Give an example of a staff abusing and how you would handle it/who you would contact): If A Mod Was Abusing Such as PysGun Freeze/ Move random people I would tell them to stop as for the player it might be really annoying and might give you bad rep in the server if you they do it to many people. If They was In god mode while Roleplaying I would just remind them that they are in god mode and that they should be carful with that as some people get very annoyed when A Mod FailRP's. If They Noclip While Raiding I would Tell then to immediately Stop cheating. If the Mod continues To abuse Their Power Then I would warn them that if they carry on any longer that I would be Sending The recordings To a higher up And that they might Get demoted. A player is excessively RDMing/RDAing and breaking NLR (What is RDM/RDA and NLR? How do you determine if a player is breaking any of these?: If a player RDM’ED (random death match) someone I would check to see if it was really RDM the check warns then VW (verbal warning) Or Warn or worse if they have done this before. MRDM (Mass Random Death Match) is when a player kills a lot of people in a short time this is extremely bad and somewhat common unfortunately, most likely I would ban the player as soon as i can. RDA (Random Arrest) is when a player gets arrested for no reason by the police force I would do the same steps as if someone RDM’ED: making sure its fact that its RDA then VW or worse. NLR (New Life Rule) is when a player comes back to the same spot/ building after they have been killed they would have to wait 3 minutes before they could come back to the same place, I would do the same things as before. I would also ask for evidence (video etc) as it would help me to find out if the player really did RDM/RDA/NLR.
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